Opinion / Columnist
Zapu's Mguni S.G weighs in on critic Ryton Dzimiri: ORIGINAL COPY
31 Dec 2011 at 12:28hrs | Views

I have always been of opinion that Zapu must join the World in embracing
change in order to march majestically to the State House to rule
Zapu has many many advantages which when well harvested could see us form a Government of Zimbabwe soon after elections. In embracing change, I have always been of opinion that young operators produce better results than old and experienced heroes of yesteryear.
I have never made my opinion a secret nor have I made them in a treacherous manner, but I say it openly on pen and paper and put my name to it.
I do not beg anyone to be a member of Zapu whose founder Joshua Nkomo risked his entire sixty years of political life fighting so that I also, small as I am, can express my views openly and freely.
I have looked at all political parties in Zimbabwe with outmost scrutiny and found out that I will and must die in Zapu if I want to go to heaven. As a Christian, I will be happy that I changed my country for the good.
Politics is a choice as much as it is a choice to marry the woman I find fit. As a Christian I was taught at the age of two to choose good where a variety of confusion exists.
I was born in a Zanu dominated area in Zimbabwe by a Ndebele mother and a Shona father and I grew up to love my father as equal as my mother and both their languages. I saw the liberation war and how many Shona villagers were killed by Zanu in my home town and in my eyes. After independence I moved to Midlands Zapu dominated areas and the Zanu that had finished killing Shona Villagers during the war were starting to kill Ndebele villagers in front of me for the second time.
I was caught up in Gukurahundi for the sins of feeding Richard Gwesela an armed man. I went through harrowing torture by Zanu partisan Gukurahundi army and I am still carrying scars of that.
I then asked myself as a young boy who I really want to serve between a man who speaks through violence and death or a man who preaches peace every time. In 1981 at Rio-Tinto High School in Zhombe I listened to Joshua Nkomo and his messages of peace and reconciliation on public rallies. In 1982 I was beaten with a thorn shambock by David Mageu, a local Zanu militia, and frog marched to Robert Mugabes rally at Zhombe Mission Dam. At that rally President Mugabe orally said in my hearing that everyone who houses and feeds armed army Dissidents in Zhombe would be killed. In that year at Zhombe Mission known as St Martin De-pores, Mr Ziyambi another Zanu Minister preached about the coming "rains of Noah" to wash the filth of the land.
In 1983, Gukurahundi came and I had fed an Armed man at gun point at a family compound. I was tortured for many days and finally we left the homestead and escaped to Nkai.
In 1983 as a 14 year old boy in a hunt for Joshua Nkomo and his truth, I attended his rally at one of the burnt down sawing factory in Gweru near Kudzanai bus Terminus. I joined Zapu there fully and felt that it was in conformity with my Christian belief.
It is what Nkomo said in public rallies against what Mugabe said in public rallies which made me find Joshua Nkomo to be a messenger of peace. I will stand always with those genuine authentic people who choose peace and have a track record of such.
Joshua Nkomo has since died and as a 30 year old man who have fled Zanu in 1988 to South Africa I drove home to witness the funeral of my hero.
I am in Zapu because of Joshua Nkomo and his genuinity in looking at the Shona with the same spectacle he looked at the Ndebele. In Joshua Nkomo, I saw a gifted leader who respected the Shona language of my father and the Ndebele language of my mother alike.
Zapu properties were benefitting the poor in Harare as much as they were in Bulawayo and Midlands in 1980. He was a fair man neutral of satanic tribal bias that I openly saw in Zanu.
In 1987 on Christmass day at Bulawayo Centenary park, I had a life time opportunity just to shake the hand of Dumiso Dabengwa who had just been released from prison. This opportunity happened because I was walking in the park with my brother Ishmael Mlalazi who also had been released from the same detention with Dabengwa two years earlier.
When Zapu pulled out of its shambolic unity with Zanu in 2008 November, I was resident in UK and I immediately sought Zapu contact in Zimbabwe to help me know where to go and register my Zapu membership in UK. I was given the names of Tamsanqa Zhou and Zulu who were both in London and I live in South Wales.
I did all I could from my little corner to make sure that Zapu would glow and shine and earn the trust it truly deserves as the prudent ruling party in Zimbabwe. By 2009 I was voted the deputy Chairman of Zapu Wales in Cardiff. A month later the elected Chairman Mr Moyo quit and I was made the Chair.
