Opinion / Columnist
Mnangagwa under probe on 39 counts of fraud; Mugabe to stand trial on 20 000 murder charges
03 Nov 2017 at 05:38hrs | Views

The ideology
ZANU PF is a proponent of a conservative socialist ideology, Pan Africanist and anti- imperialist western values, doctrines and democracies. Pursuance to its ideology, ZANU PF adopted a governance system of dictatorship, tyranny, centralised power in one person in the name of President Robert Mugabe, first secretary of ZANU PF, life ZANU PF president and leader of the goals of a one party state.
The natural resources, self-serving decision making, appointment of key positions, allocation of financial resources and ownership of ZANU PF are wholly owned and controlled by Mugabe. The country literally belongs to Mugabe together with members of his extended family and a few surrogates scraping off some benefits from patronage.
President Mugabe is exempt from any leadership contests in ZANU PF due to his fears of leadership competition and loss of power.
He is therefore the lifetime ZANU PF central power holder responsible for distributing material and financial resources. He determines who should live and who should die; who should be promoted and who should be demoted; and who should remain in his party and who should be purged. When his power is threatened he shuffles, reshuffles and cycles the same dead wood in his cabinet at will; and he rigs elections and withholds elections results without a shame and indignity. He chooses who of his subjects should be fed and who should be starved. His amends and re-amends the country's constitution, government and party statutes each time his wants to pursue new ego overtures.
No wonder why his blind followers call him the God father and so he behaves as if he is a God. The reason for the preservation of his life ZANU PF presidency, one centre of power and consequently life president of Zimbabwe means that Mugabe had to lead the people of Zimbabwe with an iron fist devoid of the needs and wishes of the populace.
Mugabe's heavy handed and blood thirsty leadership ideology was and is fuelled, sustained and characterised by rampant human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extrajudicial killings, nepotism, corruption and gross economic mismanagement.
The grand total of documented and undocumented people that Mugabe has killed since the independence of Zimbabwe is well over 30 000. Mugabe is a manipulative and deceitful trooper killing the country and its people pulling the trigger from behind the scenes and the impact has been devastating with only him benefiting from the onslaught.
Emmerson Mnangagwa
The succession matrix in ZANU PF entitles that Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on the death squad list as his presence and stay in the party appear to be threatening the tired, haggard, frail and gaunt ZANU PF power holder and his multitude extended family. Mnangagwa is perceived as threatening the position of the apex, the power of the Gushungu dynasty and undeclared Gushungu monarch. The under qualified, politically immature, foul mouth, impulsive and unpredictable sweet heart legatee of the president, Grace Mugabe is on the verge of being imposed on the people of Zimbabwe as president against their will so as to propagate, preserve and perpetuate the Gushungu Empire. Fear of loss of power resides in the thinking and mentality of President Mugabe.
Mnangagwa is on a death row like many others in the past that unfortunately happened to be perceived to be a threat the presidential position of Mugabe. Mnangagwa survived two attempted assassinations by cyanide and ice cream poisoning. Mnangagwa needs to keep a watch over his shoulders. The snappers and hitmen are everywhere, anywhere, in any form and format. The killing could happen at Bulawayo youth interface rally, Harare youth interface rally, at the December special congress, on the highway, in the politburo meeting, overseas or at Mnangagwa's residency. Staged road accidents are Mugabe's signature killer foot prints but never rule out other forms. The perception is that while Mugabe sleeps in public rallies and meetings, he never sleeps at night with visual and vivid nightmares of Mnangagwa wearing a King's crown and him, Mugabe performing the obedience rituals. Mugabe together with his G40 is on overdrive hatching plans to have Mnangagwa eliminated from ZANU PF either dead or alive.
The information below re-enforces the historical evidence that show how possible it is for Mnangagwa to be killed by his long-time ally President Robert Mugabe. Mnangagwa's crime is that in the eyes and dreams of Robert Mugabe, Mnangagwa appears more presidential than the candidate of his choice. Mnangagwa receives louder crowd cheers of welcome at youth interface rallies than the combined cheers for both Mugabe and Grace.
