Opinion / Columnist
Matabeleland; Strike whilst the iron is still hot…
09 Nov 2017 at 22:20hrs | Views

The events of the past few weeks in my motherland, have brought out of the woodwork all manner of analysts, commentators and agent provocateurs; and as usual my people, the people of Matabeleland, have "come out" in full force, pens bleeding onto the commentary pages of every newspaper on God's earth; fingers banging away at every available keyboard, phone and tablet, and the airwaves of every available radio station filing up with loud and boisterous arguments, false facts and even hints references of fake news.
This at a time when the "old enemy" of my people, Zanu PF is busy tearing herself into pieces.
And instead of taking advantage of this, and strategizing and beginning to chart a clear way for the people of Matabeleland and the south of the country; my people are busy with;
1) Fake kings and contestations for a kingship as well as a kingdom that is not properly defined, even in the minds of its staunchest proponent. Self-proclaimed Ndebele King, Stanley Raphael Khumalo, recently declared himself as the new Ndebele King and unveiled a new Mthwakazi flag. Khumalo's actions to declare himself the Ndebele king have divided opinion in Matabeleland, with secessionists supporting him, while the Khumalo clan has dismissed him as an impostor.
2) Fighting endless battles amongst themselves, with your MLF, MRP MMP, MZP, and those of every other acronym, flag, map and logo flying across the rural areas of Zimbabwe, duping and double duping the old and vulnerable people in the land. Leaders of these movements have absolutely no idea whether they are coming or going; resigning from government posts, lest they be accused of being CIO agents; fighting endless wars with journalists who question the veracity and bona fides of their manifestos – it is an imbroglio of the highest proportions!
3) Its leaders in the shape of the likes of Dumiso Dabengwa announce their departure from politics, leaving behind no clear handover strategy (just like Joshua Nkomo did). Dabengwa has been Zapu leader since 2009 when he broke ranks with Zanu PF, citing frustration over President Robert Mugabe's refusal to step down and his failure to uphold the values of the 1987 Unity Accord between then PF-Zapu and Zanu. And as he walks away into the sunset, questions linger over his legacy, and as he vows not to contest the leadership position at his party's congress in 2020, the whispers in the wind howl loudly…why did you leave t so late?. The party is in no position to have any meaningful discussion or strategy with either Zanu PF or any of the other opposition parties, because you have held the party by its balls for such a long time with your lack of vision and direction
4) Your so-called Matabeleland representatives in Zanu PF, Phelekezela Mphoko, SK Moyo and the whole zombie-like team; are all sleepwalking behind the dynastic ambitions of Dr Amai. There is not even a single contribution they can make that will better the lives of the people of Matabeleland – theirs is to fatten their pockets, and Obert Mpofu, Jonathan Moyo and the lot continue to look after number one – themselves; and the opportunities stand gaping right tin front of them. Opportunities to think seriously about the underdevelopment, the discriminatory development agenda and the outright dismissal of the cries of the people of Matabeleland, which continue to become louder and louder by each day.
In my humble opinion, as the Zanu PF machinery stumbles, and takes heavy casualties with this with the recent Munanganwa debacle, the people of Matabeleland need a war-like strategy, whose main aim would be to see the people of Matabeleland position themselves in such a way that when the enemy opens its eyes from this debacle, the region is poisoned in such a way that Zanu PF will listen
Dislocation must be the aim of strategy. Direct attacks almost never work, and have never worked with Zanu PF before. The original first step in this strategy would have been to upset the enemy's equilibrium. This is already happening right in front of our eyes, and all we need to do is to take advantage of it.
Sun Tzu, in his famed book, The Art of War says, "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
The chance to practice this supreme art of war now sits right in front of the people of Matabeleland;
In view of the foregoing, I offer here, Eight Maxims of Strategy from Sir Basil H. Liddell-Hart, which may help our people to seize this moment; to essentially subdue the enemy without fighting, because I do believe, the time is now;
1) Adjust your ends to your means
At this moment in time, we need to keep clear sight of the target and cool calculation should prevail. A clear sense of what we want and of what is possible. What is it that the people of Matabeleland want? Quantify it, put down on paper, and enunciate it in a unified, coherent manner. This MLF/MRP/MNP/Real and Fake royalty etc.; must be sorted out - NOW!