Problems engulfed the elected Zapu PEC led by Mr Nick Ndebele and Mr Ralph Mguni took over as PEC Chairman of Zapu Europe. As well deserved, I wrote more than twenty comments on internet praising my Hero Ralph Mguni who had been elevated to a Party Secretary General and describing him as the best Zapu had ever produced.
Read the article below and look at the date and the tone of it: (Link)
0#1 Ryton Dzimiri 2010-09-19 05:23
"I feel proud that Zapu has produced envisioned, eloquent people like Dr Mguni.
This is the man who has proved himself over and over again to be a builder of a People's Party that was once in tatters. This is the man who stood up and risked it all to restore systems when people were beginning to give up.
I urge Europe Chairman and now Zupu Secretary General to use those qualities he has shown us in Europe to market Zapu as governing party of Zimbabwe.
Every fair person knows Zapu is a first authentical party formed by Zimbabweans of all make for the liberation of all Zimbabweans.
Every fair person knows that Zimbabwe was hijacked from a path to freedom, if it was free it would not be exporting refugees in millions.
Everybody knows that something has to be done to free the people of Zimbabwe and Zapu's five decade chronicle has to be adopted by all.
If Secretary General Mguni managed to re-align Zapu in Europe, he is surely marked to be a key instrument in re-aligning Zapu and give it back to all Zimbabweans to govern us.
A year ago I did mention that I see a Barack Obama of Southern Africa in Dr Mguni.
I have trust that the team of Zapu cadres who have been taken by Zapu National Executive will transfer their experience of civilised British political style into good use in Zimbabwe.
Able Nkosana Mthimkhulu was our vice Chairman. Getting elevated to National Committee is a great responsibility which makes you very close to becoming one of our fine ministers in 2013. It is what you do which makes the party choose you for any strategic position. We were all glued to radio Leicester listening to you market Zapu on BBC, your interview with Leicester Mercury. The contemporary way of marketing your Party is via media. If media is blocked away from the party then that party becomes a briefcase party.
Mr Mthimkhulu managed to cement the party together because of his humbly Seventh Day Adventist temperant conduct. He spoke only when necessary and avoided using divisive language. That is the unique quality which would enable Zapu to be received by many as a party of reason.
Go yee and Multiply"
I drive to Leicester spending my own £150 in fuel and hotel booking every time Zapu has a meeting in Leicester which is 275 km away for my Wales home. I am a Zapu member not because of any individual and if there is such an individual, I challenge them to reply me. I am a Zapu member simply because I was charmed by Joshua Nkomo and his truth.
I am not in Zapu to please or to be a puppet of anyone. If people do good things, I will praise them and if they fail to serve the office we bestow them, I quite well feel free to ask them openly and not in secrecy to stand down. My unit of performance measurement are the results those individuals produce while on the duty we empowered them to hold.
There is no individual I have issues with in Zapu as we just meet in party meetings and go home.
I judge every office bearer in Zapu not by how they look or how they have done well in the war of liberation, but by the results of their action of inaction today. I have openly said my often negative views even about my President Comrade Dumiso Dabengwa saying that the speed at which Zapu needs to run now needs a younger determined man and I named Methuseli as a better driver.
I have never met Methuseli but I read the way he markets Zapu when ever he writes and I feel he is a contemporary leader best placed to drive us. I respect Comrade Dabengwa and with his own mouth in 2008, he said he was re-igniting Zapu to hand it over to the younger. I know Dr Dabengwa is respected World over for his principles and expertise and I wish he does just that.
I can't keep on mentioning that Joshua Nkomo was 40 years when he first led Zapu in 1957 and Dr Dabengwa was 21 when he joined Zapu. I am of belief that younger operators bring better results.
The whole of year 2011 has been wasted in in Zapu Europe and the youth are very angry and disgruntled and our leaders in Zimbabwe will never know until we write things on public internet. Those who are trusted to report the state of the province in UK do not want free-lancers to express their feelings. They are too quick to cry that Ryton Dzimiri is a CIO.