The Matabele and Midlands genocide (Jan 1983 to Dec 1987)
President Robert Mugabe, first secretary and president of ZANU PF ordered the killings of 20 000 innocent Ndebele people driven by his unwillingness to create a truly ethnic, inclusive and diverse tribal tolerant government for all the people of Zimbabwe. In January 1983 right into December 1987, the genocide on Matabeles sponsored by Mugabe using his Gukurahundi killer machinery was unprecedented and systemic. The killings were driven by Mugabe's deep rooted political and tribal hatred of the Ndebeles, powerful emotions of political domination and control, the desire to completely eradicate the Ndebele tribe, a hanker for ethnic cleansing and to strangulate ZAPU into total extinction. Mugabe directing his killer bull dogs from his Jongwe office attempted to kill the then ZAPU President Dr Joshua Mqhabuko Nkomo at his residence in Bulawayo in the middle of the night. Nkomo left his home for safety following a tip from a Good Samaritan. Nkomo's body guard who had an exchange of fire with the intruders died at the hands of Mugabe and his mercenaries. Following Nkomo's escape from the killer jaws of Mugabe, Mugabe concocted a pack of lies saying Nkomo ran away and jumped the boarder wearing a woman's dress.
Mugabe's killing machinery of the Ndebele people was a combination of various state security apparatus that included the Gukurahundi Shona speaking militias, the CIO, ZRP and imposters from CIO posing as dissidents. The Gukurahundi militias were the death squadron trained by the North Koreans in methods of mass murder and ethnic cleansing. Evidence on the ground showed that Mugabe gave the instructions to his killer mercenaries to kill indiscriminately every man, boy, girl and woman. Pregnant women had their tummies bayonetted and ripped open exposing the foetus and leaving the expecting mother to die. It was a kill on sight mission. Mugabe was killing other human beings just for the love of power. Mugabe is due to stand trial of 20000 counts of ethnic murder crimes either in his life time or posthumously. The murders were premeditated, profound, deliberate, unmatched and sadistic. Mugabe currently swims in the rivers of blood that he constructed. He is soaked in the drips of the blood of the innocent and harmless so that his hold on power nourishes.
The 2008 presidential run off killings
In 2008 when Mugabe lost the presidential elections to MDC President Morgan Tsvangirai, the elections results were withheld way beyond the stipulated time by the constitution. The campaign for the re-run of the elections is believed to have killed between 200 to 300 people mainly supporters of MDC party. In the period leading to the presidential re-run Mugabe engaged pervasive and methodical beatings, torture and killing of Morgan Tsvangirai supporters. The act was politically motivated, violent and brazen. It was a campaign of arbitrary abductions, disappearances, arrests and detentions of innocent people without trial and some without a trace. Mugabe went onto the polls without a competing contestant and declared victory for running the race alone. Tsvangirai withdrew from the race citing that the campaign of killings by Mugabe was beyond reproach for any credible elections. Mugabe went on to swore himself as president of Zimbabwe at night at a disgraceful ceremony which saw him kiss his young wife for the first time in public which was interpreted as a way of coping with mortification and embarrassment. Mugabe knows that he is not a leader of the people any more. This is why he is not keen on addressing the social and economic needs of the people of Zimbabwe. He is now on a rampage to enrich himself and his family. Unfortunately his communication with people is now dominated with threats of all kinds which are common behaviours of people covering up for their weaknesses and wrong doing.
Archived documented killings of prominent politicians, military men and activists
General Solomon Mujuru aka Rex Nhongo (August 2011), first post-independence commander-in-chief of the Zimbabwe armed forces and husband of former Vice President and now leader of opposition party Joice Mujuru, died in a house fire which destroyed his farmhouse near Beatrice. It is believed Solomon was shot before setting his house ablaze with him thrown inside. The death of Solomon Mujuru was associated with power struggles in ZANU PF.
