Opinion / Columnist
The independence that never was - MLF
18 Apr 2017 at 08:17hrs | Views

The 18th of April every year in Zimbabwe, it is Independence day, a holiday decreed by the regime of the day. For [37] thirty seven long years, the people of Zimbabwe have been hearing one and only one voice, bellowing on this day, year in year out. Independence to any country, in simpler terms means a condition of a nation, country, or state in which its residence and population, or some portion thereof, exercise self-governance over the territory in which they deem theirs.
Independence may not necessarily mean freedom. The country can be independent but not free. From this observation of the idea of independence of a country, some lessons can be drawn from it, especially with particular reference to the peoples of Mthwakazi. The question that should be interrogated now and in any other time is, did we, as Mthwakazi nationals, ever realised the fruits of independence of Zimbabwe?
As Mthwakazi, our woes were transferred from the white colonialists (Britain), to the black Zimbabwean government, led by zanu pf. This government, since 1980, has tirelessly maintained their strong held belief that they were made to rule forever and ordained to subject Mthwakazi peoples to perpetual subjectivity. This belief is strongly supported by the 1979 Grand Plan, created by zanu pf and they have never disputed it thereby proving that its existence was licenced by it. This Grand Plan is zanu pf's Bible and it is the Koran to Min of Education by the name of Gotora. It is zanu pf de facto constitution. Its implementation has been followed without any slipups.
As Mthwakazi peoples, we notice that some of the aspects done in our country by the Zimbabwean government, has been done to hoodwink the peoples into believing that independence was for both the Zimbabweans and Mthwakazi peoples. That was fallacy of authority. Examples of tools used to hoodwink the peoples were the schools built throughout the dual country, dams created, clinics and a few other tangibles. That as it may, it is used to proffer lies by the captor zanu pf government, to purvey lies that peoples of Mthwakazi are independent when that is not true. Mthwakazi peoples did not get independent in 1980, but got a continuation of subjugation transferred from British colonial rule to zanu pf, a proxy of Britain. Mthwakazi was not decolonised and remains so to date.
In the Newsday 0f 03/04/2017 the zanu pf war veterans vowed to continue backing Mnangagwa, with the spokesperson of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association (ZNLWVA), Douglas Mahiya saying that their move was in line with the Zanu-PF leadership structure agreed upon under the MGAGAO DECLARATION OF 1975.
"We agreed there that the civilian structure would be religiously followed with no attempt to stop each other. That is why Emmerson (Mnangagwa) is quiet. We must respect the sacredness of the structure of the revolution which even caused the deaths of our gallant sons and daughters," Mahiya was quoted as saying.
This declaration is on the affirmative assuring that Zimbabwe got independent to serve the zanla and zanu and their kith and kin. It is therefore noticeable that, when zapu was fighting, off course for a wrong concept, which was Zimbabwe, zanu and its zanla were in continuous meetings and plotting how they were going to seize power and relegate Mthwakazi peoples to obscurity. In his own words, Mahiya confirms. Mthwakazi peoples are not in the picture here but what was reflected was the sustenance of zanuism which we, as Mthwakazi peoples have long deeply believed that zanuism is shonalism and a perpetration of it.
Mthwakazi peoples did not get independent, if we were counted in that independence, why then there are concerted efforts to continue to advance the shonalism ideology as confirmed by zanu pf ZNLWVA through Mahiya. If independence also meant for the Mthwakazi peoples why is it that Mugabe and his zanu pf, soon after 1980 embarked on a Lucific extinctionist strategy code named Gukurahundi which has been declared Genocide by the world? In an independent country, no normal government can brazenly butcher its citizens like what zanu did. That proved that Mthwakazi peoples were not as they still are not bonafide Zimbabwean but Mthwakazian. Mahiya, in his own words confirms.
Mnangagwa who is proffered by the ZNLWVA became a willing accomplice by planning and implementation in the execution of Gukurahundi Genocide of the 1980s. So how on Earth can we as Mthwakazi peoples agree and see no mistake in having a butcher preside over Mthwakazi? No ways bakwethu!!!
We cannot say we are independent as Mthwakazi nation because we have lost hundreds of thousands of our people through the infliction of genocide, massacres, rapes, disappearances, various formats of brutality and torture and ethnic cleansing commonly referred to as the Gukurahundi Genocide (GG). So where is our independence, Mthwakazi?
