Opinion / Columnist
Jonathan Moyo refuses to recognise similarities between Mnangagwa & Mugabe! Two sides of a coin!
03 Dec 2017 at 12:27hrs | Views

Jonathan Moyo sees an iconic leader in Robert Mugabe: we see a cruel fuehrer in Robert Mugabe who ruled Zimbabwe with an iron fist. Jonathan sees a great statesman in Robert Mugabe, we see a ruler who by chance of history escaped indictment in the international courts of law: the genocide and crimes against humanity he and his henchmen committed to the people of Zimbabwe: were perpetrated on its innocent citizens. Jonathan Moyo is proud to have stood by Robert Mugabe until his last days of his presidency; but we see and reflect on our wasted lives that were lost in foreign lands because we could not return home and live decent lives in our own country of birth. Jonathan Moyo sees the angel Gabriel in Robert Mugabe, we see a crude, ruthless, scornful, destroyer of jewel of Africa, selfish persona who has known only himself and his immediate family and never beyond. Jonathan Moyo sees a Gugurahundist in Mnangagwa and Chiwenga only; we see all those who were in Zanu PF cabinet in 1980 as the architectures of Mathebeleland and Midlands's genocide including Enos Nkala.
Since day one of Robert Mugabe's rule, there has never been democracy per se in that country. What democracy in Zimbabwe is political scientist Jonathan Moyo talking about? We know evidently that Mugabe wanted Zimbabwe to be a one-party-state under his rule; he achieved this with an iron fist, purged our President Joshua Nkomo and Zapu members and supporters to the margins of extinction. Curiously Jonathan Moyo is a political scientist; he should know better than all of us the cruel regime of Zanu PF that destroyed his father's homestead together with many other families in Tsholotsho North and many parts of Mathebeleland North and South and Midlands by Robert Mugabe's Fifth Brigade. Mathebeleland is littered with shallow graves that can surface anytime if there we heavy rains this time round.
We are not buying your painting of Mnangagwa and Chiwenga as the only Gugurahundi murderers: the whole cabinet of the early independence are the Gugurahundists: dear Jonathan Moyo; the entire Zanu Elite of 1979 Grand Plan, hard-chore criminal cabal were murderers; we know them all by names dead or alive. Nothing whatsoever will convince us that Mugabe, Professor Moyo's iconic leader is to be overlooked in your ranting, at best please don't take the peoples of Zimbabwe for fools. We see once more how Gugurahundi atrocities are being romped in to re-invent Jonathan's political life-line. Jonathan Moyo is complicit of the human rights atrocities that took place in Zimbabwe after the Millennium.
When Jonathan Moyo left Zimbabwe after the coup, having been holed up in the Mugabe Blue Roof: he paid tribute to Mugabe, gave accolades curiously to a Gugurahundist who murdered his father. By his own admission, Jonathan proudly served in Mugabe's government to the last day: Before he left the country who knows perhaps for good; he praises the chief murderer who eliminated his father u Baba u Mlevu. How do we understand this as logic? It defeats all logic, there is no ethic, no values, no self respect, no respect for the family Mlevu; his father especially, those silent graves that can no longer speak for themselves, at worst it's dirty game of politics, living by the day as long the means met the ends, Jonathan "ate from within." Jonathan is coming back to reinvent himself using Gugurahundi genocide to evoke to those emotions from Mathebelelands and Midlands once more to support him.
Here are Jonathan Moyo's accolades to Bob verbatim: "There'll never be anyone like CDE Robert Gabriel Mugabe. I'm proud that I stood with & by this iconic leader during the trying moments of the last days of his presidency. Democracy requires politics to lead the gun!" This is the most nauseating statement I have ever heard! It also gave me a chill in my spine. It must have been absolute desperation to have sunk this low.
If most people were stupid, we were going to believe these words from Jonathan Moyo, those hollow words that signify nothing. In retrospect: Former president of Zimbabwe Robert Gabriel was architecture of Gugurahundi atrocities of the early 1983 to 1987, implemented bloody farm invasions in year 2000, those vicious beatings of farm workers, imprisonment of some of them on spurious and fallacious charges and are sent to filthy Chikurubi jails, this is a Mugabe system that Jonathan Moyo served, a government that set farm workers' homes alight with petrol bombs, some of them died brutal deaths in those burning houses. All these atrocities do not shock Jonathan Moyo's conscience but is quick to inform us about how the army coup vandalized his home during the "operation restoring legacy," there was a child of the age of 12 years who endured those explosions in his home, he said.
Operation Murambatsvina made almost a million people homeless, thousands of families were humiliated, elderly people, and the chronically ill citizen, child-headed families, and women headed families were psychologically traumatized and left destitute in the streets. Jonathan Moyo was part of Zanu PF government then; did it ever shock his conscience? We wonder still if all that transpired during those dark days of Mugabe rule does shock his conscience. Again with the assistance of the army Zanu PF ran a bloody general election in 2008 that saw thousands being maimed, raped, homes set on fire and people of all ages brutally killed by the same government he served until it was deposed militarily on the 15th of November 2017.
