Opinion / Columnist
You Criminal (Expatriate) Western Scum!
05 Feb 2012 at 06:54hrs | Views

This article is a response to one entitled "You Lazy (Intellectual) African Scum!" by Mr Field Ruwe.
Using the same scenario and format, it gives another view of the complex African situation. Indeed we are humans; we look at the same thing but see different things, depending on where we are sitting, who we are, and the mood.
They call the first World the clever man's purview; the mobile, fast and lively prefecture. In this realm the good and the bad are alert, busy, scheming aggressively and therefore wealthy, i.e., totally rich, self-reliant, well resourced, millionaires, favored, and with plenty. In this demesne, as they call it, they lay claims to all world discoveries, inventions, and innovations. Simply, without them, no human being existed, as such, they claim to have discovered all the lakes, rivers, mountains in the world. Today, they strive to maintain this by blocking any invention and/or innovation any where other than in their demesne, sometimes by luring inventors to their territory in form of scholarships or job offer. The West is full of thieving expatriates who have consistently, since time immaterial, looted African countries of their wealth, leading to massive loss of human life directly and indirectly. Many still refer to the West as "the land of plenty" for the mood in their people is that of satisfaction, indicating that the gravy train reached its destination safely with its loot from Africa, and everybody is enjoying the loot. Millions of first world citizens are living and many more are being born in this luxury day by day.
"Only a criminal kind can rob" the man next to me said, "Stop what you are doing to Africa."
Black, fully bearded, with intense, steely eyes, he was as cold as they come. When I first discovered I was going to spend my New Year's Eve next to him on a non-stop South African Airways flight from Lagos to Johannesburg I was angst-ridden. I associate unshaved heavy bearded Africans with African traditional chiefs, most of who are anti-West.
"My name is Mpango Agrey Kitikyamuwogo, call me Mpango" he extended his thick hand as soon as I settled in my seat. "What is your name?"
I told him mine with a precautious smile. "Walters McFarlane, call me Walters"
"Walters, where are you from?" he asked.
"London, UK."
"Oh! the Great Britain!" he exclaimed, "Blair's country."
"Yes," I said, "Now Cameron's."
"Of course," he responded. "They are the same?"
My face lit up, I could smell the arrogance? He smiled, and in those cold eyes I recognized the amenable fellow, one of those former African presidents who had shuttled between Africa and the U.K. To tell you the truth, these were not his real names and I will respect that by not revealing further.
"I visited your country many times when I was the president of my country, many years ago," he continued. "I rejected the American and British intervention in my country. I refused to dine with Thatcher, Reagan, Bush, and many other trickster Western leaders." He lowered his voice. "I was one of the few African leaders who knew exactly how the West was looting African wealth." He smirked. "I visited America and Britain. In fact, your government hosted me in a multimillion dollar hotel from where we visited many other interesting places. I believed they were trying to hypnotize me to give in during negotiation for independence. From my room, I saw it allâ€"Britain is a rich country, with everything. Only one thing struck me, they could not account for how they acquired that wealth! The African factor kept coming in; slavery, minerals, apartheid, etc.
"Are you still the president of eeh…, that country?" I asked.
"I hope you don't mind, not to worry about the name of my country for now? No, having been labeled a communist, I was disposed of in a Western-instigated coup d'etat. To be frank, am still bitter about it. But I have since moved to yet another group with similar intentions, to defend Africa from the western criminal intellectuals like you. In the next few months my colleagues and I will be in London to educate your ignorant government on what Africa needs for development, because, you have failed to offer Africa a better deal. Our new movement has uncovered how your government looted Africa of its wealth during and after colonialism. Your government owes the African citizens billions of pounds. We'll be in London to offer your Master an ultimatum for paying back that money."
He continued, "I know that many ignorant people of your kind including a few misguided or disgruntled Africans claim that Africa was better under colonialism. Can you tell me, what did colonialism serve Africa? Why did Africans have to take up arms to attain independence?" He paused, then continued, "We shall do away with your brokers the IMF, World Bank, etc, insist on reparations for looting Africa, and charge you them in the International criminal court (ICC) for crimes against humanity."
"No, you won't," I said. "The prime minister is not an easy man. He is …"
He was laughing. "Says who? You think we shall fall for his carrots and stick. I did not do it then, and I will not fall for it now" He continued, "We are rising these questions expecting not to succeed today, but first, it will expose the atrocities of the Western expatriate scum, thereby sawing doubt…."
I asked" Give me give me an African president, just one, who has not fallen for the carrot and stick."
"You are looking at him, it is me" He snapped.
He then continued, "My friend today is your luckiest day. It is not usual to hear or even see those Africans leaders who dared to reject your government's carrots and stick, for they never leave a life-time. They are burnished by Western sponsored resistance as dictators, undemocratic, corrupt, murderers, etc and eventually disposed of. Unfortunately for them, I survived."