We cannot say we are independent when we have suffered economic marginalisation and absorbed immeasurable insult and injury from the genocidal regime of Zimbabwe. We cannot say we are independent when millions have scattered to exile in neighbouring countries and elsewhere throughout the world, while many thousands are languishing in zanu created poverty and hundreds of thousands more continue to silently suffer from a regime that has trampled on human rights and justice with alarming impunity and arrogance. Mthwakazi, we cannot go on like this?
Yes we live in a time of humanity's advancement in which we must learn the lesson of living together. This lesson takes place with all its ups and downs, and makes us face both our inner tendencies and the consequences of our own actions. The planet has become too small for ignoring how Mthwakazi is treated resulting from the Zimbabwean independence. The planet has become even too smaller for such presumably big egos as exaggerated by Zimbabwean independent voices. Mthwakazi, we are not independent yet.
Zanu pf and their kin and kith, display a state of indifference towards the ways in which they handle the Mthwakazi peoples up to date, which on its own is a sign that their power is on the brink of believing itself invincible and, abandoning reason, becoming an abominable dictatorship. Freedom is demanded from the black occupying government. It cannot be cajoled and expect Mthwakazi to be RESTORED. The senior occupier (Britain) must be asked to decolonise completely now.
When analyzing zanu pf totalitarian systems, it is easily apparent that one of the clearest signs displayed by it, having installed its abominable domination, is exactly the kind of arrogance that manifests itself as power everywhere to everyone. It is a paradox that every occupier has climbed to power through devious means and immediately on attaining that power the occupier (zanu pf) then suppresses all except itself.
Mthwakazi needs to understand now, more than ever, that the independence that the peoples thought was also meant for them became a non-event and that it was meant for some secular Zimbabwean tribes. They got independent, we did not get it. It is an infantile statement if we say we are independent. There is nothing worth telling the future generation about. All that peoples had, that was derived from the colonial era, has simple vanished into thin air when zanu pf assumed the governorship from Britain. So Mthwakazi, are we independent when our political space has been occupied by the subjects of the occupier? Not at all. That is tragic.
There is need to compel the coloniser, Britain, to come to reality and decolonise completely. RESTORATION through a compelled decolonisation route will lead Mthwakazi to free her political space, free her judiciary space, free her social space, free her economics from the British proxy (zanu pf), free our service delivery systems from the proxy, free our religious systems from this proxy of the British, free Mthwakazi from the cultural assimilation trends we find ourselves being dragged in and be freed from all that is used to keep Mthwakazi from her independence. All these cannot in anyway under the sun, come through by any means other than by the mentioned.
Using MTHWAKAZI RESTORATION AGENDA as a package in partaking in the zanu pf Zimbabwean elections, which are designed to advance zanu pf's Zimbabwean trajectory will be a way of subjecting and entrenching the peoples into further servitude of the system we are working hard to dislodge. Then the deceitful regime will use the results (which definitely will not be pleasing-failed) as a way of dismissing the HOLY MTHWAKAZI RESTORATION AGENDA to the world as having been rejected by the owners of it. You cannot come back again and claim RESTORATION when you have been floored by an unfair jab from the British proxy.
To partake in those elections, without packaging the MTHWAKAZI RESTORATION AGENDA as part of the winning tool, it will come in handy in the dissemination of the Mthwakazi issues that will form the basis of the ensuing RESTORATION route as cited above. Packaging the RESTORATION AGENDA for elections is telling the people that when voted into MPship or councillorship that will eventually lead to the RESTORATION OF MTHWAKAZI. That is a factual falsehood. Dynamics that go with an elected member of parliament is fully governed by the rules of Zimbabwean Parliament. That strategy is for those who want to remain in Zimbabwe, nothing else.
The solution is not outside of us. We as a people who yearn for more than what we are perceived to have got, Zimbabwean independence, we need to be robust and approach our problem and also want to solve it the way we have chosen- RESTORATION, kwaphela nje. We need to come together, in unity and raise our voices in unison. We need to approach our RESTORATION through the use of a practical line of attack which will bear fruits. Fragmentation will never do us good. An all stakeholders is needed to look into this ever slippery route so that something meaningful comes out. Together we stand but fragmented we fall.
The independence that never was, for the peoples of Mthwakazi, should be a motivation factor that raise the peoples into a formidable force to challenge the current system and the big brother Britain, to have Mthwakazi decolonized. People cannot move in circles when the route is there and clear. The notion of partaking in elections, though it will not usher Mthwakazi with the required result, it remains the prerogative of those who want to involve themselves in issues not of their country. MTHWAKAZI, UNITE AS UNITY IS A CONDUIT OF SUCCESS.