They have placed the CIO tag to 75% Zapu followers in UK and meetings which used to attract 400 people in 2009 can only attract 70 people today. These are the results which guide me to judge the drivers of our Party. People of 2011 have shifted from the mindset of 1977 where a politician was to be followed without a single question. Contemporary politics in America as well as Afghanistan demands that a leader must be questioned and I am exercising just that. I question the driver's performance and I do so by querying one troubled individual to another.
In 2011 the Council of elders suspended Arthur Molife the Chairman for the charges that were never made public. This happened for about nine months and for nine months there was no activity in Zapu Europe. The Council of elders use 1961 tools of running political affairs in secrecy and the young Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, and academics who used to fill our meeting halls have left this old fashioned stagnant organisation which they were willing to oil. Those who gained positions only put decrees and they do not assess how the craft of their old fashioned strict rules destroy the potential of the party.
This is Europe where everyone has become an elite, most of us used to sell tomatoes at city hall in Bulawayo but over 10 years, Britain has changed the way we deal with issues. If something has some opaque operation, they just don't fund it and most people quit never to come back.
Last time we had elections to elect the new PEC, the elderly overseers and elderly candidates to be voted into office played deliberate time delay tactics and they just wont let anyone question. The meeting started at 12:30 and the vote was deliberately delayed till 19:00. People left at 17:00 without voting and the Council of elders called that a fair vote only to revoke it the following day.
There was an open revolt about the Secretary General and I wondered why so many people had developed hatred about our Secretary General.
The next two weeks another meeting called the stake holders meeting was called, only 40 people attended although stake holders means all Zapu members. People are tired, disgruntled and now do not want to hear about our bickery.
I then grabbed the opportunity to ask every member why they had developed a dislike for the Secretary General whom I took with great regard. Each member told me their story because they know him better than me. They have worked with him longer than me.
Tamsanqa Zhou said to me that he has nothing against the SG but the SG does not like him. Nkosana Mthimkhulu said the SG does not want followers, he wants puppets who should not question him.
I know I am risking putting names on this article but I will explain the reason why I do this later.
I went own to ask Fari Zhou who said that the SG does not like Fari because Fari refused to dispatch money direct to the SG before consulting the PEC which is the general procedure.
After that stake holders meeting where I single handedly defended the SG and opposed a motion to recall the SG, I changed my view about him.
After two days from the stakeholders meeting, I read an article in my favourite Bulawayo24 that Zapu would split before elections because of Tamsanqa Zhou. I wrote a comment under that article which the editor of Bulawayo24 decided to place as an article standing on its own. In that article, I stated that the Council of elders should be disbanded. I also mentioned that the council of elders were being used by some powerful officials to settle grudges.
Read part of the article below:(Link)
"Another untold story is that one of one top official whose name is expensive to give who wants to unilaterally decide how party coffers in UK should be used to finance his Globe trotting habit. He does not want to follow channels agreed upon and wants to phone the Party Treasurer to dispatch Party funds when ever he decides. If the treasure declines backdoor deals he calls the Council of elders to suspend the honest party Treasurer.
The province then says it wants that official called and it is democratic enough to do that because we want prudence in our coffers. We are still small and cant afford luxury appetites and unless reasons are given, no one will understand us. The party listens more to corrupt people because they talk and write professionally and eloquently and this is the criteria that produced a"
On the 26th of December, the Secretary General phoned me and we spoke for about two hours. He complained that I am one of the people he trusts in the province and he is disappointed that I took time to write falsewood about him. He challenged me to produce evidence that he asked Treasurer Fari Zhou for money. To be honest, I did not have evidence, I just wrote the information I had gathered from very angry members.
The SG challenged me to get Fari Zhou to give me written evidence to prove that he requested travel money reimbursement. I confidently promised the SG that I would ask Fari Zhou for the e-Mail. I went on to promise the SG that I would write an article on the Bulawayo24 to explain where I got the information from and why. I told the SG not to worry much about me as I am a man who does not believe in friends when doing party business. I told him the problems of keeping some people as friends in Zapu is that when they get things wrong, one wont be able to openly criticise them.
Because I used to speak very good about the SG does not mean that I will support him to run the organisation down. I got to know the SG because of Zapu and principality dictates to me that getting personal can destroy what brought us together. I have no issue against the SG except what I have been told. Even if what I have been told is a lie, my free brain keeps asking what is it that makes all people lie about him? Some have not spoken to him in two years and others say they will only speak to him only when Dabengwa comes.