"Now, Walter, what do you make of the fact that almost all the world's famous dictators were propelled into power by your government, only to be disposed of in bloody battles with the aid of your government? You don't want to believe, eh? The so-called dictators were disposed of as soon as they recognized and resisted your government's intentions to loot their countries. They rejected further dialogue with your government because it was a raw deal, shit. And your government does not take such rejection lightly. Soon, the political and economic shuffling behind the closed doors were thrown in the open, and with the support of your government, open opposition immerged for the first time, and, as usual, civil war ensued. Right now we are expecting the same fallout in Libya, it is a question of time. You know what? As we speak, all those dictators are dead. They were killed"
At midnight we were airborne. The captain wished us a happy 2012 and urged us to close the windows as there was nothing to see over Lagos.
"Look, it is dark all over! Isn't that awful?" He exclaimed looking out of the window at the darkness before closing the shutters.
From my middle seat, I took a snap look and nodded in agreement, just to please him.
"This is the true Africa you cherish to work in, eh?" he scorned. "No fire crackers, but impoverished and defenseless Africans. Easy prey for you, eh? You, the so-called expatriates, have turned Africa into the most impoverished continent on earth? You call our countries lakes from which you fish with happiness, leaving the masses drown in the deprivation."
I grinned. "I did not call Africa a Lake"
He frowned and repeated. "Yes, that's what you call our countries, lakes. Your government has deployed all its state machinery (economic, military, political, intelligence, academic criminals, etc) to ensure that Africa remains dependent on the West. You are pretty sure that your government is to gain as long as Africa remains under developed. You disable Africans by looting their minerals, wildlife, etc, and for all that, you blame it on the ineptitude of the African intellectuals! Came on, shut up."
"Let us see who really you are? You fly all way from Europe with the ulterior motive to loot and maim African countries by perpetuating corruption. You lure African leaders into accepting bribes by ensuring safety of their money in the Western Banks! And you cap it up by creating detractions, i.e., debates on blaming the African intellectuals for lack of innovation, etc. Simply, you are 'a criminal expatriate Western Scum'."
"What? No, I am not" I protested and glanced around the cabin to see of other people heard me.
"No, no, let me finish. Listen, and look at me when I am talking to you, eh?" He yelled. "Your government talks about fighting corruption, and I heard of Western governments freezing the accounts of some so-called African leaders who had squandered his country's money, and yet, in none of these cases did they prosecute the criminal expatriates that offered the bribe, nor the bank that accepted such money! It takes two to tangle. Corruption is instigated by the West using criminals expatriates like you, and you recruit Africans. Now, if this is not true, what is your job?"
"You are sitting here with me, do you know that as a criminal expatriate, all the Africans on this plane are your victims? You are thieving scoundrels that have looted this continent dry. The looted African money was used in growing economy of your country, while the looted African minerals and human resources keep your industries running thereby creating wealth for the citizens of your country while the Africans get nothing, but loans from the same looted money. That's what you primitive, criminal expatriates from West and the entire first World have done to Africa. You are thieves, so are your descendants living on this African loot"
The smile vanished from my face.
"I see you are getting pissed off," He said and lowered his voice. "You are thinking this African chief is real anti-West. That's how most Westerners of you kind respond when I tell them the truth. They go ballistic. Okay. Let's for a moment put our skin pigmentations, this black and white crap, aside. Tell me, my friend, what is the difference between you and me?"
"There's no difference."
"Absolutely none," he exclaimed. "Scientists in the Human Genome Project have proved that. It took them thirteen years to determine the complete sequence of the three billion DNA subunits. After they were all done it was clear that 99.9% nucleotide bases were exactly the same in you and me. We are the same people. All white, Asian, Latino, and black people on this aircraft are the same."
I gladly nodded.
"And yet you, Walter, you have the guts to say that you feel superior to Africans just because you are White!" he smiled fatalistically. "Worse still, you extrapolated this by claiming that every white person on that plane felt superior to a black person. You even boasted that you could pick up a nincompoop from the New York streets, clean him up, and take him to Lusaka and all African would be crowding around him chanting muzungu, muzungu and yet he's riffraff!"
"My angry friend, do you ever wonder why you say such things? It is because you were brainwashed to feel like so. They put filth in your brain, so you are sick in the head. You are living in a world of fantasy, where illusions are mistaken for reality. If you were a schizophrenic, I would call them hallucinations, for one, because, no African ever told you that they feel inferior to white people, and two, your 'feeling superior' does not mean you are superior."