The 18th of April every year in Zimbabwe, it is Independence day, a holiday decreed by the regime of the day. For [37] thirty seven long years, the people of Zimbabwe have been hearing one and only one voice, bellowing on this day, year in year out. Independence to any country, in simpler terms means a condition of a nation, country, or state in which its residence and population, or some portion thereof, exercise self-governance over the territory in which they deem theirs.
Independence may not necessarily mean freedom. The country can be independent but not free. From this observation of the idea of independence of a country, some lessons can be drawn from it, especially with particular reference to the peoples of Mthwakazi. The question that should be interrogated now and in any other time is, did we, as Mthwakazi nationals, ever realised the fruits of independence of Zimbabwe?
As Mthwakazi, our woes were transferred from the white colonialists (Britain), to the black Zimbabwean government, led by zanu pf. This government, since 1980, has tirelessly maintained their strong held belief that they were made to rule forever and ordained to subject Mthwakazi peoples to perpetual subjectivity. This belief is strongly supported by the 1979 Grand Plan, created by zanu pf and they have never disputed it thereby proving that its existence was licenced by it. This Grand Plan is zanu pf's Bible and it is the Koran to Min of Education by the name of Gotora. It is zanu pf de facto constitution. Its implementation has been followed without any slipups.
As Mthwakazi peoples, we notice that some of the aspects done in our country by the Zimbabwean government, has been done to hoodwink the peoples into believing that independence was for both the Zimbabweans and Mthwakazi peoples. That was fallacy of authority. Examples of tools used to hoodwink the peoples were the schools built throughout the dual country, dams created, clinics and a few other tangibles. That as it may, it is used to proffer lies by the captor zanu pf government, to purvey lies that peoples of Mthwakazi are independent when that is not true. Mthwakazi peoples did not get independent in 1980, but got a continuation of subjugation transferred from British colonial rule to zanu pf, a proxy of Britain. Mthwakazi was not decolonised and remains so to date.
In the Newsday 0f 03/04/2017 the zanu pf war veterans vowed to continue backing Mnangagwa, with the spokesperson of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association (ZNLWVA), Douglas Mahiya saying that their move was in line with the Zanu-PF leadership structure agreed upon under the MGAGAO DECLARATION OF 1975.
"We agreed there that the civilian structure would be religiously followed with no attempt to stop each other. That is why Emmerson (Mnangagwa) is quiet. We must respect the sacredness of the structure of the revolution which even caused the deaths of our gallant sons and daughters," Mahiya was quoted as saying.
This declaration is on the affirmative assuring that Zimbabwe got independent to serve the zanla and zanu and their kith and kin. It is therefore noticeable that, when zapu was fighting, off course for a wrong concept, which was Zimbabwe, zanu and its zanla were in continuous meetings and plotting how they were going to seize power and relegate Mthwakazi peoples to obscurity. In his own words, Mahiya confirms. Mthwakazi peoples are not in the picture here but what was reflected was the sustenance of zanuism which we, as Mthwakazi peoples have long deeply believed that zanuism is shonalism and a perpetration of it.
Mthwakazi peoples did not get independent, if we were counted in that independence, why then there are concerted efforts to continue to advance the shonalism ideology as confirmed by zanu pf ZNLWVA through Mahiya. If independence also meant for the Mthwakazi peoples why is it that Mugabe and his zanu pf, soon after 1980 embarked on a Lucific extinctionist strategy code named Gukurahundi which has been declared Genocide by the world? In an independent country, no normal government can brazenly butcher its citizens like what zanu did. That proved that Mthwakazi peoples were not as they still are not bonafide Zimbabwean but Mthwakazian. Mahiya, in his own words confirms.
Mnangagwa who is proffered by the ZNLWVA became a willing accomplice by planning and implementation in the execution of Gukurahundi Genocide of the 1980s. So how on Earth can we as Mthwakazi peoples agree and see no mistake in having a butcher preside over Mthwakazi? No ways bakwethu!!!
We cannot say we are independent as Mthwakazi nation because we have lost hundreds of thousands of our people through the infliction of genocide, massacres, rapes, disappearances, various formats of brutality and torture and ethnic cleansing commonly referred to as the Gukurahundi Genocide (GG). So where is our independence, Mthwakazi?