Is the SG in good terms with the twice suspended Provincial Chairman? When did they start to have problems and why? All those questions, I am not allowed to write down unless I have written evidence where I sourced them from.
When is our Europe structure going to start to function because there has never been a working PEC since the SG was empowered to have jurisdiction over provinces?
These are the questions a once Renkini Tomato Ryton Dzimiri needs answered. This is the yardstick I use to do stocktake over a period of time to see what the SG has positively brought.
Because Joshua Nkomo died to free me, I now have power as a Tomato vender to question Robert Mugabe as I always do. I openly attacked the British Immigration, the British Government over ill treatment until they gave me my status.
Why should I be stopped to question my own organisation. I told the SG
that even if I were expelled from Zapu for my true and honest democratic
views, I will remain Zapu because Joshua Nkomo died before I saw his
After my conversation with the SG, I then called Fari Zhou to ask for the E-mails that prove that the SG asked for money without using proper channels. Fari reminded me that she is a trained accountant and in any organisation, one does not just divulge party classified material.
She also warned me that she is under suspension and asking her to give Zapu classified information to Tomato Venders is another attempt to discredit her and lay more charges against her. She asked me to send her an e-mail from the SG that empowers Tomato Venders to retrieve Zapu classified information. I found that very true and learned and asked my self why Robert Mugabe has never worried to phone me and ask why I write things about him? Why does the British Government not write and ask me why I used to write a lot of stuff against them while I eat their food and drank their water? Why then does the Zapu SG have to worry about me if I am lying?
On the 30th of December, the SG had lost his temper. He then wrote me an e-mail below also suggesting that I could be a Party Spy. Many people we used to attend Zapu with in 2008 were labelled as CIOs and silenced.
There is one thing that no one will ever be able to do to me, that is to silence me. This silencing politics sustained and perpetuated Robert Mugabe and as a Zapu member, I do not want to see that in Zapu.
People in office should know that they are no longer individuals now but public property which is subject to scrutiny. The SG must choose between engaging in an argument with the millions of people or write his own defence labelling Ryton Dzimiri to be a Zanu CIO. What he is doing to me will go in his CV and in another year, someone will bring it up to say Mr SG, you silenced your critics by calling them CIOs. With a Dzimiri surname, it is easy to make one carry the tag of CIO but if anyone would call Mguni CIO, it won't stick. These are some of the tools that are used against Zapu members in Europe to make them quit the Party and leave a few puppets and yes men to run down the party.
I will give praise where and when it is due, but I wont let my party die because I will be called names.
I am still of NOT of any opinion to recall the SG. All I wish my SG does is to notice that he is now an institution and not a Ralph Mguni. He will be attached left right and centre and so is our President. We want to see movement in the party now and an end to a series of decrees and suspensions which destroy the party from which you should be earning a salary.
Read the SG's E-Mail to me on 30/12/12:
<bayethe@aol.com> Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 6:54 PM
To: rytondzimiri@gmail.com
Dear Mr Dzimiri,
I spoke to you three days ago regarding heinous and completely untrue allegations that you circulated to members of ZAPU about unsubstantiated allegations, allegations that amounted to misconduct on my part. You promised both to send me your e-mail, which you failed to do until I had to source it through other means and further to provide the sources of your allegations within three days, which again you failed to provide.
The nature of your allegations are so severe that they will need to be looked into further. The seriousness relates to two issues; one is that I tried to extort funds from an elected official and the second is that having failed to do so, I went on to blackmail that official. What is particularly sinister is that you the went on to ply the untruths with the certainty of one with irrefutable evidence, which of course you will never produce as your story was based on complete fabrication.
There are many ways that our opponents will try to harm our completely clean movement. One of the ways is to plant agents to create stories intended to confuse members; this fabrication falls into that category. The question therefore is, whose interests are you actually serving? Why do you so wish to see ZAPU mired in unnecessary arguments and confusion? By the way, my questions are not intended to stifle legitimate arguments but you cannot carry out frank discussions based on lies and fabrications.