Shuvai Mahofa (14 August 2017) died of a heart attack. Mahofa is believed to have been involved a heated and nauseating telephone confrontation with Lady Grace Mugabe. It is further believed that Grace Mugabe was making a follow up on the insults she had heaped on Mahofa during Masvingo youth interface rally. Mahofa was also recovering from food poisoning believed to have been given to her at ZANU PF conference in Victoria Falls in December 2015. Mahofa was believed to be an obstruction to the ascendance to vice president of Grace Mugabe
Itai Dzamari, a pro-democracy activist was abducted on 9/03/2015 in broad daylight by five men suspected to be CIOs sanctioned by Mugabe to carry the act. Itai was known as a lone protester challenging the leadership failures of President Mugabe. Itai's whereabouts remain unknown to date. Only Mugabe and his CIO gang know where Itai is. Mugabe's power feeds on the blood of others.
Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku 03/05/2017 is believed to have succumbed to food poisoning a few months into his retirement. The reason for his elimination remains unclear but it may relate to his knowledge about the secrets of farm invasions, unlawful court rulings and imprisonment of innocent people under the instruction of Mugabe. Mugabe did not want to leave anything to chance so Chidyausiku had to be eliminated.
Amos Midzi (09/06/2015) Former ZANU PF Harare provincial chairman and former minister of mines and mining development's body was found in his car in the bush some kilometres away from his farm house. It is believed that Amos was killed for apparently knowing too much about the diamond and gold dealings, involving Grace Mugabe, Robert Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Edward Chindori-Chininga 19/06/2013 who was heading a committee investigating the Chiadzwa diamonds scandal was killed in a mysterious car accident on his way from Raffingora to Guruve. It is believed he knew a lot about the disappearance of the $15 billion from the diamonds mines.
Simon Musanhu (14/01/2015) who was the environment, water and climate change deputy minister mysteriously "collapsed" and died at his home. It is believed that he was suspected to be working with former vice president, Joice Mujuru to oust President Mugabe.
Retired Justice Wilson Sandura (11/03/15) died at the Avenues clinic in Harare after being involved in a fake accident on the 27th of February 2015. Sandura knew a lot about the Willogate scandal of 1988.
19/08/2013, Retired Air Commodore Mike Karakadzai died in car accident around Shangani. Karakadzai knew the secrets of the exploitation of mineral resources (Tremalt cobalt and copper deals) in DRC during Zimbabwe military intervention in that country. The army generals are believed to have been involved. Many young men and women who died in the unplanned DRC war were not accounted for. Families of those soldiers were left in the dark about the whereabouts and what happened to their loved ones.
Border Gezi (2001), minister for gender, youth and employment, died in a car accident. Gezi became prominent with the Border Gezi youth camps to a point that he was suspected to be harbouring ambitions for presidency.
Elliot Manyika (2008), minister without portfolio and national political commissar for ZANU-PF, died in a car accident. Manyika had become prominent as ZANU PF national commissar and his crime was that he had become more visible than President Mugabe.
Sydney Malunga was a political activist, civic leader and outspoken Member of Parliament for Mpopoma constituency. He died on August 28, 1994 in a car accident said to have involved a black dog.
Rashiwe Guzha was a secretary in the Zimbabwean central intelligence office. She disappeared in the early 1990s and has not been found. An inquiry was set up by the Zimbabwean government but results of the inquiry were never made public. Only Mugabe and his hitmen know the truth.
Maurice Nyagumbo (1989), minister for mines, died from ingesting pesticide. It is allegedly claimed to be a looting deal involving the thief residing at State House that went wrong during the Willow Vale Cressida car scandal. Former late wife of President Mugabe is believed to have been involved in the scandal.
Enos Chikoore is alleged to have committed suicide following a forced resignation due to massive looting at NICOZIM and the national housing scheme during his tenure as a minister of transport and minister of energy and public construction and national housing respectively. The looting was believed to have been sanctioned by the man currently renting at State House.
Moven Mahachi (2001), minister of defence, died in a car accident. It is not clear whether it was a common traffic accident or a staged car accident.
Mthandazo Ndema Ngwenya, (1991) was assassinated by car crash on the Bulawayo-Harare road. He was a novelist and academic. He died together with Themba Nkabinde. They were accused of a conspiracy to revolt against the ZANU PF government through Imbovane yamahlabezulu.
