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With Love from the Mountains to Dick and Saviour

07 Apr 2017 at 10:56hrs | Views
We are hearing echoes and encountering some bad dreams here in the mountains where we stay. I am talking about a place that is 500 kilometers from your place of capture commonly known as Bindura.

As you may be aware that I am one of the great chiefs in the land of our fathers born  in the stone house next to the Great Enclosure but currently in the middle of a bloody fight for my chieftainship that was nearly stolen by the comrade next door commonly known as Brandon Mumba.
However the truth is about to be known, but today I am writing with love to you brother Dick and brother Saviour knowing very well your whereabouts as the weather gets hotter and hotter, day by day.

It never came to my mind or dream that one day I will read some distasteful statements from the many homeboys and many home girls that used to be loyal to you.I mean the young people that you had converted into dogs of war to protect your titles.

The world has been watching you with sadness as you were driving along the streets of Bindura doing all the dirty things.

I want to remind you Saviour about the many deals in the eastern highlands where you used to operate obviously not as a guerrilla
Cde Saviour, we now have your notes and the people behind you are telling us the stories and all the dirty is now known.

As you may be aware that I stay in the caves here near the Lacoste commander, every morning I receive notes from unknown sources about you and your embattled brother from the other mother and other father. Loads of papers are here all telling the untold story cdes. I didn't know that you are one of the locusts around town. A locust flies with pride not knowing that the back is exposed.

We hear that those from war including Bob and the queen have all agreed to throw you somewhere under the bus.Remember Chanda of the Gushungo totem who was picked by Saviour's brother  from Bindura to Chitungwiza after many terror activities. Explain to the world what happened to the comrade and the 6000 dollars that Dick was supposed to take to the family for funeral assistance. We know that you delivered 500 dollars only. Kusanyara kwacho hey! we dont know why you didn't feel ashamed.

As someone with the spiritual connection  I am reliably informed that both Saviour and Dickson are staying in the bush looking for spiritual  help to save them from a thorough whipping by the comrades.

Savy is spending most of his time at traditional healers and spiritual people like me consulting over the mystery and brother Dickson  was spoted in his usual madzibaba regalia and reportedly sleeping in the bush for fear of the unknown.Ahhh of all the people Dickson getting the time to attend Masowe echishanu,hey!! life changes cdes.Chaitemura chava kutemurazve gwendo guno.

Only that i am staying in a sacred area where we only communicate through dreams and our roaring spirits.

When Eddison Zvobgo warned you and the late Border Gezi you thought he was joking.Young people like Kudzi Chipanga, Saviour, Dickson and others think that Mugabe is a fool yet he has all the files about them.

It is the G40 commander herself who has ditched you and it is this first lady of the party who has seen the light and realised that the train was not going anywhere.I hear that another state house based group with a different set of fools is being put together for one good reason of identifying the bad apples like you two brothers.To Zanu pf you are now smelling like roasted rats cdes and you will definately be eaten very soon.Carry your cross cdes and noone will come close to you for advise because you used to behave like Wisemen.We are not surprised by the turn of events given the warnings by the war veterans over this G40 animal.

Zanu pf ndeye ropa guys. Dick, you cannot combine God's work with those evil activities
On a parting note it is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the darkness in front of you despite the leopard skins and white robes that you  wear all night.

I am smelling jail time in case you are not aware cdes.Remember what  happened to Joseph the comedian from Buhera  and the scandalous Phillip, this  fly by night King of football who mysteriously survived espionage charges.He will never dabble in politics again. I wish Hitler Hunzvi was alive to tell you his story.

If you get time the two of you pay Rugare the former dare rechimurenga and Zimbabwe people first schemer a visit and hear the stories about this man we call Bob. I mean Rugare who is now in the political dust bin but until today he is talking about his greatness whilst languishing in the wilderness.

Sadly, this animal called G40 is dead forever and will never resurrect again and not only G40 but the whole Zanu pf is dead.
Dont ever attempt to smear the media again relying on your positions

Ssorry Dick and Saviour

Source - Gugugu Magorira Zvishavane
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