Having made an allegation and then run for cover, I cannot be certain that you will respond to this e-mail but do rest assured that ZAPU has the means to protect innocent officials from unwarranted and malicious allegations. This I will refer to such individuals so that I can go about my demanding office without restraint.
Wishing you a prosperous 2012.
R Mguni
Zapu has many many advantages which when well harvested could see us form a Government of Zimbabwe soon after elections. In embracing change, I have always been of opinion that young operators produce better results than old and experienced heroes of yesteryear.
I have never made my opinion a secret nor have I made them in a treacherous manner, but I say it openly on pen and paper and put my name to it.
I do not beg anyone to be a member of Zapu whose founder Joshua Nkomo risked his entire sixty years of political life fighting so that I also, small as I am, can express my views openly and freely.
I have looked at all political parties in Zimbabwe with outmost scrutiny and found out that I will and must die in Zapu if I want to go to heaven. As a Christian, I will be happy that I changed my country for the good.
Politics is a choice as much as it is a choice to marry the woman I find fit. As a Christian I was taught at the age of two to choose good where a variety of confusion exists.
I was born in a Zanu dominated area in Zimbabwe by a Ndebele mother and a Shona father and I grew up to love my father as equal as my mother and both their languages. I saw the liberation war and how many Shona villagers were killed by Zanu in my home town and in my eyes. After independence I moved to Midlands Zapu dominated areas and the Zanu that had finished killing Shona Villagers during the war were starting to kill Ndebele villagers in front of me for the second time.
I was caught up in Gukurahundi for the sins of feeding Richard Gwesela an armed man. I went through harrowing torture by Zanu partisan Gukurahundi army and I am still carrying scars of that.
I then asked myself as a young boy who I really want to serve between a man who speaks through violence and death or a man who preaches peace every time. In 1981 at Rio-Tinto High School in Zhombe I listened to Joshua Nkomo and his messages of peace and reconciliation on public rallies. In 1982 I was beaten with a thorn shambock by David Mageu, a local Zanu militia, and frog marched to Robert Mugabes rally at Zhombe Mission Dam. At that rally President Mugabe orally said in my hearing that everyone who houses and feeds armed army Dissidents in Zhombe would be killed. In that year at Zhombe Mission known as St Martin De-pores, Mr Ziyambi another Zanu Minister preached about the coming "rains of Noah" to wash the filth of the land.
In 1983, Gukurahundi came and I had fed an Armed man at gun point at a family compound. I was tortured for many days and finally we left the homestead and escaped to Nkai.
In 1983 as a 14 year old boy in a hunt for Joshua Nkomo and his truth, I attended his rally at one of the burnt down sawing factory in Gweru near Kudzanai bus Terminus. I joined Zapu there fully and felt that it was in conformity with my Christian belief.
It is what Nkomo said in public rallies against what Mugabe said in public rallies which made me find Joshua Nkomo to be a messenger of peace. I will stand always with those genuine authentic people who choose peace and have a track record of such.
Joshua Nkomo has since died and as a 30 year old man who have fled Zanu in 1988 to South Africa I drove home to witness the funeral of my hero.
I am in Zapu because of Joshua Nkomo and his genuinity in looking at the Shona with the same spectacle he looked at the Ndebele. In Joshua Nkomo, I saw a gifted leader who respected the Shona language of my father and the Ndebele language of my mother alike.
Zapu properties were benefitting the poor in Harare as much as they were in Bulawayo and Midlands in 1980. He was a fair man neutral of satanic tribal bias that I openly saw in Zanu.
In 1987 on Christmass day at Bulawayo Centenary park, I had a life time opportunity just to shake the hand of Dumiso Dabengwa who had just been released from prison. This opportunity happened because I was walking in the park with my brother Ishmael Mlalazi who also had been released from the same detention with Dabengwa two years earlier.
When Zapu pulled out of its shambolic unity with Zanu in 2008 November, I was resident in UK and I immediately sought Zapu contact in Zimbabwe to help me know where to go and register my Zapu membership in UK. I was given the names of Tamsanqa Zhou and Zulu who were both in London and I live in South Wales.
I did all I could from my little corner to make sure that Zapu would glow and shine and earn the trust it truly deserves as the prudent ruling party in Zimbabwe. By 2009 I was voted the deputy Chairman of Zapu Wales in Cardiff. A month later the elected Chairman Mr Moyo quit and I was made the Chair.