Our consciences were shocked when we heard that the army of Chiwenga vandalized your home that had women and children and the youngest was 12 years! If at all you are incarcerated Jonathan Moyo, we demand your release and you are tried under the law of the land and not in army barracks. You must be treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention (III) relative to the treatment of prisoners of war:
a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; (b) taking of hostages; (c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment; (d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples. (2) The wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for. An impartial humanitarian body, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, may offer its services to the Parties to the conflict. (Taken from International Committee Red-Cross: Geneva)
We remember the sick comments you made when Itai Dzamara was abducted, disappeared from us without any trace. I am sure you know now how Mrs. Dzamara feels to live without a husband and father to her children. We wonder still how do you feel now, we really do not know where you are and we are concerned together with Kasukuwere? There are moments we feel your Titter was hacked by the powers that be; someone is acting "Baba Jukwa" on you. You must be somewhere out of reach!!!! We must be forgiven if it's the opposite!!!!
When you became minister, Jonathan Moyo in Mugabe's cabinet you are the one who re-introduced POSA/AIPPA laws that crushed basic human rights. Those laws were an infringement to the freedom and rights of our nation, stifled civil liberties and people's freedom of expression. Those are pieces of legislation that have no place in democratic governance. Curiously it's you Jonathan Moyo who is telling us that DEMOCRACY REQUIRES POLITICS TO LEAD THE GUN! Now that you are now in the same position like all of us mortals you appreciate the freedom of speech, conscience and the fundamental civil rights and liberties of citizens of this great Zimbabwe. It is those POSA/AIPPA laws that led to the disappearance of our son Itai Dzamara.
The people of Zimbabwe do not forget these atrocities committed on its citizens as they will linger in our history books forever until we get the justice we want, we demand it and we shall get. It is sheer historical coincidence that all tribes and races in Zimbabwe were affected one way or another in the Zanu PF's Mugabe rule. We shall then collectively claim justice in reference to all incidences of genocide and crimes against humanity that the country had to endure since 1980 to this day. By so doing, we shall be able to say: Genocide and crimes against humanity happened yes but NEVER AGAIN in this great land of our mothers and fathers. We say no to conflicts leading to genocide, we say no to tribalism of all kinds, we say no military coup and rule as it serves the party Zanu PF faction and not the people of Zimbabwe.
Of those who perished in the genocide atrocities was his father: Mr. Mlevu. It is inconceivable how Jonathan Moyo could see a murderer in Mnangagwa and omits to see equally the murder intentions in Robert Mugabe. Robert Mugabe was the mastermind of Gugurahundi atrocities. We were wholly naive to think that Jonathan was destroying Zanu PF from within; as a matter of fact Jonathan Moyo was eating from within. Jonathan Moyo thought about his stomach more than about his own dead father who was brutally killed in the genocide of the early independence.
This genocide will never escape our history unresolved. All those who were involves in the
Since day one of Robert Mugabe's rule, there has never been democracy per se in that country. What democracy in Zimbabwe is political scientist Jonathan Moyo talking about? We know evidently that Mugabe wanted Zimbabwe to be a one-party-state under his rule; he achieved this with an iron fist, purged our President Joshua Nkomo and Zapu members and supporters to the margins of extinction. Curiously Jonathan Moyo is a political scientist; he should know better than all of us the cruel regime of Zanu PF that destroyed his father's homestead together with many other families in Tsholotsho North and many parts of Mathebeleland North and South and Midlands by Robert Mugabe's Fifth Brigade. Mathebeleland is littered with shallow graves that can surface anytime if there we heavy rains this time round.
We are not buying your painting of Mnangagwa and Chiwenga as the only Gugurahundi murderers: the whole cabinet of the early independence are the Gugurahundists: dear Jonathan Moyo; the entire Zanu Elite of 1979 Grand Plan, hard-chore criminal cabal were murderers; we know them all by names dead or alive. Nothing whatsoever will convince us that Mugabe, Professor Moyo's iconic leader is to be overlooked in your ranting, at best please don't take the peoples of Zimbabwe for fools. We see once more how Gugurahundi atrocities are being romped in to re-invent Jonathan's political life-line. Jonathan Moyo is complicit of the human rights atrocities that took place in Zimbabwe after the Millennium.