We cannot say we are independent when we have suffered economic marginalisation and absorbed immeasurable insult and injury from the genocidal regime of Zimbabwe. We cannot say we are independent when millions have scattered to exile in neighbouring countries and elsewhere throughout the world, while many thousands are languishing in zanu created poverty and hundreds of thousands more continue to silently suffer from a regime that has trampled on human rights and justice with alarming impunity and arrogance. Mthwakazi, we cannot go on like this?
Yes we live in a time of humanity's advancement in which we must learn the lesson of living together. This lesson takes place with all its ups and downs, and makes us face both our inner tendencies and the consequences of our own actions. The planet has become too small for ignoring how Mthwakazi is treated resulting from the Zimbabwean independence. The planet has become even too smaller for such presumably big egos as exaggerated by Zimbabwean independent voices. Mthwakazi, we are not independent yet.
Zanu pf and their kin and kith, display a state of indifference towards the ways in which they handle the Mthwakazi peoples up to date, which on its own is a sign that their power is on the brink of believing itself invincible and, abandoning reason, becoming an abominable dictatorship. Freedom is demanded from the black occupying government. It cannot be cajoled and expect Mthwakazi to be RESTORED. The senior occupier (Britain) must be asked to decolonise completely now.
When analyzing zanu pf totalitarian systems, it is easily apparent that one of the clearest signs displayed by it, having installed its abominable domination, is exactly the kind of arrogance that manifests itself as power everywhere to everyone. It is a paradox that every occupier has climbed to power through devious means and immediately on attaining that power the occupier (zanu pf) then suppresses all except itself.
Mthwakazi needs to understand now, more than ever, that the independence that the peoples thought was also meant for them became a non-event and that it was meant for some secular Zimbabwean tribes. They got independent, we did not get it. It is an infantile statement if we say we are independent. There is nothing worth telling the future generation about. All that peoples had, that was derived from the colonial era, has simple vanished into thin air when zanu pf assumed the governorship from Britain. So Mthwakazi, are we independent when our political space has been occupied by the subjects of the occupier? Not at all. That is tragic.
There is need to compel the coloniser, Britain, to come to reality and decolonise completely. RESTORATION through a compelled decolonisation route will lead Mthwakazi to free her political space, free her judiciary space, free her social space, free her economics from the British proxy (zanu pf), free our service delivery systems from the proxy, free our religious systems from this proxy of the British, free Mthwakazi from the cultural assimilation trends we find ourselves being dragged in and be freed from all that is used to keep Mthwakazi from her independence. All these cannot in anyway under the sun, come through by any means other than by the mentioned.
Using MTHWAKAZI RESTORATION AGENDA as a package in partaking in the zanu pf Zimbabwean elections, which are designed to advance zanu pf's Zimbabwean trajectory will be a way of subjecting and entrenching the peoples into further servitude of the system we are working hard to dislodge. Then the deceitful regime will use the results (which definitely will not be pleasing-failed) as a way of dismissing the HOLY MTHWAKAZI RESTORATION AGENDA to the world as having been rejected by the owners of it. You cannot come back again and claim RESTORATION when you have been floored by an unfair jab from the British proxy.
To partake in those elections, without packaging the MTHWAKAZI RESTORATION AGENDA as part of the winning tool, it will come in handy in the dissemination of the Mthwakazi issues that will form the basis of the ensuing RESTORATION route as cited above. Packaging the RESTORATION AGENDA for elections is telling the people that when voted into MPship or councillorship that will eventually lead to the RESTORATION OF MTHWAKAZI. That is a factual falsehood. Dynamics that go with an elected member of parliament is fully governed by the rules of Zimbabwean Parliament. That strategy is for those who want to remain in Zimbabwe, nothing else.
The solution is not outside of us. We as a people who yearn for more than what we are perceived to have got, Zimbabwean independence, we need to be robust and approach our problem and also want to solve it the way we have chosen- RESTORATION, kwaphela nje. We need to come together, in unity and raise our voices in unison. We need to approach our RESTORATION through the use of a practical line of attack which will bear fruits. Fragmentation will never do us good. An all stakeholders is needed to look into this ever slippery route so that something meaningful comes out. Together we stand but fragmented we fall.
The independence that never was, for the peoples of Mthwakazi, should be a motivation factor that raise the peoples into a formidable force to challenge the current system and the big brother Britain, to have Mthwakazi decolonized. People cannot move in circles when the route is there and clear. The notion of partaking in elections, though it will not usher Mthwakazi with the required result, it remains the prerogative of those who want to involve themselves in issues not of their country. MTHWAKAZI, UNITE AS UNITY IS A CONDUIT OF SUCCESS.
Source - Chrispen Nyoni
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