"However, if by your analogy it were true that white people are superior to Africans, why a hell did you have to clean up the nincompoop white beggar before presenting him to Africans for adoration? Never mind, the world has many of your type. Recently, we saw a video of white university students in South Africa feeding urine to unsuspecting black workers, just to make them (white) feel superior.
These foolish incidents illustrate the acts of sick, inferior and simple minded criminals, not the healthy, superior and clever people you claim to be."
"On the other hand, your government has perpetuated the so-called superiority complex among the misguided White youths by preferring white people for aid workers or other agents etc, to Africa. Therefore, to the poor Africans, only white people bring free things. Those poor starving Africans were looking for crumbs, not the white skin. Take away the money and you will see how they will ignore your nincompoop."
For a moment I was wordless.
"By the way, you were quick at brushing aside the impact of slavery or colonialism or any kind of stigmatization, where whites progressed while Blacks retrogressed. Slavery was practiced for over 400 years, while colonialism for over 200 years, and apartheid for just over 50 years, and all these were characterized by the prejudice and indignation of Africans. Now, tell me how long should it take to reverse the impact of these crimes against humanity? Show me any body who ever received reparations in this respect? And don't give me that brainwash poppycock. Give me a better answer."
"The black people have just freed themselves to safety, and you know that such safety is still under constant threat by your government's continued incivility, then how can you turn around and blame Africans for lack of progress, innovation, etc? Come on!"
"To the contrary, it is ironical that you expect the physical and psychological trauma inflicted on Black people by these crimes against humanity to heal in the few years they have been free, but say nothing on why White people like you still harbor racist attitudes that fuel the said crimes. I must tell you the truth; the healing has not started, and it will not start until the day you White people discard the racist attitudes. Bad attitudes must go first."
I was thinking.
He continued. "Excuse me for what I am about to say. Please do not take offense."
I felt a slap of blood rush to my head and prepared for the worst.
"You my friend flying with me and all those of your kind, you are international criminals that have committed crimes against humanity," he said. "When you rest your head on the pillow, you dream of committing mass murders in Africa. You and the other so-called Western expatriates are damn criminals, each one of you. It is you, who is the reason Africa is in such a deplorable state."
"That's not a nice thing to say," I protested.
He was implacable. "Oh yes it is and I will say it again, you are criminals. The rich and educated Whites are the most cruel people on earth. I saw them in Zambia looting that country's wealth using the most cruel academic, economic and political tactics of sabotage. I saw them in the cities and villages towing away the people's wealth."
"Do you know why after independence Africa's agriculture and minerals industry collapsed? Oh, please don't give me that bull of corruption, lazy African intellectuals, etc."
"The fact is, soon after these African countries attained independence, your government scaled down the purchase of agricultural produce from Africa, and made the terms for continual mining of African minerals very unfavorable to Africans."
"Furthermore, your government speeded up the switch from natural to synthetic linen, and invested heavily into commercial farming for the same African cash and food crops. As a result, the demand and prices for coffee, cocoa and cotton plummeted. Today, your government buys the cheap crude coffee and cocoa, refines them and sells the refined product to Africans at high prices."
"The Western governments have continued to undermine Africa's agricultural produce by heavily subsidizing their farmers and allowing them to sell their produce below international prices. Even worse, your farmers produce food in surplus, but instead of donating such excess foods to the starving masses in Africa, the surplus food is bought by your government and powered into the ocean or burnt. This is murder!"
I held my breath.
"I also know that you blame the African intellectuals for not doing anything about Africa's problems, and that the African leaders are corrupt and squanderers. You want to see African intellectuals invent aeroplanes, water purifiers and drugs for HIV, and only then would they be doing something. African intellectuals should not go to the Golf Club, Play house or fly business class because many Africans are suffering from the IMF and World Bank incivility, and that these good things are made only for the white man. I am sure you are wondering why I am squandering money by flying to Johannesburg today. Simply, African intellectuals should hand over all our earnings to the poor Africans."
"My friend, this makes me read another side of your sick mind. You are very sick! You said that white people have done this and that. What exactly was your contribution to any of the technological progress you claim? Nothing! You were unemployed at home and only lucky that Africa exists, the land of the defenseless where cleaned-up nincompoop can be posted."
"After the looting and maiming Africans to absolute poverty, what development do you expect? Where will the African intellectuals get the money to put ideas into fruition? Have you visited the African Universities and found how many inventions Africans intellectuals have developed and cannot be put to fruition because of lack of funding?"
On what basis did you conclude that Africa situation can be solved by new discoveries? Are you an expert on Africa's looting or development. This is another attempt to create a detraction from your clandestine activities."