2) Keep your object always in mind
Once we know and have Cleary defined what it is that we want, move forward with this objective in mind. Do we want to secede? Do we want devolution of power/ how devolved must it be?
3) Choose the line of the least expectation
We need to put ourselves in your opposition's shoes and try to see what course of action they will see as least probable and thus not try to forestall. Zanu PF has grown to know and expect people from this region to be quite, accepting, and almost docile, and they will therefore be expecting more of the same. Let us continue with our strategy
4) Exploit the line of least resistance
This strategy is about seizing on opportunities -- but not any opportunity. It refers to opportunities like the current Munangagwa debacle. Strategically, it refers to the management and deployment of all our reserves, our talents and all our resources towards achieving the goals set. The Zanu PF machinery is coughing and splattering, and if this opportunity is seized, the rewards will be great
5) Take the line of operations which offers the most alternatives
The people of Matabeleland need to choose a single course of action that could have several objectives. For example, should we choose the monarchy, must it come with a very strong dose of devolution of power? Or if we go for devolution of power, how far do we take it? Autonomy? Secession? Our chosen alternatives must be clearly defined; but also enable us to be able to pursue a multiple cocktail of objectives, so that should one fail, we can achieve the other. This will surely put the opponent on the horns of a dilemma. It introduces uncertainty regarding that which is to be guarded against.
6) Ensure both plans and dispositions are flexible
The people of Matabeleland have been here before, their hopes were raised by the Independence in 1980; and they were disappointed; and rewarded with Gukurahundi and other afflictions. Then the Unity Accord came and they let their guard down; only to be rewarded with the status quo
7) Do not throw your weight into an opponent while he is on guard
This strategy speaks about sizing up and understanding of your enemy. Unless your opponent is much inferior, do not attack until he has been disorganized and demoralized. And I repeat again, the enemy is at this level, and therefore it is indeed time.
8) Do not renew an attack along the same lines if an attack has failed
I do believe that failure is not an option for the people of Matabeleland this time around. Time has almost stood still for the region; and if the current crop of leadership does not seize this opportunity which has presented itself; future generations will be justified in laying the blame squarely upon their doors.
In conclusion, I would like to quote the great Baard, William Shakespeare, in the Third Scene of the Fourth Act of the tragic tale of Julius Caesar; where the character of Brutus proclaims;
"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallow waters and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures"
Lest our lives be forever bound in shallow waters and in miseries; I urge you my country men and women; ‘take the current when it serves "; strike now, whilst the iron is still hot!
This at a time when the "old enemy" of my people, Zanu PF is busy tearing herself into pieces.
And instead of taking advantage of this, and strategizing and beginning to chart a clear way for the people of Matabeleland and the south of the country; my people are busy with;
1) Fake kings and contestations for a kingship as well as a kingdom that is not properly defined, even in the minds of its staunchest proponent. Self-proclaimed Ndebele King, Stanley Raphael Khumalo, recently declared himself as the new Ndebele King and unveiled a new Mthwakazi flag. Khumalo's actions to declare himself the Ndebele king have divided opinion in Matabeleland, with secessionists supporting him, while the Khumalo clan has dismissed him as an impostor.
2) Fighting endless battles amongst themselves, with your MLF, MRP MMP, MZP, and those of every other acronym, flag, map and logo flying across the rural areas of Zimbabwe, duping and double duping the old and vulnerable people in the land. Leaders of these movements have absolutely no idea whether they are coming or going; resigning from government posts, lest they be accused of being CIO agents; fighting endless wars with journalists who question the veracity and bona fides of their manifestos – it is an imbroglio of the highest proportions!
3) Its leaders in the shape of the likes of Dumiso Dabengwa announce their departure from politics, leaving behind no clear handover strategy (just like Joshua Nkomo did). Dabengwa has been Zapu leader since 2009 when he broke ranks with Zanu PF, citing frustration over President Robert Mugabe's refusal to step down and his failure to uphold the values of the 1987 Unity Accord between then PF-Zapu and Zanu. And as he walks away into the sunset, questions linger over his legacy, and as he vows not to contest the leadership position at his party's congress in 2020, the whispers in the wind howl loudly…why did you leave t so late?. The party is in no position to have any meaningful discussion or strategy with either Zanu PF or any of the other opposition parties, because you have held the party by its balls for such a long time with your lack of vision and direction
4) Your so-called Matabeleland representatives in Zanu PF, Phelekezela Mphoko, SK Moyo and the whole zombie-like team; are all sleepwalking behind the dynastic ambitions of Dr Amai. There is not even a single contribution they can make that will better the lives of the people of Matabeleland – theirs is to fatten their pockets, and Obert Mpofu, Jonathan Moyo and the lot continue to look after number one – themselves; and the opportunities stand gaping right tin front of them. Opportunities to think seriously about the underdevelopment, the discriminatory development agenda and the outright dismissal of the cries of the people of Matabeleland, which continue to become louder and louder by each day.