Problems engulfed the elected Zapu PEC led by Mr Nick Ndebele and Mr Ralph Mguni took over as PEC Chairman of Zapu Europe. As well deserved, I wrote more than twenty comments on internet praising my Hero Ralph Mguni who had been elevated to a Party Secretary General and describing him as the best Zapu had ever produced.
Read the article below and look at the date and the tone of it: (Link)
0#1 Ryton Dzimiri 2010-09-19 05:23
"I feel proud that Zapu has produced envisioned, eloquent people like Dr Mguni.
This is the man who has proved himself over and over again to be a builder of a People's Party that was once in tatters. This is the man who stood up and risked it all to restore systems when people were beginning to give up.
I urge Europe Chairman and now Zupu Secretary General to use those qualities he has shown us in Europe to market Zapu as governing party of Zimbabwe.
Every fair person knows Zapu is a first authentical party formed by Zimbabweans of all make for the liberation of all Zimbabweans.
Every fair person knows that Zimbabwe was hijacked from a path to freedom, if it was free it would not be exporting refugees in millions.
Everybody knows that something has to be done to free the people of Zimbabwe and Zapu's five decade chronicle has to be adopted by all.
If Secretary General Mguni managed to re-align Zapu in Europe, he is surely marked to be a key instrument in re-aligning Zapu and give it back to all Zimbabweans to govern us.
A year ago I did mention that I see a Barack Obama of Southern Africa in Dr Mguni.
I have trust that the team of Zapu cadres who have been taken by Zapu National Executive will transfer their experience of civilised British political style into good use in Zimbabwe.
Able Nkosana Mthimkhulu was our vice Chairman. Getting elevated to National Committee is a great responsibility which makes you very close to becoming one of our fine ministers in 2013. It is what you do which makes the party choose you for any strategic position. We were all glued to radio Leicester listening to you market Zapu on BBC, your interview with Leicester Mercury. The contemporary way of marketing your Party is via media. If media is blocked away from the party then that party becomes a briefcase party.
Mr Mthimkhulu managed to cement the party together because of his humbly Seventh Day Adventist temperant conduct. He spoke only when necessary and avoided using divisive language. That is the unique quality which would enable Zapu to be received by many as a party of reason.
Go yee and Multiply"
I drive to Leicester spending my own £150 in fuel and hotel booking every time Zapu has a meeting in Leicester which is 275 km away for my Wales home. I am a Zapu member not because of any individual and if there is such an individual, I challenge them to reply me. I am a Zapu member simply because I was charmed by Joshua Nkomo and his truth.
I am not in Zapu to please or to be a puppet of anyone. If people do good things, I will praise them and if they fail to serve the office we bestow them, I quite well feel free to ask them openly and not in secrecy to stand down. My unit of performance measurement are the results those individuals produce while on the duty we empowered them to hold.
There is no individual I have issues with in Zapu as we just meet in party meetings and go home.
I judge every office bearer in Zapu not by how they look or how they have done well in the war of liberation, but by the results of their action of inaction today. I have openly said my often negative views even about my President Comrade Dumiso Dabengwa saying that the speed at which Zapu needs to run now needs a younger determined man and I named Methuseli as a better driver.
I have never met Methuseli but I read the way he markets Zapu when ever he writes and I feel he is a contemporary leader best placed to drive us. I respect Comrade Dabengwa and with his own mouth in 2008, he said he was re-igniting Zapu to hand it over to the younger. I know Dr Dabengwa is respected World over for his principles and expertise and I wish he does just that.
I can't keep on mentioning that Joshua Nkomo was 40 years when he first led Zapu in 1957 and Dr Dabengwa was 21 when he joined Zapu. I am of belief that younger operators bring better results.
The whole of year 2011 has been wasted in in Zapu Europe and the youth are very angry and disgruntled and our leaders in Zimbabwe will never know until we write things on public internet. Those who are trusted to report the state of the province in UK do not want free-lancers to express their feelings. They are too quick to cry that Ryton Dzimiri is a CIO.
