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Thokozani Khupe a leader sent from 'HELL'

24 Apr 2018 at 02:35hrs | Views
For those who have been following my articles will remember when I said "if Khupe is not properly handled in the MDCT succession issue a possible split was imminent". During my journey in studying Zimbabwean politics I have come to realize that most of the opposition politicians are not really after change as they purport but rather they are mercenaries. Zanu Pf as much as I'm concerned it is going to try by all means to infiltrate MDCT led by Nelson Chamisa.

Thokozani Khupe knows it that she will never smell the state house but she has rather taken the money road in which she is being bankrolled by EDM stalwarts in order to destabilize the opposition from within. EDM is not directly sponsoring Khupe but they are channels that are being used to finance this lady from hell who is not even ashamed of being a mercenary, but why would people even listen to such crooked politicians like Khupe. I do not hate her personally but I hate mercenaries like her but after all that's the game of politics.

The Chronology of Events

As much as the 2018 elections are concerned the death of Morgan Tsvangirai was well calculated since (2013) by those who eliminated him. I will not go deeper about what happened to the late former premier as a matter of respecting his family, however may his soul rest in peace. Morgan Tsvangirai was the only hindrance in the path of Zanu Pf concerning a landslide in favour of the ruling party in the upcoming 18 July elections and he was supposed to die before the 2018 harmonized elections and in accordance with that plan which I named the Zanu Pf modern day 'Schlieffen Plan' was successful.

However before the ascendance of Nelson Chamisa many Zanu Pf stalwarts including the business man cum singer Energy Mutodi once claimed that they was no opposition party in Zimbabwe, by saying so they thought the death of Tsvangirai would bury the labour backed party however the calculations were very poor as Nelson Chamisa ambuscade them while they thought the boat would sink with its founding leader.

If Thokozani Khupe had taken the reigns from the late former Prime Minister they is no doubt that Zanu Pf was going to celebrate and even field cde Chinotimba as their presidential candidate. However one needs to know that Khupe on her own can't fund her new political party but rather her beloved masters will do that and they have already started doing so. Thokozani Khupe's mission is just like the one that was played by Welshman Ncube in the previous elections of dividing the Matabeleland vote which this time  will be done by "ThokoZanu Khupe". Those that are saying madam Khupe has committed a political suicide are wasting their time because she is not a politician but rather a mercenary just like Tendai Biti, these guys are in politics for money not for the people.

Infiltration of the MDC Alliance and its collapse in June

With Zanu Pf having managed to win the heart of Thokozani Khupe with some millions bond notes their prime target now is the MDC Alliance which will falter in June prior to the elections. People might think that I'm insane to foretell the collapse of the MDC Alliance but Zanu Pf have been in this game for a long time and Nelson Chamisa is very unfortunate to be surrounded by mercenaries in the capacity of Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti.

These two guys are now the prime targets of the junta who will be used to destroy Chamisa from within prior to the harmonized elections. Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube are very big suspects and might be vulnerable if the money is put in front of them. Zimbabweans will witness drama prior to the elections, in which all that circus will benefit Zanu Pf. Thokozani Khupe will not reunite with Chamisa as of now but of course they will find their ways together after the damage has already been done.

Knowledge Hakata is a cutting edge political commentator and the co-founder of Demos-Cratos. He can be contacted on

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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More on: #Khupe, #MDC-T, #Chamisa