"What really do you know about African Intellectuals besides those you corrupt? Have you engaged African intellectuals within and without Africa and found how many organizations they have made to the aid of Africa? Have you heard of organizations such as 'The Ugandan Northern American Convention', The Basoga Twegaite, Busoga Yaffe (BY), etc? Try the same for Zambia and other African countries. Do you really know anything about Africans' concern for their countries and the continent at large? Have you ever visited any African forum in the Diaspora? Or you are just an arm-chair swindler busy undoing the good done by others? "
He looked me in the eye.
"And you flying to Johannesburg and all your colleagues in here are criminals. You don't care about Africa. You are hypocrites pretending to love Africa, while you suck it dry. Many people have died and more are dying of your devastating deprivation. Because of you, our parents, brothers and sisters are living in squalor; they are dying of AIDS/HIV, a White man's disease you brought in Africa. Worse still, using criminal expatriates like you, your government continues to interfere with Africans progress in developing traditional remedies for HIV and other serious diseases. You promote Western medicines over those of Africans. You are here calling yourselves consultants, advisers, experts, and are fast at articulating your job descriptions once askedâ€" Oh, I am a World bank expatriate in this and thatâ€" expatriate is your criminal foot print!"
I was deflated.
"Wake up you all!" he exclaimed, attracting the attention of nearby passengers. "Instead of ravaging Africa, you should be busy fighting for lifting ideas, formulae, recipes, and diagrams from the Western manufacturing factories and sending them to your grazing land, Africa. You need to assist African intellectuals to turn their research findings and dissertation papers into an African treasure if you want to reap genuinely from Africa."
"By the way, stop lying about Asia as an economic force to reckon with. Asians never stole any Western ideas. Instead, the West uses Asia as source of cheap labor. Cheap and often poor quality goods are manufactured here and distributed to the third world. The driving force to investing in Asia is the local Asian market; specifically, they are highly populous countries (Japan, China, India and Korea) with millions still living under absolute poverty perpetuated by monarchist dictatorships and the 'collective' family structure or culture."
He paused. "Yes, the African chief has spoken," he said and grinned. "My friend, you need to take a deep introspection and liberate yourself from the limbo of the irrelevant white-supremacists. It is deeply disturbing for a person of your stature, an expatriate, to exhibit such attitude. Now, I begin to wonder why, of recent, many of your kind have visited South Africa! I know that South Africa still harbors many of your type, racists."
"My dear friend, the chances are running out for people like you. The African intellectuals are aware of your habits and have staged a fight against your kind. Have you heard of organizations like the Hoja Law Group? If not, then don't go back to Zambia because they no longer eat crumbs. All the well wishers of Zambia's literatiâ€"the cognoscente, intelligentsia, academics, highbrows, and scholars are well prepared for people like you. These academic intellectuals got the highest grades in mathematics and the sciences and attained the highest education on the planet. They have been to Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), name it, so they know all your tricks."
He tempered his voice and started speaking like a Saint. "Walter, get over this white skin syndrome and begin to feel like a normal human being. Abandon all the criminal intentions and directives of your evil Master. Become considerate, kind, and law abiding citizen of the world. Support Africans to reap from their toil, protect their wealth and promote partnership and African innovation; and you will be a true White expatriate."
At 8 a.m. the plane touched down at O.R Tambo International Airport . Mpango reached for my hand.
"I know I was too strong, but I don't give it a damn. I have been to many cites in the West and have seen too much African loot." He pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled something. "Here, read this. It was written by a friend."
He had written only the title: "The Ravages of Western Expatriates in Africa."
Thunderstruck, I had a sinking feeling. I watched Mpango walk through the airport doors to a waiting car. He had left a huge dust devil twirling in my mind, stirring up sad memories of our atrocities. I remembered the years I spent in Zambia in the 1980s, where I had wined and dined with many highly intelligent Zambians, and my current employer is planning to send me back to Zambia on another mission.
But today was a different day for me, It was the first time I had met an African leader who rejected the carrots and sticks. I had a new feeling. I felt so empowered by chief Mpango. I pondered over the chief's preaching, of course, ignoring his irritating out bursts, over the following week. In this African chief, I could see an intellectual. He knew whom he was fighting, what he intend to achieve, and how to achieve it, etc, and all his methods were humane, with no threat to life or human suffering. I confessed in my mind that this African chief was superior; oops! I rejected to using such words anymore.
However, aware that our Master's reset has been cast in the same faculties as those of his predecessors, I knew that, if today I told him that we can do better for Africa, he would not only throw me out, but dispose of me. I therefore decided to quit my expatriate mission as soon as I went back two weeks later."
Prof. Andrew Walubo is a Chief Clinical Pharmacologist at Universitas Academic Hospital, and Head, Department of Pharmacology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa (waluboa@ufs.ac.za). He holds a medical degree of Makerere University, a Masters in pharmacology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Doctor of Medicine in Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Cape Town, and a Masters in business administration of the University of the Free State. He undertook is post doctoral training at Vanderbilt University in the USA and is a Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology. Prof. Walubo has authored a fiction book entitled 'Mpango and the Worst Headmaster Who Ever Lived' (http://www.kalahari.com), and he is currently writing another entitled "Mpango, the African Foreigner."
