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Khupe must swallow her pride and join Chamisa

16 Apr 2018 at 08:57hrs | Views
I once opinied about the growing fissures within the most powerful opposition political party in Zimbabwe the Movement of Democratic Change -T and an immediate split. I was quickly dismissed and labelled a sell out who wanted to cause division in the party. Well I am just a poor writer trying to put the record straight.

It's so pathetic, that Mama Dr Thokozani Khupe the Vice Presidentbig MDC-T has refused to swallow her pride and decides to break away and destroy the party which they took painful years to build. All these years they stood together and cemented the party when Zanu PF's jaggurnat gave them sleepless nights.

From the time Munyaradzi Gwisai,  Professor Welshman Ncube, Auther Mutambara, Lovemore Moyo, Job Sikhala, Tendai Biti , Elton Mangoma broke away from the party they have done absolutely nothing to lure voters. They have struggled to build strong opposition parties when they divorced from MDC-T. It's so pathetic that Thokozani Khupe and Obert Gutu have destroyed what they have built for the past years.
Lessons should be drawn from such history and correct the mistakes.

Zimbabwe is going through a leadership crisis and we have of late noticed that there is vacuum leadership and we have no serious leaders who have people at heart and most of them are into career politics so as to siphon and steal funds from donors.  The scramble for resources. It's all about greediness not leadership at all. Thokozani Khupe once said that , she is into politics to make money and it becomes too impossible to entrust her with running the country. How can she be trusted with leadership of the whole country? That remains a million dollar question.

I felt pity for Khupe who failed to read the political script of her political career as a senior member of the party. She chose to break away when it was time to unite and become even stronger in Zimbabwe's political circles.

Amai Thokozani Khupe and Obert Gutu also miscalculated and misfired by not showing allegiance to Nelson Chamisa who has stood with the party for such a long time. The issue of constitutionalism versus populism was an issue which was supposed to be adressed at a later stage. They have sold out both the people's struggle and aspirations left by the late Morgan Tsvangirai.  Voters will make their decisions and judge them harshly.

With all due respect I don't think Amai Thokozani Khupe and Obert Gutu will really turn the tables and win this election. That would be wishful thinking. I doubt very much whether Dr Khupe and Gutu have done enough donkey work to win this election as she alluded. They are just entering this election  as wounded soldiers who are up for revenge and would not want to acknowledge defeat either.

Formimg a political party is easy and winning an election is another stage which demands a lot of sacrifice and resources.

The people are tired with such kind of old politics where lawyers and  political scientists dominate our geo-political environment. We are yet to see real politicians who can bring real transformation in our beautiful country. Leaders who will put people first. We have seen that Thokozani Khupe and her leutenants are self centred. That's why people have gone through untold suffering in Zimbabwe.

This clearly and vividly shows that these are not genuine MDC-T personalities as they have decided to abandon the ship during turbulent times. They are only there to make money and cause commotion and confusion. If they do not believe in MDC Alliance which was the visionary idea of the late Dr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai,  what else are they for? People are waiting to breath fresh air from these politicians and they don't want to be drawn into the internal affairs of the party.

The violence which Thokozani Khupe is accusing Nelson Chamisa's of fomenting within the members of MDC-T is out of question, because she was part and parcel of the administration and are both to blame for political violence. They have failed to uproot it since the party's formation stage. To put it bluntly,  Khupe and her cabal are directionless, to them anyone not supporting Nelson Chamisa is a violent person,  lost and a sellout. These leaders must grow up.

The fact remains that Nelson Chamisa is the one who has the ball and must be marked. He has the majority. The possibilities of him winning the elections are high.

MDC-T is a party of excellency and we expect more intelligent decisions to be executed within the top hierarchy. I respect the person of Thokozani Khupe and her team. She is a good character but playing the tribal card will not yield good results.  The cabal must swallow its pride and join the charismatic Chamisa to finish the struggle. MDC Alliance is the real deal in the country and it is being supported by many civil and political groups. All opposition political parties must join this train if they are serious to make a change which all Zimbabweans are yearning for.

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Source - Leonard Koni
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