Susan Tsvangirai (2009), wife of MDC President Morgan Tsvangirai and Prime Minister in then Government of National Unity, died in a car accident. The belief is that the plot was meant to kill Morgan Tsvangirai who was a fierce opposition presidential contender to President Mugabe at the time. Morgan Tsvangirai had in fact won the first round of the president election in 2008 but Mugabe rigged himself into power through violence, torture and killings of opposition supporters.
Lookout Masuku 05/04/1986 died in suspicious circumstances a few weeks after his release from prison on trumped up charges of arms caches. Masuku was jailed together with Dumiso Dabengwa by Mugabe. The courts had cleared the two men of any wrong doing but Mugabe opted to imprison them anywhere.
Peter Pamire died in a car crash in 1996. In July 1996 an operative of Mugabe's dreaded central intelligence organisation shot Pamire while he was driving from Harare international airport. It is believed that the killing was to do with a love triangle feud that involved the first lady Grace, Pamire and President Mugabe. There are suspicions that one of the Mugabe's sons is in fact a Pamire.
Winston Changara (2007).The long-time bodyguard of Robert Mugabe was accused of meddling in the extra marital private affairs of the first family, especially Grace. It all started when Grace refused to go with Changara on a trip abroad alleging sexual overtures from the assistant commissioner bodyguard. Grace wanted to do away with him because she saw him to potentially spill the beans about her infidelity. Changara died in a road car accident.
Edison Zvobgo (2004) The Harvard trained lawyer and long-time ally of Mugabe started criticising Mugabe's autocratic rule in the early 1990's. In 1996, he survived a car accident along Harare-Masvingo road. Both his legs were broken and Zvobgo was dropped from cabinet soon after the accident.
Nleya (1989), Captain Nleya's body was found on a hillside in Hwange, two months after he disappeared in suspicious circumstances from 1:2 infantry battalion in Hwange. It is unclear why he was targeted.
Army lieutenant Shepard Chisango died in custody in 1991, after threatening to expose ‘smuggling' activities in Mozambique. He was arrested after trying to obstruct an army lorry which was carrying what was believed to be smuggled goods from Mozambique.
ZANU PF is a proponent of a conservative socialist ideology, Pan Africanist and anti- imperialist western values, doctrines and democracies. Pursuance to its ideology, ZANU PF adopted a governance system of dictatorship, tyranny, centralised power in one person in the name of President Robert Mugabe, first secretary of ZANU PF, life ZANU PF president and leader of the goals of a one party state.
The natural resources, self-serving decision making, appointment of key positions, allocation of financial resources and ownership of ZANU PF are wholly owned and controlled by Mugabe. The country literally belongs to Mugabe together with members of his extended family and a few surrogates scraping off some benefits from patronage.
President Mugabe is exempt from any leadership contests in ZANU PF due to his fears of leadership competition and loss of power.
He is therefore the lifetime ZANU PF central power holder responsible for distributing material and financial resources. He determines who should live and who should die; who should be promoted and who should be demoted; and who should remain in his party and who should be purged. When his power is threatened he shuffles, reshuffles and cycles the same dead wood in his cabinet at will; and he rigs elections and withholds elections results without a shame and indignity. He chooses who of his subjects should be fed and who should be starved. His amends and re-amends the country's constitution, government and party statutes each time his wants to pursue new ego overtures.
No wonder why his blind followers call him the God father and so he behaves as if he is a God. The reason for the preservation of his life ZANU PF presidency, one centre of power and consequently life president of Zimbabwe means that Mugabe had to lead the people of Zimbabwe with an iron fist devoid of the needs and wishes of the populace.
Mugabe's heavy handed and blood thirsty leadership ideology was and is fuelled, sustained and characterised by rampant human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extrajudicial killings, nepotism, corruption and gross economic mismanagement.
The grand total of documented and undocumented people that Mugabe has killed since the independence of Zimbabwe is well over 30 000. Mugabe is a manipulative and deceitful trooper killing the country and its people pulling the trigger from behind the scenes and the impact has been devastating with only him benefiting from the onslaught.