Using the same scenario and format, it gives another view of the complex African situation. Indeed we are humans; we look at the same thing but see different things, depending on where we are sitting, who we are, and the mood.
They call the first World the clever man's purview; the mobile, fast and lively prefecture. In this realm the good and the bad are alert, busy, scheming aggressively and therefore wealthy, i.e., totally rich, self-reliant, well resourced, millionaires, favored, and with plenty. In this demesne, as they call it, they lay claims to all world discoveries, inventions, and innovations. Simply, without them, no human being existed, as such, they claim to have discovered all the lakes, rivers, mountains in the world. Today, they strive to maintain this by blocking any invention and/or innovation any where other than in their demesne, sometimes by luring inventors to their territory in form of scholarships or job offer. The West is full of thieving expatriates who have consistently, since time immaterial, looted African countries of their wealth, leading to massive loss of human life directly and indirectly. Many still refer to the West as "the land of plenty" for the mood in their people is that of satisfaction, indicating that the gravy train reached its destination safely with its loot from Africa, and everybody is enjoying the loot. Millions of first world citizens are living and many more are being born in this luxury day by day.
"Only a criminal kind can rob" the man next to me said, "Stop what you are doing to Africa."
Black, fully bearded, with intense, steely eyes, he was as cold as they come. When I first discovered I was going to spend my New Year's Eve next to him on a non-stop South African Airways flight from Lagos to Johannesburg I was angst-ridden. I associate unshaved heavy bearded Africans with African traditional chiefs, most of who are anti-West.
"My name is Mpango Agrey Kitikyamuwogo, call me Mpango" he extended his thick hand as soon as I settled in my seat. "What is your name?"
I told him mine with a precautious smile. "Walters McFarlane, call me Walters"
"Walters, where are you from?" he asked.
"London, UK."
"Oh! the Great Britain!" he exclaimed, "Blair's country."
"Yes," I said, "Now Cameron's."
"Of course," he responded. "They are the same?"
My face lit up, I could smell the arrogance? He smiled, and in those cold eyes I recognized the amenable fellow, one of those former African presidents who had shuttled between Africa and the U.K. To tell you the truth, these were not his real names and I will respect that by not revealing further.
"I visited your country many times when I was the president of my country, many years ago," he continued. "I rejected the American and British intervention in my country. I refused to dine with Thatcher, Reagan, Bush, and many other trickster Western leaders." He lowered his voice. "I was one of the few African leaders who knew exactly how the West was looting African wealth." He smirked. "I visited America and Britain. In fact, your government hosted me in a multimillion dollar hotel from where we visited many other interesting places. I believed they were trying to hypnotize me to give in during negotiation for independence. From my room, I saw it allâ€"Britain is a rich country, with everything. Only one thing struck me, they could not account for how they acquired that wealth! The African factor kept coming in; slavery, minerals, apartheid, etc.
"Are you still the president of eeh…, that country?" I asked.
"I hope you don't mind, not to worry about the name of my country for now? No, having been labeled a communist, I was disposed of in a Western-instigated coup d'etat. To be frank, am still bitter about it. But I have since moved to yet another group with similar intentions, to defend Africa from the western criminal intellectuals like you. In the next few months my colleagues and I will be in London to educate your ignorant government on what Africa needs for development, because, you have failed to offer Africa a better deal. Our new movement has uncovered how your government looted Africa of its wealth during and after colonialism. Your government owes the African citizens billions of pounds. We'll be in London to offer your Master an ultimatum for paying back that money."
He continued, "I know that many ignorant people of your kind including a few misguided or disgruntled Africans claim that Africa was better under colonialism. Can you tell me, what did colonialism serve Africa? Why did Africans have to take up arms to attain independence?" He paused, then continued, "We shall do away with your brokers the IMF, World Bank, etc, insist on reparations for looting Africa, and charge you them in the International criminal court (ICC) for crimes against humanity."
"No, you won't," I said. "The prime minister is not an easy man. He is …"
He was laughing. "Says who? You think we shall fall for his carrots and stick. I did not do it then, and I will not fall for it now" He continued, "We are rising these questions expecting not to succeed today, but first, it will expose the atrocities of the Western expatriate scum, thereby sawing doubt…."
I asked" Give me give me an African president, just one, who has not fallen for the carrot and stick."
"You are looking at him, it is me" He snapped.
He then continued, "My friend today is your luckiest day. It is not usual to hear or even see those Africans leaders who dared to reject your government's carrots and stick, for they never leave a life-time. They are burnished by Western sponsored resistance as dictators, undemocratic, corrupt, murderers, etc and eventually disposed of. Unfortunately for them, I survived."
