Opinion / Columnist
Let Matebeleland become the 13 state in South Africa
16 Mar 2018 at 10:25hrs | Views

`Allow me the opportunity to respond to the statement made by Robert Mugabe on the killings of Zapu people.
I am a Umkhonto weSizwe veteran and trained under Zapu in Zambia during the struggle for liberation as we fought apartheid.
We in South Africa are grateful for the role our Zipra brothers played in helping us get our freedom from the white people in South Africa. During our campaignes we would cross to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique up to Angola and in my response to Mugabe it is sad and bewildering that today you wake up and accuse Zapu of having arms the same arms that you planted deliberately around just to cause a war.
I have always thought that when you have identified a criminal you send the police to arrest and recover the said cache remember Robert you said Zapu had hidden arms of war. My daughters friend watched your interview and told my daughter since they have heard of me talk about my history of the liberation struggle and how thhe people of Zimbabwe and other countries helped us a lot especially the people of Matebeleland.
Bulawayo was our home some of our comrades have children and families there and there was a family in the Njube and Makokoba township that helped me immensely during our crossing times. Poor as they were they gave me refuge and in a very deep way would help us with food and cloths and they were staunch Zapu people who loved their leader utata uJoshua Nkomo and for you to have killed them for their aligience is sickening and troubles me a lot unless my daughters misheard.
Why would you send soldiers to kill instead of recovering the arms only. So who was mad at that time was it Zapu or you and Munangaga? I thought the current president was sincere but gathering from your responses and his response the 2 of you are cut from the same cloth you are both lies and you systematically wanted to kill our kith and kin. No one sends an army to recover arms amongst people who are not fighting them no one sends soldiers to rip bellies of pregnant woman just to see what a Ndebele child looks like no one EVER.
Your distortion of numbers is a sign of guilty you and Munangaga are terrible sick mentally and you need to see a pschytrist or something. The Ndebele people are our people and we used to joke with them and tell them maybe Mzilikazi moving away from our country was planned by God so that the day will come when his people will be our refuge in the fight against apartheid and we will joke that they should just come back now that they have played a role in defeating the white people in South Africa and they just bring back our cattle they borrowed from Tshaka and we will all laugh about it.
Please don't make us see the shona people we see in South Africa in a different way am a staunch Chiefs supporter and Katsande is a darling to us all. You Mugabe you are a tribalist and killed people for their tribe and language and because you were jealous of them. Your jealous of them ran until your other killer kith and kin became jealous of you and had you removed. The 2 of you are sick and evil in our homeland we have now 5 presidents from all different tribes and are rainbow nation.
If you and your sidekick turned president have issues with our Ndebele people just stop killing them just as you ask for help from our country just ask for help in repatrating them back to South Africa and we will gladly accept them with wide arms our cousins or just let Matebeleland become the 13 state in South Africa. Now you practise another gukurahund by refusing them their own king sies.
Lastly Mugabe silibhekile stop the lies stop the killings Africa and it's people are one Zimbabwe helped us immensely get our independence Zipra forces helped us a lot so Zapu played a bigger role, JZ and the Black Russian and other comrades and for your own information the comrade who bombed Secunda place trained under Zipra that should tell you how rich MK and Zipra relationships were. Having arms doesn't warrant killings especially soon after a cease-fire. Please Robert and Munangaga put your lies and distortions in order one-day it will come smack to you like a collision of bullet train's all traveling at 200km per an hour and that time is beckoning for you.
Amandla. Vuka Sizwe.
I am a Umkhonto weSizwe veteran and trained under Zapu in Zambia during the struggle for liberation as we fought apartheid.
We in South Africa are grateful for the role our Zipra brothers played in helping us get our freedom from the white people in South Africa. During our campaignes we would cross to Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique up to Angola and in my response to Mugabe it is sad and bewildering that today you wake up and accuse Zapu of having arms the same arms that you planted deliberately around just to cause a war.
I have always thought that when you have identified a criminal you send the police to arrest and recover the said cache remember Robert you said Zapu had hidden arms of war. My daughters friend watched your interview and told my daughter since they have heard of me talk about my history of the liberation struggle and how thhe people of Zimbabwe and other countries helped us a lot especially the people of Matebeleland.
Bulawayo was our home some of our comrades have children and families there and there was a family in the Njube and Makokoba township that helped me immensely during our crossing times. Poor as they were they gave me refuge and in a very deep way would help us with food and cloths and they were staunch Zapu people who loved their leader utata uJoshua Nkomo and for you to have killed them for their aligience is sickening and troubles me a lot unless my daughters misheard.
Why would you send soldiers to kill instead of recovering the arms only. So who was mad at that time was it Zapu or you and Munangaga? I thought the current president was sincere but gathering from your responses and his response the 2 of you are cut from the same cloth you are both lies and you systematically wanted to kill our kith and kin. No one sends an army to recover arms amongst people who are not fighting them no one sends soldiers to rip bellies of pregnant woman just to see what a Ndebele child looks like no one EVER.
Your distortion of numbers is a sign of guilty you and Munangaga are terrible sick mentally and you need to see a pschytrist or something. The Ndebele people are our people and we used to joke with them and tell them maybe Mzilikazi moving away from our country was planned by God so that the day will come when his people will be our refuge in the fight against apartheid and we will joke that they should just come back now that they have played a role in defeating the white people in South Africa and they just bring back our cattle they borrowed from Tshaka and we will all laugh about it.
Please don't make us see the shona people we see in South Africa in a different way am a staunch Chiefs supporter and Katsande is a darling to us all. You Mugabe you are a tribalist and killed people for their tribe and language and because you were jealous of them. Your jealous of them ran until your other killer kith and kin became jealous of you and had you removed. The 2 of you are sick and evil in our homeland we have now 5 presidents from all different tribes and are rainbow nation.
If you and your sidekick turned president have issues with our Ndebele people just stop killing them just as you ask for help from our country just ask for help in repatrating them back to South Africa and we will gladly accept them with wide arms our cousins or just let Matebeleland become the 13 state in South Africa. Now you practise another gukurahund by refusing them their own king sies.
Lastly Mugabe silibhekile stop the lies stop the killings Africa and it's people are one Zimbabwe helped us immensely get our independence Zipra forces helped us a lot so Zapu played a bigger role, JZ and the Black Russian and other comrades and for your own information the comrade who bombed Secunda place trained under Zipra that should tell you how rich MK and Zipra relationships were. Having arms doesn't warrant killings especially soon after a cease-fire. Please Robert and Munangaga put your lies and distortions in order one-day it will come smack to you like a collision of bullet train's all traveling at 200km per an hour and that time is beckoning for you.
Amandla. Vuka Sizwe.
Source - Anonymous
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