Emmerson Mnangagwa
The succession matrix in ZANU PF entitles that Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on the death squad list as his presence and stay in the party appear to be threatening the tired, haggard, frail and gaunt ZANU PF power holder and his multitude extended family. Mnangagwa is perceived as threatening the position of the apex, the power of the Gushungu dynasty and undeclared Gushungu monarch. The under qualified, politically immature, foul mouth, impulsive and unpredictable sweet heart legatee of the president, Grace Mugabe is on the verge of being imposed on the people of Zimbabwe as president against their will so as to propagate, preserve and perpetuate the Gushungu Empire. Fear of loss of power resides in the thinking and mentality of President Mugabe.
Mnangagwa is on a death row like many others in the past that unfortunately happened to be perceived to be a threat the presidential position of Mugabe. Mnangagwa survived two attempted assassinations by cyanide and ice cream poisoning. Mnangagwa needs to keep a watch over his shoulders. The snappers and hitmen are everywhere, anywhere, in any form and format. The killing could happen at Bulawayo youth interface rally, Harare youth interface rally, at the December special congress, on the highway, in the politburo meeting, overseas or at Mnangagwa's residency. Staged road accidents are Mugabe's signature killer foot prints but never rule out other forms. The perception is that while Mugabe sleeps in public rallies and meetings, he never sleeps at night with visual and vivid nightmares of Mnangagwa wearing a King's crown and him, Mugabe performing the obedience rituals. Mugabe together with his G40 is on overdrive hatching plans to have Mnangagwa eliminated from ZANU PF either dead or alive.
The information below re-enforces the historical evidence that show how possible it is for Mnangagwa to be killed by his long-time ally President Robert Mugabe. Mnangagwa's crime is that in the eyes and dreams of Robert Mugabe, Mnangagwa appears more presidential than the candidate of his choice. Mnangagwa receives louder crowd cheers of welcome at youth interface rallies than the combined cheers for both Mugabe and Grace.
The Matabele and Midlands genocide (Jan 1983 to Dec 1987)
President Robert Mugabe, first secretary and president of ZANU PF ordered the killings of 20 000 innocent Ndebele people driven by his unwillingness to create a truly ethnic, inclusive and diverse tribal tolerant government for all the people of Zimbabwe. In January 1983 right into December 1987, the genocide on Matabeles sponsored by Mugabe using his Gukurahundi killer machinery was unprecedented and systemic. The killings were driven by Mugabe's deep rooted political and tribal hatred of the Ndebeles, powerful emotions of political domination and control, the desire to completely eradicate the Ndebele tribe, a hanker for ethnic cleansing and to strangulate ZAPU into total extinction. Mugabe directing his killer bull dogs from his Jongwe office attempted to kill the then ZAPU President Dr Joshua Mqhabuko Nkomo at his residence in Bulawayo in the middle of the night. Nkomo left his home for safety following a tip from a Good Samaritan. Nkomo's body guard who had an exchange of fire with the intruders died at the hands of Mugabe and his mercenaries. Following Nkomo's escape from the killer jaws of Mugabe, Mugabe concocted a pack of lies saying Nkomo ran away and jumped the boarder wearing a woman's dress.
Mugabe's killing machinery of the Ndebele people was a combination of various state security apparatus that included the Gukurahundi Shona speaking militias, the CIO, ZRP and imposters from CIO posing as dissidents. The Gukurahundi militias were the death squadron trained by the North Koreans in methods of mass murder and ethnic cleansing. Evidence on the ground showed that Mugabe gave the instructions to his killer mercenaries to kill indiscriminately every man, boy, girl and woman. Pregnant women had their tummies bayonetted and ripped open exposing the foetus and leaving the expecting mother to die. It was a kill on sight mission. Mugabe was killing other human beings just for the love of power. Mugabe is due to stand trial of 20000 counts of ethnic murder crimes either in his life time or posthumously. The murders were premeditated, profound, deliberate, unmatched and sadistic. Mugabe currently swims in the rivers of blood that he constructed. He is soaked in the drips of the blood of the innocent and harmless so that his hold on power nourishes.
