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30 reasons why Zimbabweans should show Mnangagwa the RED card on july 30

26 Jul 2018 at 10:10hrs | Views
With just some few days and hours before the nation votes in the most anticipated polls since the removal of the former President Robert Mugabe and also the death of the former Trade Unionist Morgan Tsvangirai. Zimbabweans will on Monday morning begin to choose the man that will take them to the 'Promised Land', with the election being strongly contested between the incumbent President Emerson Mnangagwa and the bullet and energetic MDC Alliance Presidential candidate Adv. Nelson Chamisa. Zimbabweans should however not be deceived by the leopard sports of the incumbent leader as the man has been part of the team that plundered, spoiled, destroyed and ruined  Zimbabwe's economy to where it is today.

1 - Gukurahundi Killings
Only a fool will think and assume that Emmerson Mnangagwa has changed from his past. The man who was the then Minister of State Security when the unforgettable and unforgivable killings happened has up to now failed to apologies even on behalf of the Government to the affected families. No killer should be allowed back into the State House, Mnangagwa must face the wrath of the law and should join former Minister of Energy Undenge at Chikurubi Maximum Prison.

2 - Chaotic Land Reform
Even during his interface rally with the white community recently Mnangagwa acknowledged that the government had messed up on the famous land reform programme. Zimbabwe is where it is economically today because of poor administration of Zanu Pf which Mnangagwa was the then Minister of Justice when defenseless white farmers where brutalized by the late Chenjerai Hunzvi led war veterans. Sanctions were endorsed on Zimbabwe because of people with big egos like ED, who failed to apply the law properly and later on the sanctions had strong repercussion not on the crocodile but on the ordinary Zimbabweans up to today

3 - Operation Murambatsvina
Zimbabweans should never ever, ever trust a government that made many citizens to live like birds without proper shelters. Zanu Pf only loves people during elections and later dump and punish them after the polls. The Operation Murambatsvina madness was one of the policies which Zanu Pf proved beyond reasonable doubt that it doesn't have citizens at heart.

4 - Hyper Inflation 2008
Zanu Pf Government which ED has been part of could only resort to printing of money without offering credible solutions to the inflation era in 2008. Zimbabwe went on to print 1billion a denomination that have never been printed in the modern day and 21st century era. Voting for Mnangagwa is just like voting for the return of the famous Bearer Cheque. Voting for Mnangagwa is voting for inflation.

5 - Cholera Outbreak
Hundreds of innocent citizens perished in the 2008 Cholera outbreak especially in major towns due to poor governance portrayed by Mnangagwa and his Zanu Pf counterparts. Such a party and government which does not value the wellbeing of its own people should be sent into a political dust bin.

6 - Political Killings (2008)
Without doubt Mnangagwa was part of the ring leaders who orchestrated the killings of the opposition supporters after they had voted for Morgan Tsvangirai and mostly for change. Innocent Zimbabweans mostly in rural Zimbabwe lost their lives and later on Mugabe was condemned by the International Community for Human Rights abuses.

7 - Rigging Elections
In 2008 Zimbabweans where deprived of a better and alternative government by Mnangagwa and his junta partners. Mnangagwa has been Mugabe's spin doctor behind election mal practices especially rigging and up to now Zimbabweans are still nursing the long term injuries of poverty due the Zanu Pf which is power hungry and power rusty. Zimbabweans should never elect a thief into a public office again.

8 - Seeking Medical Attention Abroad
A true statesman just like the late former President of S.A Nelson Mandela and Tanzania's current President John Magufili will always seek medical attention in his native country. After destroying our once treasured Health Systems Mnangagwa, has been in a habit of seeking state of the art health treatment in South Africa while the poor continue to die at Mpilo Hospital. Such a leader should never be given a chance to ruin the remaining Health Institutions in the country.

9 - Coup President
Emmerson Mnangagwa did not come to power through the ballot, however most people endorsed him because they hated Mugabe's 38 year rule and they wanted change. However due to the fact that he is a coup president the man does not deserve even a single vote considering that he also participated in ruining Zimbabwe's economy for the past 38 years.

10 - Political Disappearance
Up to now the Government through ZRP has failed to locate Itai Dzamara whereabouts since his disappearance 3years ago. Itai Dzamara a once critic of Mugabe disappeared while he was having a hair cut in Glen View. His disappearance was internationally condemned as it is believed to have been orchestrated by the ruling Zanu Pf regime which is in a habit of silencing its opponents by either disappearance or death. Such a government and party should never be given another chance of governing the long suffering citizens.

11 - Marginalization of Matabeleland
The marginalization in Matabeleland by the EDM government should propel the people in Matabeleland to kick out the crocodile and its allies from the Munhumutapa Bulding.The Ndebele people continue to suffer from serious marginalization and such issue can only be addressed if Zimbabweans vote in a competent leader in the capacity of Hon Nelson Chamisa. President Mnangagwa was part of the Zanu Pf that lied to the Zimbabweans about 2 million jobs and the same man is uttering the same nonsense again everywhere he goes whenever he is addressing the long overdue suffering Zimbabweans.

12 - High Unemployment Rate
Most of the graduates in Zimbabwe have been reduced to vendors while the unemployment rate has tripled up to 98 percent and all this nonsense can only be blamed on ED and his Zanu Pf regime. Zanu Pf have managed to create more vendors that real opportunities and the nation has been reduced to a comatose economy. Zimbabweans should not waste time to vote in a regime that lied about 2million jobs in 2013.

13 - Cash Crisis
Since coming to power the incumbent president has failed dismally to deal with cash crisis and what else can we expect from the same regime after election. Let's all kick ED out of power on Monday.

14 - Corrupt Z.R.PDuring Mugabe's era the ZRP was so rampant with corruption to the extent that the general populace lost confidence in the national forces. Up to now the ZRP has remained partisan towards Zanu Pf and corrupt. Zimbabweans deserve better forces.

15 - Millitary Government

Mugabe's removal from power signaled a new dispensation of ‘Military Rule' and such an ancient style of rulership should be thrown into political dustbin. Zimbabweans deserve a civilian government and the soldiers should go back to the barracks.

To be continued….

Knowledge Hakata is a cutting edge political analyst and the Co-founder of Demos Cratos.He can be contacted on

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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