"Now, Walter, what do you make of the fact that almost all the world's famous dictators were propelled into power by your government, only to be disposed of in bloody battles with the aid of your government? You don't want to believe, eh? The so-called dictators were disposed of as soon as they recognized and resisted your government's intentions to loot their countries. They rejected further dialogue with your government because it was a raw deal, shit. And your government does not take such rejection lightly. Soon, the political and economic shuffling behind the closed doors were thrown in the open, and with the support of your government, open opposition immerged for the first time, and, as usual, civil war ensued. Right now we are expecting the same fallout in Libya, it is a question of time. You know what? As we speak, all those dictators are dead. They were killed"
At midnight we were airborne. The captain wished us a happy 2012 and urged us to close the windows as there was nothing to see over Lagos.
"Look, it is dark all over! Isn't that awful?" He exclaimed looking out of the window at the darkness before closing the shutters.
From my middle seat, I took a snap look and nodded in agreement, just to please him.
"This is the true Africa you cherish to work in, eh?" he scorned. "No fire crackers, but impoverished and defenseless Africans. Easy prey for you, eh? You, the so-called expatriates, have turned Africa into the most impoverished continent on earth? You call our countries lakes from which you fish with happiness, leaving the masses drown in the deprivation."
I grinned. "I did not call Africa a Lake"
He frowned and repeated. "Yes, that's what you call our countries, lakes. Your government has deployed all its state machinery (economic, military, political, intelligence, academic criminals, etc) to ensure that Africa remains dependent on the West. You are pretty sure that your government is to gain as long as Africa remains under developed. You disable Africans by looting their minerals, wildlife, etc, and for all that, you blame it on the ineptitude of the African intellectuals! Came on, shut up."
"Let us see who really you are? You fly all way from Europe with the ulterior motive to loot and maim African countries by perpetuating corruption. You lure African leaders into accepting bribes by ensuring safety of their money in the Western Banks! And you cap it up by creating detractions, i.e., debates on blaming the African intellectuals for lack of innovation, etc. Simply, you are 'a criminal expatriate Western Scum'."
"What? No, I am not" I protested and glanced around the cabin to see of other people heard me.
"No, no, let me finish. Listen, and look at me when I am talking to you, eh?" He yelled. "Your government talks about fighting corruption, and I heard of Western governments freezing the accounts of some so-called African leaders who had squandered his country's money, and yet, in none of these cases did they prosecute the criminal expatriates that offered the bribe, nor the bank that accepted such money! It takes two to tangle. Corruption is instigated by the West using criminals expatriates like you, and you recruit Africans. Now, if this is not true, what is your job?"
"You are sitting here with me, do you know that as a criminal expatriate, all the Africans on this plane are your victims? You are thieving scoundrels that have looted this continent dry. The looted African money was used in growing economy of your country, while the looted African minerals and human resources keep your industries running thereby creating wealth for the citizens of your country while the Africans get nothing, but loans from the same looted money. That's what you primitive, criminal expatriates from West and the entire first World have done to Africa. You are thieves, so are your descendants living on this African loot"
The smile vanished from my face.
"I see you are getting pissed off," He said and lowered his voice. "You are thinking this African chief is real anti-West. That's how most Westerners of you kind respond when I tell them the truth. They go ballistic. Okay. Let's for a moment put our skin pigmentations, this black and white crap, aside. Tell me, my friend, what is the difference between you and me?"
"There's no difference."
"Absolutely none," he exclaimed. "Scientists in the Human Genome Project have proved that. It took them thirteen years to determine the complete sequence of the three billion DNA subunits. After they were all done it was clear that 99.9% nucleotide bases were exactly the same in you and me. We are the same people. All white, Asian, Latino, and black people on this aircraft are the same."
I gladly nodded.
"And yet you, Walter, you have the guts to say that you feel superior to Africans just because you are White!" he smiled fatalistically. "Worse still, you extrapolated this by claiming that every white person on that plane felt superior to a black person. You even boasted that you could pick up a nincompoop from the New York streets, clean him up, and take him to Lusaka and all African would be crowding around him chanting muzungu, muzungu and yet he's riffraff!"
"My angry friend, do you ever wonder why you say such things? It is because you were brainwashed to feel like so. They put filth in your brain, so you are sick in the head. You are living in a world of fantasy, where illusions are mistaken for reality. If you were a schizophrenic, I would call them hallucinations, for one, because, no African ever told you that they feel inferior to white people, and two, your 'feeling superior' does not mean you are superior."
These foolish incidents illustrate the acts of sick, inferior and simple minded criminals, not the healthy, superior and clever people you claim to be."
