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Shame on you Joice Mujuru

10 Apr 2017 at 05:23hrs | Views
I have been reading lots of articles quoting Joice saying a lot of nonsense about the so called coalition as if she was appointed by someone to speak about it. We are fed up with this nonsense from an unqualified and overzealous former Zanu pf fool.

I don't know how many times the queen bee would want us to tell her that we are not interested in the nonsense because the truth shall be told by the right people.

A coalition with Joice will never get anywhere and none of us will take that rubbish home.The NPP is a broad Zanu pf strategy meant to confuse the people.If Morgan Tsvangirai went into some deal with the queen bee that will be the end of him and more surprises will emerge.

Coalition with Joice? Nonsense!!
Why is she talking too much about this coalition?
Is she the coalition spokesperson?

We are not even dreaming about a coalition with Joice Mujuru as a key player.
Joice is a power hunter and a power campaigner who knows nothing about politics.She is portraying herself as the only coalition partner as if she is worth the salt.

Recent reports point to a confused Joice Mujuru who has not been elected by her congress or mandated to engage other political parties in coalition talks.The only credible people are Morgan Tsvangirai,Welshman Ncube, Tendai Biti and Dumiso Dabengwa not any other trash.If the four go into a coalition Robert Mugabe will not survive 2018 elections.

Can someone close to her advise her to shut up before being exposed again.She is a corroded opposition person who should not be trusted at this stage especially with events in her own party called Zanu pf.

Gugugu Magorira

Source - Gugugu Magorira
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