They have placed the CIO tag to 75% Zapu followers in UK and meetings which used to attract 400 people in 2009 can only attract 70 people today. These are the results which guide me to judge the drivers of our Party. People of 2011 have shifted from the mindset of 1977 where a politician was to be followed without a single question. Contemporary politics in America as well as Afghanistan demands that a leader must be questioned and I am exercising just that. I question the driver's performance and I do so by querying one troubled individual to another.
In 2011 the Council of elders suspended Arthur Molife the Chairman for the charges that were never made public. This happened for about nine months and for nine months there was no activity in Zapu Europe. The Council of elders use 1961 tools of running political affairs in secrecy and the young Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, and academics who used to fill our meeting halls have left this old fashioned stagnant organisation which they were willing to oil. Those who gained positions only put decrees and they do not assess how the craft of their old fashioned strict rules destroy the potential of the party.
This is Europe where everyone has become an elite, most of us used to sell tomatoes at city hall in Bulawayo but over 10 years, Britain has changed the way we deal with issues. If something has some opaque operation, they just don't fund it and most people quit never to come back.
Last time we had elections to elect the new PEC, the elderly overseers and elderly candidates to be voted into office played deliberate time delay tactics and they just wont let anyone question. The meeting started at 12:30 and the vote was deliberately delayed till 19:00. People left at 17:00 without voting and the Council of elders called that a fair vote only to revoke it the following day.
There was an open revolt about the Secretary General and I wondered why so many people had developed hatred about our Secretary General.
The next two weeks another meeting called the stake holders meeting was called, only 40 people attended although stake holders means all Zapu members. People are tired, disgruntled and now do not want to hear about our bickery.
I then grabbed the opportunity to ask every member why they had developed a dislike for the Secretary General whom I took with great regard. Each member told me their story because they know him better than me. They have worked with him longer than me.
Tamsanqa Zhou said to me that he has nothing against the SG but the SG does not like him. Nkosana Mthimkhulu said the SG does not want followers, he wants puppets who should not question him.
I know I am risking putting names on this article but I will explain the reason why I do this later.
I went own to ask Fari Zhou who said that the SG does not like Fari because Fari refused to dispatch money direct to the SG before consulting the PEC which is the general procedure.
After that stake holders meeting where I single handedly defended the SG and opposed a motion to recall the SG, I changed my view about him.
After two days from the stakeholders meeting, I read an article in my favourite Bulawayo24 that Zapu would split before elections because of Tamsanqa Zhou. I wrote a comment under that article which the editor of Bulawayo24 decided to place as an article standing on its own. In that article, I stated that the Council of elders should be disbanded. I also mentioned that the council of elders were being used by some powerful officials to settle grudges.
Read part of the article below:(Link)
"Another untold story is that one of one top official whose name is expensive to give who wants to unilaterally decide how party coffers in UK should be used to finance his Globe trotting habit. He does not want to follow channels agreed upon and wants to phone the Party Treasurer to dispatch Party funds when ever he decides. If the treasure declines backdoor deals he calls the Council of elders to suspend the honest party Treasurer.
The province then says it wants that official called and it is democratic enough to do that because we want prudence in our coffers. We are still small and cant afford luxury appetites and unless reasons are given, no one will understand us. The party listens more to corrupt people because they talk and write professionally and eloquently and this is the criteria that produced a"
On the 26th of December, the Secretary General phoned me and we spoke for about two hours. He complained that I am one of the people he trusts in the province and he is disappointed that I took time to write falsewood about him. He challenged me to produce evidence that he asked Treasurer Fari Zhou for money. To be honest, I did not have evidence, I just wrote the information I had gathered from very angry members.
The SG challenged me to get Fari Zhou to give me written evidence to prove that he requested travel money reimbursement. I confidently promised the SG that I would ask Fari Zhou for the e-Mail. I went on to promise the SG that I would write an article on the Bulawayo24 to explain where I got the information from and why. I told the SG not to worry much about me as I am a man who does not believe in friends when doing party business. I told him the problems of keeping some people as friends in Zapu is that when they get things wrong, one wont be able to openly criticise them.
Because I used to speak very good about the SG does not mean that I will support him to run the organisation down. I got to know the SG because of Zapu and principality dictates to me that getting personal can destroy what brought us together. I have no issue against the SG except what I have been told. Even if what I have been told is a lie, my free brain keeps asking what is it that makes all people lie about him? Some have not spoken to him in two years and others say they will only speak to him only when Dabengwa comes.