"On the other hand, your government has perpetuated the so-called superiority complex among the misguided White youths by preferring white people for aid workers or other agents etc, to Africa. Therefore, to the poor Africans, only white people bring free things. Those poor starving Africans were looking for crumbs, not the white skin. Take away the money and you will see how they will ignore your nincompoop."
For a moment I was wordless.
"By the way, you were quick at brushing aside the impact of slavery or colonialism or any kind of stigmatization, where whites progressed while Blacks retrogressed. Slavery was practiced for over 400 years, while colonialism for over 200 years, and apartheid for just over 50 years, and all these were characterized by the prejudice and indignation of Africans. Now, tell me how long should it take to reverse the impact of these crimes against humanity? Show me any body who ever received reparations in this respect? And don't give me that brainwash poppycock. Give me a better answer."
"The black people have just freed themselves to safety, and you know that such safety is still under constant threat by your government's continued incivility, then how can you turn around and blame Africans for lack of progress, innovation, etc? Come on!"
"To the contrary, it is ironical that you expect the physical and psychological trauma inflicted on Black people by these crimes against humanity to heal in the few years they have been free, but say nothing on why White people like you still harbor racist attitudes that fuel the said crimes. I must tell you the truth; the healing has not started, and it will not start until the day you White people discard the racist attitudes. Bad attitudes must go first."
I was thinking.
He continued. "Excuse me for what I am about to say. Please do not take offense."
I felt a slap of blood rush to my head and prepared for the worst.
"You my friend flying with me and all those of your kind, you are international criminals that have committed crimes against humanity," he said. "When you rest your head on the pillow, you dream of committing mass murders in Africa. You and the other so-called Western expatriates are damn criminals, each one of you. It is you, who is the reason Africa is in such a deplorable state."
"That's not a nice thing to say," I protested.
He was implacable. "Oh yes it is and I will say it again, you are criminals. The rich and educated Whites are the most cruel people on earth. I saw them in Zambia looting that country's wealth using the most cruel academic, economic and political tactics of sabotage. I saw them in the cities and villages towing away the people's wealth."
"Do you know why after independence Africa's agriculture and minerals industry collapsed? Oh, please don't give me that bull of corruption, lazy African intellectuals, etc."
"The fact is, soon after these African countries attained independence, your government scaled down the purchase of agricultural produce from Africa, and made the terms for continual mining of African minerals very unfavorable to Africans."
"Furthermore, your government speeded up the switch from natural to synthetic linen, and invested heavily into commercial farming for the same African cash and food crops. As a result, the demand and prices for coffee, cocoa and cotton plummeted. Today, your government buys the cheap crude coffee and cocoa, refines them and sells the refined product to Africans at high prices."
"The Western governments have continued to undermine Africa's agricultural produce by heavily subsidizing their farmers and allowing them to sell their produce below international prices. Even worse, your farmers produce food in surplus, but instead of donating such excess foods to the starving masses in Africa, the surplus food is bought by your government and powered into the ocean or burnt. This is murder!"
I held my breath.
"I also know that you blame the African intellectuals for not doing anything about Africa's problems, and that the African leaders are corrupt and squanderers. You want to see African intellectuals invent aeroplanes, water purifiers and drugs for HIV, and only then would they be doing something. African intellectuals should not go to the Golf Club, Play house or fly business class because many Africans are suffering from the IMF and World Bank incivility, and that these good things are made only for the white man. I am sure you are wondering why I am squandering money by flying to Johannesburg today. Simply, African intellectuals should hand over all our earnings to the poor Africans."
"My friend, this makes me read another side of your sick mind. You are very sick! You said that white people have done this and that. What exactly was your contribution to any of the technological progress you claim? Nothing! You were unemployed at home and only lucky that Africa exists, the land of the defenseless where cleaned-up nincompoop can be posted."
"After the looting and maiming Africans to absolute poverty, what development do you expect? Where will the African intellectuals get the money to put ideas into fruition? Have you visited the African Universities and found how many inventions Africans intellectuals have developed and cannot be put to fruition because of lack of funding?"
On what basis did you conclude that Africa situation can be solved by new discoveries? Are you an expert on Africa's looting or development. This is another attempt to create a detraction from your clandestine activities."
"What really do you know about African Intellectuals besides those you corrupt? Have you engaged African intellectuals within and without Africa and found how many organizations they have made to the aid of Africa? Have you heard of organizations such as 'The Ugandan Northern American Convention', The Basoga Twegaite, Busoga Yaffe (BY), etc? Try the same for Zambia and other African countries. Do you really know anything about Africans' concern for their countries and the continent at large? Have you ever visited any African forum in the Diaspora? Or you are just an arm-chair swindler busy undoing the good done by others? "
He looked me in the eye.
