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Tsvangirai should dump Mujuru

30 Mar 2017 at 10:29hrs | Views
Reports about Joice Mujuru eying Presidency in the proposed grand coalition or alliance are misplaced and meant to create nono existent presidential coalition seat for her.

We are still convinced that Joice Mujuru is a dirty and insincere politician who has been evading the truth about Gukurahundi and 2008 election disaster. The former Zanu pf vice President must be reminded that not everybody in Zimbabwe can be misled by people like her.

She was Zanu pf and has Zanu pf DNA she will resign midway  to cause confusion or portray a split.

We fear for our lives if Mujuru is found in the coalition deal holding an influential position.

As far as we are concerned The Zimpf or reinvented NPP are all officially dead and an attempt to include Joice Mujuru in this coalition will create very serious problems.

We foresee same zanu pf policies coming back and it remains our fear that Industry will remain closed and people disappearing.

I dont trust the many political prostitutes within NPP most of them have been to every political party in Zimbabwe.

I also foresee the coalition losing elections if they include Mujuru.
The world is not interested in the 'GRANDNESS" because some jobless and sick individuals are forming makeshift political parties and have started singing the coalition hymns yet they do not have a single baboon following them.

The only coalition that will carry the day is the one that features Morgan Tsvangirai,Welshman Ncube,Dumiso Dabengwa and Tendai Biti and any attempt to include Mujuru will ruin the deal and take the country backwards.

I beg those behind the coalition not to provoke us by labelling Mujuru a coalition partner.In our face she is a sellout.

Mujuru,Ngarivume's Transform Zimbabwe and the CIO created Marcelline Chikasha's ADP are too fake to be  included in a coalition deal.

There is a need to screen these political parties like ZUNDE which is more like a one man band
The ZUNDE we know is the one led by Justice Paradza,Moses Chamboko and others and not the one we are reading in newspapers.

So many of these fly by night presidents are emarging

Source - Gugugu Magorira (War Vet) Zvishavane
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