Is the SG in good terms with the twice suspended Provincial Chairman? When did they start to have problems and why? All those questions, I am not allowed to write down unless I have written evidence where I sourced them from.
When is our Europe structure going to start to function because there has never been a working PEC since the SG was empowered to have jurisdiction over provinces?
These are the questions a once Renkini Tomato Ryton Dzimiri needs answered. This is the yardstick I use to do stocktake over a period of time to see what the SG has positively brought.
Because Joshua Nkomo died to free me, I now have power as a Tomato vender to question Robert Mugabe as I always do. I openly attacked the British Immigration, the British Government over ill treatment until they gave me my status.
After my conversation with the SG, I then called Fari Zhou to ask for the E-mails that prove that the SG asked for money without using proper channels. Fari reminded me that she is a trained accountant and in any organisation, one does not just divulge party classified material.
She also warned me that she is under suspension and asking her to give Zapu classified information to Tomato Venders is another attempt to discredit her and lay more charges against her. She asked me to send her an e-mail from the SG that empowers Tomato Venders to retrieve Zapu classified information. I found that very true and learned and asked my self why Robert Mugabe has never worried to phone me and ask why I write things about him? Why does the British Government not write and ask me why I used to write a lot of stuff against them while I eat their food and drank their water? Why then does the Zapu SG have to worry about me if I am lying?
On the 30th of December, the SG had lost his temper. He then wrote me an e-mail below also suggesting that I could be a Party Spy. Many people we used to attend Zapu with in 2008 were labelled as CIOs and silenced.
There is one thing that no one will ever be able to do to me, that is to silence me. This silencing politics sustained and perpetuated Robert Mugabe and as a Zapu member, I do not want to see that in Zapu.
People in office should know that they are no longer individuals now but public property which is subject to scrutiny. The SG must choose between engaging in an argument with the millions of people or write his own defence labelling Ryton Dzimiri to be a Zanu CIO. What he is doing to me will go in his CV and in another year, someone will bring it up to say Mr SG, you silenced your critics by calling them CIOs. With a Dzimiri surname, it is easy to make one carry the tag of CIO but if anyone would call Mguni CIO, it won't stick. These are some of the tools that are used against Zapu members in Europe to make them quit the Party and leave a few puppets and yes men to run down the party.
I will give praise where and when it is due, but I wont let my party die because I will be called names.
I am still of NOT of any opinion to recall the SG. All I wish my SG does is to notice that he is now an institution and not a Ralph Mguni. He will be attached left right and centre and so is our President. We want to see movement in the party now and an end to a series of decrees and suspensions which destroy the party from which you should be earning a salary.
Read the SG's E-Mail to me on 30/12/12:
<bayethe@aol.com> Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 6:54 PM
To: rytondzimiri@gmail.com
Dear Mr Dzimiri,
I spoke to you three days ago regarding heinous and completely untrue allegations that you circulated to members of ZAPU about unsubstantiated allegations, allegations that amounted to misconduct on my part. You promised both to send me your e-mail, which you failed to do until I had to source it through other means and further to provide the sources of your allegations within three days, which again you failed to provide.
The nature of your allegations are so severe that they will need to be looked into further. The seriousness relates to two issues; one is that I tried to extort funds from an elected official and the second is that having failed to do so, I went on to blackmail that official. What is particularly sinister is that you the went on to ply the untruths with the certainty of one with irrefutable evidence, which of course you will never produce as your story was based on complete fabrication.
There are many ways that our opponents will try to harm our completely clean movement. One of the ways is to plant agents to create stories intended to confuse members; this fabrication falls into that category. The question therefore is, whose interests are you actually serving? Why do you so wish to see ZAPU mired in unnecessary arguments and confusion? By the way, my questions are not intended to stifle legitimate arguments but you cannot carry out frank discussions based on lies and fabrications.
Having made an allegation and then run for cover, I cannot be certain that you will respond to this e-mail but do rest assured that ZAPU has the means to protect innocent officials from unwarranted and malicious allegations. This I will refer to such individuals so that I can go about my demanding office without restraint.
Wishing you a prosperous 2012.
R Mguni
Source - Ryton Dzimiri
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