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Zim fostering peace ahead of elections

03 Jul 2018 at 13:13hrs | Views
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God…the Bible…. Mathew 5:9…Christians
The worshippers of the All-Merciful are they who tread gently upon the earth, and when the ignorant address them, they reply, "Peace!" … Qur'an 25:63… Moslems

Gwara harina mbonje and the teeth and tongue quarrel together, but they eat together - African Traditional Religion
All three quotes from the country's most subscribed faiths preach peace, a leaf which all political parties have decided to adopt by signing a peace pledge ahead of the harmonised elections and following the recent bombing in Bulawayo at White City Sports.

The twenty-three (23) different Presidential aspirants from different political parties, recently agreed to take a step further in ensuring that the atmosphere prevailing in the country remain calm and peaceful, a move to be commended.

Previously enunciated by His Excellency, Emmerson Mnangagwa that there was need to establish peace ahead of elections, other political parties had chosen to take a back-seat role, only to condemn the act after an act of violence erupts.
As such, this move by different political parties is the dawn of political tolerance in the country, a move to reckon with. Whilst all parties concur on the need for free, fair and peaceful elections, Government's initiative in setting up a platform to address issue to deal with conflict resolution is a starting point.

Peace is not hinged on just one person or political party alone working to ensure peace but on a group of individuals and all the stake-holding mass with one goal of working to ensure a peaceful process before, during and after the elections.

Through the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC), different political parties, civic organisations and non-governmental organisations will certainly succeed in fostering positive peace and tolerance among different party supporters.

The just signed peace pledge is a milestone in the history of Zimbabwe as the political players proved their will to upholding the Code of Conduct for political players which has now become law.

Individual(s) and parties seeking political mandate and power should know that elections are not a must win affair. The nation needs to stay intact even after the election process. The environment will be competitive and hot but must remain peaceful, calm and safe, and whether winners or losers in an election, the nation should remain united as one people, with a goal which is peace and harmony. Without the electorate, the elected has no one to govern.

Last week Chitungwiza mayor, Goodwill Mushangwe led over thirty aspiring councillors from different political parties in the signing of a peace pact meant to show their commitment to creating a peaceful and all-inclusive electoral environment in the harmonised elections, a leaf which other mayors or those in positions of authority should probably take hid of and probably implement as well.

Zimbabweans should therefore complement NPRC's efforts towards upholding peace as NPRC has vowed to unite Zimbabweans for sustainable peace by developing mechanism for resolving violent conflicts of the past, detection and mitigation of future conflicts and to mediate between parties for lasting peace and development.

Let us remember that there can always be one winner in every election - a bitter and non-negotiable truth, but what matters is living in harmony… peace peace peace!

Source - Daphine Zulu
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