"And you flying to Johannesburg and all your colleagues in here are criminals. You don't care about Africa. You are hypocrites pretending to love Africa, while you suck it dry. Many people have died and more are dying of your devastating deprivation. Because of you, our parents, brothers and sisters are living in squalor; they are dying of AIDS/HIV, a White man's disease you brought in Africa. Worse still, using criminal expatriates like you, your government continues to interfere with Africans progress in developing traditional remedies for HIV and other serious diseases. You promote Western medicines over those of Africans. You are here calling yourselves consultants, advisers, experts, and are fast at articulating your job descriptions once askedâ€" Oh, I am a World bank expatriate in this and thatâ€" expatriate is your criminal foot print!"
I was deflated.
"Wake up you all!" he exclaimed, attracting the attention of nearby passengers. "Instead of ravaging Africa, you should be busy fighting for lifting ideas, formulae, recipes, and diagrams from the Western manufacturing factories and sending them to your grazing land, Africa. You need to assist African intellectuals to turn their research findings and dissertation papers into an African treasure if you want to reap genuinely from Africa."
"By the way, stop lying about Asia as an economic force to reckon with. Asians never stole any Western ideas. Instead, the West uses Asia as source of cheap labor. Cheap and often poor quality goods are manufactured here and distributed to the third world. The driving force to investing in Asia is the local Asian market; specifically, they are highly populous countries (Japan, China, India and Korea) with millions still living under absolute poverty perpetuated by monarchist dictatorships and the 'collective' family structure or culture."
He paused. "Yes, the African chief has spoken," he said and grinned. "My friend, you need to take a deep introspection and liberate yourself from the limbo of the irrelevant white-supremacists. It is deeply disturbing for a person of your stature, an expatriate, to exhibit such attitude. Now, I begin to wonder why, of recent, many of your kind have visited South Africa! I know that South Africa still harbors many of your type, racists."
"My dear friend, the chances are running out for people like you. The African intellectuals are aware of your habits and have staged a fight against your kind. Have you heard of organizations like the Hoja Law Group? If not, then don't go back to Zambia because they no longer eat crumbs. All the well wishers of Zambia's literatiâ€"the cognoscente, intelligentsia, academics, highbrows, and scholars are well prepared for people like you. These academic intellectuals got the highest grades in mathematics and the sciences and attained the highest education on the planet. They have been to Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), name it, so they know all your tricks."
He tempered his voice and started speaking like a Saint. "Walter, get over this white skin syndrome and begin to feel like a normal human being. Abandon all the criminal intentions and directives of your evil Master. Become considerate, kind, and law abiding citizen of the world. Support Africans to reap from their toil, protect their wealth and promote partnership and African innovation; and you will be a true White expatriate."
At 8 a.m. the plane touched down at O.R Tambo International Airport . Mpango reached for my hand.
"I know I was too strong, but I don't give it a damn. I have been to many cites in the West and have seen too much African loot." He pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled something. "Here, read this. It was written by a friend."
He had written only the title: "The Ravages of Western Expatriates in Africa."
Thunderstruck, I had a sinking feeling. I watched Mpango walk through the airport doors to a waiting car. He had left a huge dust devil twirling in my mind, stirring up sad memories of our atrocities. I remembered the years I spent in Zambia in the 1980s, where I had wined and dined with many highly intelligent Zambians, and my current employer is planning to send me back to Zambia on another mission.
But today was a different day for me, It was the first time I had met an African leader who rejected the carrots and sticks. I had a new feeling. I felt so empowered by chief Mpango. I pondered over the chief's preaching, of course, ignoring his irritating out bursts, over the following week. In this African chief, I could see an intellectual. He knew whom he was fighting, what he intend to achieve, and how to achieve it, etc, and all his methods were humane, with no threat to life or human suffering. I confessed in my mind that this African chief was superior; oops! I rejected to using such words anymore.
However, aware that our Master's reset has been cast in the same faculties as those of his predecessors, I knew that, if today I told him that we can do better for Africa, he would not only throw me out, but dispose of me. I therefore decided to quit my expatriate mission as soon as I went back two weeks later."
Prof. Andrew Walubo is a Chief Clinical Pharmacologist at Universitas Academic Hospital, and Head, Department of Pharmacology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa (waluboa@ufs.ac.za). He holds a medical degree of Makerere University, a Masters in pharmacology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Doctor of Medicine in Clinical Pharmacology of the University of Cape Town, and a Masters in business administration of the University of the Free State. He undertook is post doctoral training at Vanderbilt University in the USA and is a Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology. Prof. Walubo has authored a fiction book entitled 'Mpango and the Worst Headmaster Who Ever Lived' (http://www.kalahari.com), and he is currently writing another entitled "Mpango, the African Foreigner."
Source - Andrew Walubo
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