When Jonathan Moyo left Zimbabwe after the coup, having been holed up in the Mugabe Blue Roof: he paid tribute to Mugabe, gave accolades curiously to a Gugurahundist who murdered his father. By his own admission, Jonathan proudly served in Mugabe's government to the last day: Before he left the country who knows perhaps for good; he praises the chief murderer who eliminated his father u Baba u Mlevu. How do we understand this as logic? It defeats all logic, there is no ethic, no values, no self respect, no respect for the family Mlevu; his father especially, those silent graves that can no longer speak for themselves, at worst it's dirty game of politics, living by the day as long the means met the ends, Jonathan "ate from within." Jonathan is coming back to reinvent himself using Gugurahundi genocide to evoke to those emotions from Mathebelelands and Midlands once more to support him.
Here are Jonathan Moyo's accolades to Bob verbatim: "There'll never be anyone like CDE Robert Gabriel Mugabe. I'm proud that I stood with & by this iconic leader during the trying moments of the last days of his presidency. Democracy requires politics to lead the gun!" This is the most nauseating statement I have ever heard! It also gave me a chill in my spine. It must have been absolute desperation to have sunk this low.
If most people were stupid, we were going to believe these words from Jonathan Moyo, those hollow words that signify nothing. In retrospect: Former president of Zimbabwe Robert Gabriel was architecture of Gugurahundi atrocities of the early 1983 to 1987, implemented bloody farm invasions in year 2000, those vicious beatings of farm workers, imprisonment of some of them on spurious and fallacious charges and are sent to filthy Chikurubi jails, this is a Mugabe system that Jonathan Moyo served, a government that set farm workers' homes alight with petrol bombs, some of them died brutal deaths in those burning houses. All these atrocities do not shock Jonathan Moyo's conscience but is quick to inform us about how the army coup vandalized his home during the "operation restoring legacy," there was a child of the age of 12 years who endured those explosions in his home, he said.
Operation Murambatsvina made almost a million people homeless, thousands of families were humiliated, elderly people, and the chronically ill citizen, child-headed families, and women headed families were psychologically traumatized and left destitute in the streets. Jonathan Moyo was part of Zanu PF government then; did it ever shock his conscience? We wonder still if all that transpired during those dark days of Mugabe rule does shock his conscience. Again with the assistance of the army Zanu PF ran a bloody general election in 2008 that saw thousands being maimed, raped, homes set on fire and people of all ages brutally killed by the same government he served until it was deposed militarily on the 15th of November 2017.
a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; (b) taking of hostages; (c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment; (d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples. (2) The wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for. An impartial humanitarian body, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, may offer its services to the Parties to the conflict. (Taken from International Committee Red-Cross: Geneva)
We remember the sick comments you made when Itai Dzamara was abducted, disappeared from us without any trace. I am sure you know now how Mrs. Dzamara feels to live without a husband and father to her children. We wonder still how do you feel now, we really do not know where you are and we are concerned together with Kasukuwere? There are moments we feel your Titter was hacked by the powers that be; someone is acting "Baba Jukwa" on you. You must be somewhere out of reach!!!! We must be forgiven if it's the opposite!!!!
When you became minister, Jonathan Moyo in Mugabe's cabinet you are the one who re-introduced POSA/AIPPA laws that crushed basic human rights. Those laws were an infringement to the freedom and rights of our nation, stifled civil liberties and people's freedom of expression. Those are pieces of legislation that have no place in democratic governance. Curiously it's you Jonathan Moyo who is telling us that DEMOCRACY REQUIRES POLITICS TO LEAD THE GUN! Now that you are now in the same position like all of us mortals you appreciate the freedom of speech, conscience and the fundamental civil rights and liberties of citizens of this great Zimbabwe. It is those POSA/AIPPA laws that led to the disappearance of our son Itai Dzamara.
The people of Zimbabwe do not forget these atrocities committed on its citizens as they will linger in our history books forever until we get the justice we want, we demand it and we shall get. It is sheer historical coincidence that all tribes and races in Zimbabwe were affected one way or another in the Zanu PF's Mugabe rule. We shall then collectively claim justice in reference to all incidences of genocide and crimes against humanity that the country had to endure since 1980 to this day. By so doing, we shall be able to say: Genocide and crimes against humanity happened yes but NEVER AGAIN in this great land of our mothers and fathers. We say no to conflicts leading to genocide, we say no to tribalism of all kinds, we say no military coup and rule as it serves the party Zanu PF faction and not the people of Zimbabwe.
Of those who perished in the genocide atrocities was his father: Mr. Mlevu. It is inconceivable how Jonathan Moyo could see a murderer in Mnangagwa and omits to see equally the murder intentions in Robert Mugabe. Robert Mugabe was the mastermind of Gugurahundi atrocities. We were wholly naive to think that Jonathan was destroying Zanu PF from within; as a matter of fact Jonathan Moyo was eating from within. Jonathan Moyo thought about his stomach more than about his own dead father who was brutally killed in the genocide of the early independence.
This genocide will never escape our history unresolved. All those who were involves in the
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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