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Malicious allegations by Temba Mliswa and Financial Gazette

26 Apr 2018 at 13:25hrs | Views
Gilbert Muponda
It's unfortunate that the Financial Gazette and Themba Mliswa are trying to be a voters or influence voters using malicious and unfounded allegations.  This unholy alliance is shameful to say the least. This is totally unprofessional and unacceptable.

You can not classify someone as a criminal when that person was never convicted of any crime by the Court. That is defamatory and malicious. I was wrongfully accused more than a decade ago. Only the Court can declare criminals not Mliswa or Financial Gazette.

I was cleared by all Authorities including by
1- The High Court of Zimbabwe
2- Interpol
3- ZRP
4- Anti Corruption Commission
5 - Co Home Affairs Ministers ( Theresa Makone & Hon Kembo Mohadi)
6 - Attorney General Office.
7 - Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

All these Institutions did their investigations and cleared me of any wrong doing.The RBZ has even granted me a fresh Micro Finance Institute licence after passing all vetting.

One of the requirements for a ZANU PF candidate is police clearance.I was cleared by the police including CID HQ.

I returned to Zimbabwe after being persuaded by the Government of Zimbabwe to return home from Canada.The Government indicated it was regrettable how entrepreneurs were ill treated and criminalized at that time.

I was not the only one I'll treated and criminalized.Many other indigenous Bankers and business people were haunted out of their businesses and out of the Country.

Several senior Government officials have expressed regret on how I was ill treated and demonized when in fact I was the victim.

I am happy with how our President has rebranded Zimbabwe and engaged the international Community and is creating a conducive business environment.

It is wrong to accuse someone in the lack of evidence.

I never intended to join politics but I feel obligated to participate in a process that will see Zimbabwe prosper and regain it's status as a leading economy in the region. Indeed Zimbabwe is open for business.


Gilbert Muponda,
GMRI Capital Group - C.E.O
Phone - 263-778-409-875

Source - Gilbert Muponda
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