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Fear of ICC will force Mugabe to contest 2018 in a Mr Bean high-tech wheelchair.

12 Apr 2017 at 07:25hrs | Views
The fear of being dragged to The Hague to face charges of serious human right violations is the one reason that has forced President Mugabe to hang on to power at all cost. If he is still alive next year, be criss-crossing the country in his wheelchair just to prove he is still alive and hang on to the presidency.  

"Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you," said Lord Jesus.

What must be made clear here is that it was Robert Mugabe himself and his tyrannical regime who have not only measured and judged others but have executed the punishments. The regime has murdered over 30 000 Zimbabweans in the last 37 years to establish and retain its de facto one-party cum one-man (Robert Mugabe) dictatorship.

What the ICC in The Hague or the Zimbabwean people themselves are demanding from Mugabe is what crime did his victim commit and what legal measure he used to ascertain their guilt so that the same can now be used judge him!

He refusal to face justice, by rigging elections and clinging to the office of State President and the immunity it provides, is an abomination; Mugabe was accuser, judge, jury and execution in all these politically motivated murders. He is the accused now and must not be allowed get away with yet another miscarriage of justice by summarily dismissing the cases by hook and by crook. We must act decisively to end this abuse of power. It was our failure to act decisively on the pre-independence human rights violations that set the dangerous precedence that has encouraged Mugabe and his thugs to put themselves too above the law.

As a nation, we did not do ourselves any favours by sweeping the many serious crimes committed by both sides in the liberation war, the white colonial regime and those fighting to end its rule. If we had had the foresight to do so this nation could have been spared the horrors of Gukurahundi, Operation Murambatsvina, the wanton violence of the 2008 elections, etc.

The Zanu PF dictatorship is drawing to an end and we have a chance to change the course this nation will follow for a generation. We owe it to ourselves and posterity not to repeat the historic blunder of 1980 and sweep the Gukurahundi massacres, etc. under the carpet.

Some people will argue that by threatening Mugabe and his cronies with arrest for their role in the Gukurahundi massacre, etc. we are forcing the regime harden its resolve to remain in power at all cost. This is a very sound argument however these people must also accept reality that, throughout human history, all those who have given in to appeasement and blackmail, there is no denying Mugabe is holding the whole nation to ransom here, have never ever tasted freedom for long, if at all!

 What is there to stop this corrupt and murderous Zanu PF regime committing yet another wave of mindless bloodshed for no other reason than to cow down the people by reminding them the wanton barbarism the regime is capable of. And to replenish the regime's ranks with fresh thugs whose commitment to the Zanu PF no-regime-change mantra will be as unshakable as the current leaders because they too will fear being dragged to The Hague to explain the innocent blood on their hands!

Mugabe and Zanu PF's have tasted absolute power for over 37 years now getting them to give it up was never going to be easy. The prospect of being asked to account for all their amassed wealth and, worse still, the human blood on many of their hands is making them fight even harder to remain in power.

On the other hand, Zanu PF's corrupt and tyrannical rule has been such a total disaster for the nation; unemployment to soar to 90%, millions now live in total abject poverty, health and education services have all but collapse, etc. Regime change is now more than a economic and political necessity, it is now a matter of life and death.

 only unwavering determination to resist the implementation of democratic reforms and face the acid test of free, fair and credible elections is the fear of being dragged before the court of law to account for their many crimes in power.

The people of Zimbabwe must now demand their freedoms and basic humans including the right to free and fair elections – the pre-requisite to any meaningful economic recovery and thus our right to economic prosperity and happiness – as if hundreds of thousands of human lives, in the next year alone, depend on it. The truth is, they do!

It is the ordinary people of Zimbabwe who have paid dearly for Mugabe's decades of corrupt and murderous misrule. For him to hold the nation to ransom and continue his misrule for another day longer just because he cannot face justice for past crimes is, in itself, totally intolerable. Why should the people, the victims of his past misrule, be the ones to suffer again just to shield him and his thugs!

Zanu PF rigged the 2013 elections because no reforms were in place. We must reject the holding of yet another flawed election! The next elections must be free, fair and credible, on that the people must stand firm and never compromise! Mugabe will not even bother contesting the next elections, even if he was given Mr Bean's high-tech wheelchair, as soon as he knows that he can no longer rig the vote.

Source - Wilbert Mukori
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