The 2008 presidential run off killings
In 2008 when Mugabe lost the presidential elections to MDC President Morgan Tsvangirai, the elections results were withheld way beyond the stipulated time by the constitution. The campaign for the re-run of the elections is believed to have killed between 200 to 300 people mainly supporters of MDC party. In the period leading to the presidential re-run Mugabe engaged pervasive and methodical beatings, torture and killing of Morgan Tsvangirai supporters. The act was politically motivated, violent and brazen. It was a campaign of arbitrary abductions, disappearances, arrests and detentions of innocent people without trial and some without a trace. Mugabe went onto the polls without a competing contestant and declared victory for running the race alone. Tsvangirai withdrew from the race citing that the campaign of killings by Mugabe was beyond reproach for any credible elections. Mugabe went on to swore himself as president of Zimbabwe at night at a disgraceful ceremony which saw him kiss his young wife for the first time in public which was interpreted as a way of coping with mortification and embarrassment. Mugabe knows that he is not a leader of the people any more. This is why he is not keen on addressing the social and economic needs of the people of Zimbabwe. He is now on a rampage to enrich himself and his family. Unfortunately his communication with people is now dominated with threats of all kinds which are common behaviours of people covering up for their weaknesses and wrong doing.
Archived documented killings of prominent politicians, military men and activists
General Solomon Mujuru aka Rex Nhongo (August 2011), first post-independence commander-in-chief of the Zimbabwe armed forces and husband of former Vice President and now leader of opposition party Joice Mujuru, died in a house fire which destroyed his farmhouse near Beatrice. It is believed Solomon was shot before setting his house ablaze with him thrown inside. The death of Solomon Mujuru was associated with power struggles in ZANU PF.
Shuvai Mahofa (14 August 2017) died of a heart attack. Mahofa is believed to have been involved a heated and nauseating telephone confrontation with Lady Grace Mugabe. It is further believed that Grace Mugabe was making a follow up on the insults she had heaped on Mahofa during Masvingo youth interface rally. Mahofa was also recovering from food poisoning believed to have been given to her at ZANU PF conference in Victoria Falls in December 2015. Mahofa was believed to be an obstruction to the ascendance to vice president of Grace Mugabe
Itai Dzamari, a pro-democracy activist was abducted on 9/03/2015 in broad daylight by five men suspected to be CIOs sanctioned by Mugabe to carry the act. Itai was known as a lone protester challenging the leadership failures of President Mugabe. Itai's whereabouts remain unknown to date. Only Mugabe and his CIO gang know where Itai is. Mugabe's power feeds on the blood of others.
Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku 03/05/2017 is believed to have succumbed to food poisoning a few months into his retirement. The reason for his elimination remains unclear but it may relate to his knowledge about the secrets of farm invasions, unlawful court rulings and imprisonment of innocent people under the instruction of Mugabe. Mugabe did not want to leave anything to chance so Chidyausiku had to be eliminated.
Amos Midzi (09/06/2015) Former ZANU PF Harare provincial chairman and former minister of mines and mining development's body was found in his car in the bush some kilometres away from his farm house. It is believed that Amos was killed for apparently knowing too much about the diamond and gold dealings, involving Grace Mugabe, Robert Mugabe and Emmerson Mnangagwa.
Edward Chindori-Chininga 19/06/2013 who was heading a committee investigating the Chiadzwa diamonds scandal was killed in a mysterious car accident on his way from Raffingora to Guruve. It is believed he knew a lot about the disappearance of the $15 billion from the diamonds mines.
Simon Musanhu (14/01/2015) who was the environment, water and climate change deputy minister mysteriously "collapsed" and died at his home. It is believed that he was suspected to be working with former vice president, Joice Mujuru to oust President Mugabe.
Retired Justice Wilson Sandura (11/03/15) died at the Avenues clinic in Harare after being involved in a fake accident on the 27th of February 2015. Sandura knew a lot about the Willogate scandal of 1988.
19/08/2013, Retired Air Commodore Mike Karakadzai died in car accident around Shangani. Karakadzai knew the secrets of the exploitation of mineral resources (Tremalt cobalt and copper deals) in DRC during Zimbabwe military intervention in that country. The army generals are believed to have been involved. Many young men and women who died in the unplanned DRC war were not accounted for. Families of those soldiers were left in the dark about the whereabouts and what happened to their loved ones.
