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Roads are in a deplorable and dilapidatory states

23 Apr 2018 at 16:50hrs | Views
The road from Banket to Guruve via Raffingora and also the road from Mvurwi to Mapinga via Mtorashanga are in a deplorable and dilapidatory state.

Something must be done as a matter of urgency to refurbish these two tarred roads to avoid loss of lives in road carnages. I appeal to motorists to exercise extremely caution when driving along these roads.

Are the responsible authorities aware that the two above mentioned roads are in a dilapidated state. I would suggest that those who are responsible must do something or appeal for assistance to the companies that are exporting Chrome from the Great Dyke for road rehabilitation since they are using these roads for exports,  I mean the companies must be accountable in assisting road rehabilitation.

Who should give them order, the Council or the Road Department? They should see to it that the transporters must comply .These roads are already infested with huge pot holes.

Whoever doubts about this evidence should drive along these roads and see for themselves. Surely they say there is no challenge without a solution.

Source - Givestar Kamuzonde
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