Opinion / Columnist
Mugabe believed its Ndebeles that were going to stage a Coup
11 Apr 2018 at 06:47hrs | Views

Since 1980, Mugabe held a misinformed belief that the coup d'etat that was to upstage him from power was going to originate from Matabeleland. Reality struck, on the 15th of November 2017.
On this day, Zimbabwe woke up to a war-zone like situation with tanks rolling down the streets of Harare and over 2000 AK wilding soldiers that had seized national key points and state organs. The army was not carrying those weapons for fun, it was ready to kill anyone who opposed the coupe.
Who deployed the army?
It was not Lookout Masuku who was falsely accused of planning a coup d'etat, unlawfully detained even after the court had found him not guilty of any wrong doing. He died under suspicious circumstances at Parirenyatwa Hospital, Harare, in 1986.
It was not Joshua Nkomo who had to seek refuge as far as Britain in the 1980s when gukurahundist were baying for his blood. Like Lookout Masuku, he was
accused of planning to depose Mugabe through a coupe.
It was not Paul Siwela who had to skip the border after an attempt on his life. He was charged with treason based on trumped up charges of plotting to overthrow Mugabe's government. This latest cheap propaganda was laughable as the little lie was exposed when the world came to know through court proceedings that Paul Siwela was arrested for exercising his right to advocate the restoration of Matabeleland state.
It was not Matabele civilians who survived a genocide that took over 40 000 innocent Matebele lives that included defenseless children, old people and women. They were accused of being dissidents or cockroaches if you are a "Coupe Master" and genocidist, Emmerson Mnangagwa.
NPF spokesman Jealousy Mawarire says the army deployed itself without the instruction from the Commander in Chief.
In his own testimony before journalist, Mugabe said, "I never thought he whom I had nurtured and brought into government and I worked so hard in prison to save as he was threatened with hanging, that one day he would be the man who would turn against me."
There we go! Mask dropped, and the father of the coup within revealed. Its Emmerson Ndabudzo Mnangagwa! His middle Shona name means "Strife". In Matabeleland he is known as uZandlezibomvu (one whose hands are dripping with Ndebele blood).
Beneficiaries of his coup d'etat fondly call him ED and victims of the coup refer to him as ED-iot. Blinded by hatred for Ndebele people and tribalism, Mugabe could not see the plot that was brewed by his own Shona people right inside his palace.
The leaders and commanders of the coupe d'etat are all Shona and belong to Zanupf except for one Ndebele, Sibusiso Moyo who was used as a braai stick to announce the coup which all the Shonas were scared to do.
If genocide is a cure for a coupe d'etat as Mugabe demonstrated in the 1980s when he murdered Matabeles on the pretext that they were plotting overthrow him, then let us have Zanupf liquidated and Shona people wiped out of earth because Mnangagwa and his Shona cabal have staged an unquestionable coup.
This shows that the so called plots against the government of Zimbabwe in the 1980s were just a ruse to annihilate the people of Matabeleland.
While Mugabe says the people of Matabeleland asked for the genocide, Emmerson Mnangagwa who was fingered by Mugabe as the leader of the genocide campaign refused to apologise. He appointed a Shona dominated Commission for Peace and Reconciliation instead. Can there be peace and reconciliation without truth and justice? It is the first of its kind in Zimbabwe and it is because the process is led by the perpetrators that will never prosecute themselves. Matebeles have rightfully chased the so called Peace and Reconciliation Commission out of Matabeleland.
The issue of Matabeleland genocide tops the grievances that have ripped Zimbabwe into two equal pieces. A situation that has influenced the rebirth of Matabeleland state that was destroyed by the white Rhodesians with help of Shonas in 1893.
It has also caused divisions in all Zimbabwe political parties like Mnangagwa's Zanupf, MDC T and others. We hear the new child on the block, National Patriotic Front has suffered a stillbirth because of the gukurahundi issue.
Shonas see Matabeleland genocide as the finest hour. The extremists and reckless are openly calling for Gukurahundi 2.
Matabeles demand truth and justice with the hope that their Shona brothers will help in this regard. Not aware that even those Shonas who denounce Matabeleland genocide during the day support perpetrators during the night.
No truth will be out. No justice will be faced by perpetrators of Matabeleland genocide. Any Shona who would take over political power in Zimbabwe will always make it their fist priority to protect Matabeleland genocide perpetrators from prosecution. This will happen until all genocidists die of natural causes.
The million dollar question is, how long would Ndebele people live in a country where they are viewed as animals or pests to be targeted for extermination? There is slowly but progressive social, cultural, political and financial mobilisation in Matabeleland towards the big goal of the restoration of Matabeleland state.