Border Gezi (2001), minister for gender, youth and employment, died in a car accident. Gezi became prominent with the Border Gezi youth camps to a point that he was suspected to be harbouring ambitions for presidency.
Elliot Manyika (2008), minister without portfolio and national political commissar for ZANU-PF, died in a car accident. Manyika had become prominent as ZANU PF national commissar and his crime was that he had become more visible than President Mugabe.
Sydney Malunga was a political activist, civic leader and outspoken Member of Parliament for Mpopoma constituency. He died on August 28, 1994 in a car accident said to have involved a black dog.
Rashiwe Guzha was a secretary in the Zimbabwean central intelligence office. She disappeared in the early 1990s and has not been found. An inquiry was set up by the Zimbabwean government but results of the inquiry were never made public. Only Mugabe and his hitmen know the truth.
Maurice Nyagumbo (1989), minister for mines, died from ingesting pesticide. It is allegedly claimed to be a looting deal involving the thief residing at State House that went wrong during the Willow Vale Cressida car scandal. Former late wife of President Mugabe is believed to have been involved in the scandal.
Enos Chikoore is alleged to have committed suicide following a forced resignation due to massive looting at NICOZIM and the national housing scheme during his tenure as a minister of transport and minister of energy and public construction and national housing respectively. The looting was believed to have been sanctioned by the man currently renting at State House.
Moven Mahachi (2001), minister of defence, died in a car accident. It is not clear whether it was a common traffic accident or a staged car accident.
Mthandazo Ndema Ngwenya, (1991) was assassinated by car crash on the Bulawayo-Harare road. He was a novelist and academic. He died together with Themba Nkabinde. They were accused of a conspiracy to revolt against the ZANU PF government through Imbovane yamahlabezulu.
Susan Tsvangirai (2009), wife of MDC President Morgan Tsvangirai and Prime Minister in then Government of National Unity, died in a car accident. The belief is that the plot was meant to kill Morgan Tsvangirai who was a fierce opposition presidential contender to President Mugabe at the time. Morgan Tsvangirai had in fact won the first round of the president election in 2008 but Mugabe rigged himself into power through violence, torture and killings of opposition supporters.
Lookout Masuku 05/04/1986 died in suspicious circumstances a few weeks after his release from prison on trumped up charges of arms caches. Masuku was jailed together with Dumiso Dabengwa by Mugabe. The courts had cleared the two men of any wrong doing but Mugabe opted to imprison them anywhere.
Peter Pamire died in a car crash in 1996. In July 1996 an operative of Mugabe's dreaded central intelligence organisation shot Pamire while he was driving from Harare international airport. It is believed that the killing was to do with a love triangle feud that involved the first lady Grace, Pamire and President Mugabe. There are suspicions that one of the Mugabe's sons is in fact a Pamire.
Winston Changara (2007).The long-time bodyguard of Robert Mugabe was accused of meddling in the extra marital private affairs of the first family, especially Grace. It all started when Grace refused to go with Changara on a trip abroad alleging sexual overtures from the assistant commissioner bodyguard. Grace wanted to do away with him because she saw him to potentially spill the beans about her infidelity. Changara died in a road car accident.
Edison Zvobgo (2004) The Harvard trained lawyer and long-time ally of Mugabe started criticising Mugabe's autocratic rule in the early 1990's. In 1996, he survived a car accident along Harare-Masvingo road. Both his legs were broken and Zvobgo was dropped from cabinet soon after the accident.
Nleya (1989), Captain Nleya's body was found on a hillside in Hwange, two months after he disappeared in suspicious circumstances from 1:2 infantry battalion in Hwange. It is unclear why he was targeted.
Army lieutenant Shepard Chisango died in custody in 1991, after threatening to expose ‘smuggling' activities in Mozambique. He was arrested after trying to obstruct an army lorry which was carrying what was believed to be smuggled goods from Mozambique.
Source - Themba Mthethwa
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