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Did Mnangagwa wear a dress when he absconded? Courageous Runaida Mujuru and Coward Dambudzo Mnangagwa!

11 Nov 2017 at 16:13hrs | Views
We have said it before that Emerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa without Jonathan Nathaniel Moyo is weak and unable to act swiftly to absolve himself from false accusations: or at least to powerfully fight back, repel heat from his adversaries. Mnangagwa dossier against Moyo was so weak; it never convinced anybody in that politburo. Mnangagwa was given and trained to killing other people and not to thinking constructively: a political midget, fit to be sent on errands, the errands he executed absolutely at the behest of the Führer Mugabe. Now that he is in self imposed exile, Mnangagwa cannot take up arms from his hibernation to topple Mugabe, if he failed to do so when he was in Zimbabwe: if he failed to take charge of the army and oust Mugabe from power here in Zimbabwe, how is he going to be effective those fictitious objectives outside of the country. Who is going to allow him to stage another guerrilla war? South Africa? Mozambique? Zambia? Botswana? China is not a front-line state.

Mnangagwa achaita mangoromera api ku self-imposed-exile ikoko, far away from the levers and echelons of power to effect change. What change does Mnangagwa know? Does he define change just to replace Mugabe and his crocodile wife and be the devil incarnate for another 37 years? Mnangagwa had every organ and apparatus: army, CIO police, those arms of power at his disposal; friends and sympathizers in the War-veterans department, all the same it did not help him; he failed dismally to manipulate himself to get power from the oldie Mugabe. It is all evident that Jonathan Moyo was aware of Mnangagwa's intellectual weaknesses. Va Mnangagwa is not smart as he is perceived to be. If he was smart, he would be in power right now: he would be President of the Republic of Zimbabwe as we speak today. He is not in power because he failed; instead he is a fugitive in off-shore lands.

 Mnangagwa is strongly advised to go back home to Zimbabwe and he must brew beer: amuke abike doro, and ask his ancestors why they left him hanging: hanging to dry! He must go to Fort Victoria or Great Zimbabwe (once called Zimbabwe Ruins) and he asks his ancestors for forgiveness for all his genocidal and criminal activities for 37 bloody years. What made it impossible for Mnangagwa to use the same means and strategy to counter Jonathan Moyo and the President and his destructive crocodile wife? He should ask his ancestors that question: a pertinent one. The answer is that Mnangagwa is very weak without Jonathan Nathaniel Moyo, period. Jonathan should be commended for destroying the animal called Zanu PF from within. We can be assured of a new era dawning in Zimbabwe in our life time. The whole lot must go and the party Zanu should never exist in a new Zimbabwe because of the damage, loss of life is just too much for the peace-loving people of Zimbabwe to comprehend.  

It is one thing to be a mhondi, a criminal, a murderer; it is another thing to leave the country that one was part of for 37 years, he enjoyed in Zanu PF by meting absolute power with all its impunity: he is leaving Zimbabwe as a fugitive. He is accused of high treason; the same accusations Amai Mujuru suffered painfully, led to her dismissal. What goes around comes back indeed. Mnangagwa had to test his medicine before he dies. Mnangagwa knows how it feels to run away for your life in his hands: the same what he did to our Comrade Joshua Nkomo. Did Dambudzo Mnangagwa dress himself like a woman to conceal his self? Our Comrade Joshua Nkomo did dress himself like a woman to conceal himself from the state apparatus sent by Mnangagwa as State Security Minister in Mugabe's office to fire bullets at him short-range. The good God said the vengeance is mine. In our life time we see the VP Mnangagwa accused of the same treason charges our relatives and friends, sons and daughters of Mathebeleland and Midlands and indeed our Shona speaking peoples who were Zapu card holders were also not spared, were systematically purged and killed cold blood, by the same brutality of Mnangagwa's dogs of war: the Fifth Brigade.  

Curiously enough: criminals, murderers, mhondi chaidzo are cowards. Mnangagwa has died many times before his death. Mnangagwa knows a lot of things today: he now knows how it is like to be accused of treason; he knows how the victims of Mathebeleland and Midlands Gugurahundi atrocities felt when they were accused of crimes they did not commit, how they feared death that was imminent. Mnangagwa must be told wherever he is hiding that the atrocities he committed is the early 1980s, the crimes against humanity he committed in 2000; the crimes against humanity he committed during Murambatsvina still linger in our minds and we shall not rest until we get justice. Dead or alive his name will one day be at the international court of justice, dead or alive he will be charged with crimes against humanity together with all his criminal cabal of Zanu PF who were architectures of genocide and crimes against humanity. For us peoples of Mathebelelands and Midlands, this is the moment!  

There is no better news than to hear that Mnangagwa was stripped of his appointment as VP and member of Zanu PF. Mnangagwa is now a refugee somewhere just like all of us who cannot go back to our country of birth because of Mnangagwa. There is no better news than to hear that Mnangagwa is in a hideout somewhere God knows where- ever for fear of death at the very able hands that assisted him for so long to be criminal like himself. Mnangagwa has absconded Zimbabwe like fugitive to Mozambique. Amai Joyce Runaida Mujuru was pushed out of VP post and the party Zanu PF. Unlike Mnangagwa, Amai Joyce did not move an inch away from her home; instead she challenged them the big powers that be to come and arrest her.  

Amai Mujuru is a woman who has exercised absolute courage at the hands of the most brutal regime she once served with absolute loyalty. That a MAN of the likes of Mnangagwa is a coward cannot stand the heat, what Runaida can do says a lot about Zimbabwean women. We are bold and courageous without measure: better than our men folk. Please tell us who is more courageous of the two genders: we are told women are weak: who is more courageous between Amai Mujuru and Mnumzana Mnangagwa? I ask again?

Amai Mujuru did nothing treasonous leading to her expulsion, never deserved to be purged in that manner her party Zanu Pf did. Here is a woman, who lost a husband mysteriously, obviously murdered by Zanu PF. At that painful moment of Solomon's death, instead, she went out of her way to still support the system that devoured her husband. Mnangagwa knows that Zanu PF well Zanu deyeropa. He knows it as so as the person behind kuteura ropa. He had to abscond: he had begun to smell like a goat: the system could have eaten him up, first by frying or grilling or plain cooking. What happened in Zanu PF, before independence and after, how they killed our children, the Arab organisation ISIS would be green with envy.

At this point in time it would be wise if all political parties seized this opportunity of Zanu PF political weaknesses, destruction and their foreseeable downfall to actually boycott the elections and demand electoral reforms to take place within three of National Transitional Administration. This is the solution for Zimbabwe at the moment. Going for 2018 elections that have already been rigged boggles the mind. The opposition parties should act collectively and make a blanket boycott of the 2018 general elections. To wait for the elections to be done and cry foul thereafter will not assist anyone. The people of Zimbabwe are not part of this war in party Zanu PF. Their purging one another does not bring bread let alone butter on their tables. We kindly ask you to do the right thing: to collectively boycott the elections to crush the incumbent government once and for all. The removal of Mnangagwa from the party and government does not mean Zanu will stop rigging the elections; they will go ahead and rig. Rigging is their only hope to remain in power for another 5 years. We hope and pray the opposition will do the right thing.

Source - Nomazulu Thata
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