On this day, Zimbabwe woke up to a war-zone like situation with tanks rolling down the streets of Harare and over 2000 AK wilding soldiers that had seized national key points and state organs. The army was not carrying those weapons for fun, it was ready to kill anyone who opposed the coupe.
Who deployed the army?
It was not Lookout Masuku who was falsely accused of planning a coup d'etat, unlawfully detained even after the court had found him not guilty of any wrong doing. He died under suspicious circumstances at Parirenyatwa Hospital, Harare, in 1986.
It was not Joshua Nkomo who had to seek refuge as far as Britain in the 1980s when gukurahundist were baying for his blood. Like Lookout Masuku, he was
accused of planning to depose Mugabe through a coupe.
It was not Paul Siwela who had to skip the border after an attempt on his life. He was charged with treason based on trumped up charges of plotting to overthrow Mugabe's government. This latest cheap propaganda was laughable as the little lie was exposed when the world came to know through court proceedings that Paul Siwela was arrested for exercising his right to advocate the restoration of Matabeleland state.
It was not Matabele civilians who survived a genocide that took over 40 000 innocent Matebele lives that included defenseless children, old people and women. They were accused of being dissidents or cockroaches if you are a "Coupe Master" and genocidist, Emmerson Mnangagwa.
NPF spokesman Jealousy Mawarire says the army deployed itself without the instruction from the Commander in Chief.
In his own testimony before journalist, Mugabe said, "I never thought he whom I had nurtured and brought into government and I worked so hard in prison to save as he was threatened with hanging, that one day he would be the man who would turn against me."
There we go! Mask dropped, and the father of the coup within revealed. Its Emmerson Ndabudzo Mnangagwa! His middle Shona name means "Strife". In Matabeleland he is known as uZandlezibomvu (one whose hands are dripping with Ndebele blood).
Beneficiaries of his coup d'etat fondly call him ED and victims of the coup refer to him as ED-iot. Blinded by hatred for Ndebele people and tribalism, Mugabe could not see the plot that was brewed by his own Shona people right inside his palace.
The leaders and commanders of the coupe d'etat are all Shona and belong to Zanupf except for one Ndebele, Sibusiso Moyo who was used as a braai stick to announce the coup which all the Shonas were scared to do.
If genocide is a cure for a coupe d'etat as Mugabe demonstrated in the 1980s when he murdered Matabeles on the pretext that they were plotting overthrow him, then let us have Zanupf liquidated and Shona people wiped out of earth because Mnangagwa and his Shona cabal have staged an unquestionable coup.
This shows that the so called plots against the government of Zimbabwe in the 1980s were just a ruse to annihilate the people of Matabeleland.
While Mugabe says the people of Matabeleland asked for the genocide, Emmerson Mnangagwa who was fingered by Mugabe as the leader of the genocide campaign refused to apologise. He appointed a Shona dominated Commission for Peace and Reconciliation instead. Can there be peace and reconciliation without truth and justice? It is the first of its kind in Zimbabwe and it is because the process is led by the perpetrators that will never prosecute themselves. Matebeles have rightfully chased the so called Peace and Reconciliation Commission out of Matabeleland.
The issue of Matabeleland genocide tops the grievances that have ripped Zimbabwe into two equal pieces. A situation that has influenced the rebirth of Matabeleland state that was destroyed by the white Rhodesians with help of Shonas in 1893.
It has also caused divisions in all Zimbabwe political parties like Mnangagwa's Zanupf, MDC T and others. We hear the new child on the block, National Patriotic Front has suffered a stillbirth because of the gukurahundi issue.
Shonas see Matabeleland genocide as the finest hour. The extremists and reckless are openly calling for Gukurahundi 2.
Matabeles demand truth and justice with the hope that their Shona brothers will help in this regard. Not aware that even those Shonas who denounce Matabeleland genocide during the day support perpetrators during the night.
No truth will be out. No justice will be faced by perpetrators of Matabeleland genocide. Any Shona who would take over political power in Zimbabwe will always make it their fist priority to protect Matabeleland genocide perpetrators from prosecution. This will happen until all genocidists die of natural causes.
The million dollar question is, how long would Ndebele people live in a country where they are viewed as animals or pests to be targeted for extermination? There is slowly but progressive social, cultural, political and financial mobilisation in Matabeleland towards the big goal of the restoration of Matabeleland state.
Source - Wilson Mahlafuna Sibanda & Khohliso Maqhoba
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