In my humble opinion, as the Zanu PF machinery stumbles, and takes heavy casualties with this with the recent Munanganwa debacle, the people of Matabeleland need a war-like strategy, whose main aim would be to see the people of Matabeleland position themselves in such a way that when the enemy opens its eyes from this debacle, the region is poisoned in such a way that Zanu PF will listen
Dislocation must be the aim of strategy. Direct attacks almost never work, and have never worked with Zanu PF before. The original first step in this strategy would have been to upset the enemy's equilibrium. This is already happening right in front of our eyes, and all we need to do is to take advantage of it.
Sun Tzu, in his famed book, The Art of War says, "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
The chance to practice this supreme art of war now sits right in front of the people of Matabeleland;
In view of the foregoing, I offer here, Eight Maxims of Strategy from Sir Basil H. Liddell-Hart, which may help our people to seize this moment; to essentially subdue the enemy without fighting, because I do believe, the time is now;
At this moment in time, we need to keep clear sight of the target and cool calculation should prevail. A clear sense of what we want and of what is possible. What is it that the people of Matabeleland want? Quantify it, put down on paper, and enunciate it in a unified, coherent manner. This MLF/MRP/MNP/Real and Fake royalty etc.; must be sorted out - NOW!
2) Keep your object always in mind
Once we know and have Cleary defined what it is that we want, move forward with this objective in mind. Do we want to secede? Do we want devolution of power/ how devolved must it be?
3) Choose the line of the least expectation
We need to put ourselves in your opposition's shoes and try to see what course of action they will see as least probable and thus not try to forestall. Zanu PF has grown to know and expect people from this region to be quite, accepting, and almost docile, and they will therefore be expecting more of the same. Let us continue with our strategy
4) Exploit the line of least resistance
This strategy is about seizing on opportunities -- but not any opportunity. It refers to opportunities like the current Munangagwa debacle. Strategically, it refers to the management and deployment of all our reserves, our talents and all our resources towards achieving the goals set. The Zanu PF machinery is coughing and splattering, and if this opportunity is seized, the rewards will be great
5) Take the line of operations which offers the most alternatives
The people of Matabeleland need to choose a single course of action that could have several objectives. For example, should we choose the monarchy, must it come with a very strong dose of devolution of power? Or if we go for devolution of power, how far do we take it? Autonomy? Secession? Our chosen alternatives must be clearly defined; but also enable us to be able to pursue a multiple cocktail of objectives, so that should one fail, we can achieve the other. This will surely put the opponent on the horns of a dilemma. It introduces uncertainty regarding that which is to be guarded against.
6) Ensure both plans and dispositions are flexible
The people of Matabeleland have been here before, their hopes were raised by the Independence in 1980; and they were disappointed; and rewarded with Gukurahundi and other afflictions. Then the Unity Accord came and they let their guard down; only to be rewarded with the status quo
7) Do not throw your weight into an opponent while he is on guard
This strategy speaks about sizing up and understanding of your enemy. Unless your opponent is much inferior, do not attack until he has been disorganized and demoralized. And I repeat again, the enemy is at this level, and therefore it is indeed time.
8) Do not renew an attack along the same lines if an attack has failed
I do believe that failure is not an option for the people of Matabeleland this time around. Time has almost stood still for the region; and if the current crop of leadership does not seize this opportunity which has presented itself; future generations will be justified in laying the blame squarely upon their doors.
In conclusion, I would like to quote the great Baard, William Shakespeare, in the Third Scene of the Fourth Act of the tragic tale of Julius Caesar; where the character of Brutus proclaims;
"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallow waters and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures"
Lest our lives be forever bound in shallow waters and in miseries; I urge you my country men and women; ‘take the current when it serves "; strike now, whilst the iron is still hot!
Source - Thamsanqa N. Ncube
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