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Brutish and Ferocious 'Crocodile' your time is up to vacate Munhumutapa Building

28 Jul 2018 at 12:55hrs | Views
With less than 5 days before Zimbabweans cast their votes for the make or break presidential elections on July 30, it is important especially for those in the rural areas to punish Emmerson Munangagwa and his regime for marginalising them in terms of development. There is no one good reason why a resident in Nkayi District would believe Zanu Pf now on its promises to develop the district neither does anyone with common sense in Binga or Mberengwa choose to elect a party that has been promising development in these regions for the past 38 years while failing to fulfil its promises and mandate as a government. It's high time that our rural folks should join their urban counterparts in sending Mnangagwa and Zanu Pf into the political dustbin. For the past 38 years Zanu Pf have only managed to rig elections while undermining development in the country. In South Africa they is no major difference between a location and a rural area as rural areas are well developed with shopping malls plus critical social services while Nkayi have no proper roads and clinics are 10 kilometres away from the closet communities. Mr President you and your party has failed the citizens of Zimbabwe and its time you pass the baton stick to ‘New Change' in Nelson Chamisa.

- Diminish Development in Rural Areas
There have been no meaningfully development in most parts of rural Zimbabwe to the extent that up to now some places cannot even have access to radio signals. Most of the rural folks are second fiddle towards their urban counterparts in almost everything. They are no roads, electricity, running water even proper clinics and yet Mnangagwa wants another mandate to continue marginalising development in Nkayi, Mberengwa, Binga, Muzarabani, and Uzumba just to name a few. Surely rural people deserve a sound and caring government just like the one in South Africa where social services can also be accessed even in rural areas and rural folks have access to electricity and running water not even mentioning shopping malls.

- Purloin 15 Billion
The former president Robert Mugabe was not crazy when he said the nation lost 15 billion in diamond mining, with many people pinning ED and his close allies in the security sector for plundering the money that could have maybe transformed the economy and with no doubt where could a presidential candidate get 200 million for campaigning. Mnangagwa and his demagogues should never be trusted to govern Zimbabweans after Monday as the regime has proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is deeply rooted in corruption. The economy is in tatters while they is no cash in banks yet some individuals shared amongst then 15 billion.

- Corruption in Government
It's so amazing that corruption kingpins such as Obert Mpofu are still walking free while former Minister Udenge was jailed for the ZESA 12 000 scandal issue .Mnangagwa is not and will never be serious about corruption considering that he is also a product of corruption. The ZRP during Mugabe's era was so corrupt but people like ED never castigated the Chihuru formerly led organisation for stealing from the poor their hard earned money. Corruption at ZIMRA, NETONE and ZBC crippled the economy but the perpetrators were never docked and are still walking free. Zimbabweans needs a new government that doesn't tolerate corruption at all.

- Destroyed Health and Educational Institution
The Zanu Pf government utterly destroyed the once thriving health sector. Most of the government hospitals are operating below par. The incumbent president and his team prefers to seek medical attention in neighbouring South Africa while the poor are left to die at Mpilo and Harare Hospitals. Recently Zanu Pf Chairperson Opah Kashiri Muchinguri and Vice President Kembo Mohadi were flown to South Africa while some of their counterparts from the Bulawayo bombing were anguishing at Mpilo.

- Marginalisation of Matabeleland
The marginalization of Matabeleland and the silence over the Gukurahundi issue by the ED government should propel the people in Matabeleland to kick out the crocodile and its allies from the Munhumutapa Building. The Ndebele people continue to suffer from serious marginalization and such issues can only be addressed if Zimbabweans vote in a competent leader in the capacity of Hon Nelson Chamisa. President Mnangangwa was part of the Zanu Pf that lied to the Zimbabweans about 2 million jobs and the same man is uttering the same nonsense again everywhere he goes whenever he is addressing the long overdue suffering Zimbabweans. Zanu Pf wants to continue to take a ride on the people of Zimbabwe. In Manicaland the voters should kick this regime out of power considering that of all the diamond that have been mined in the province they have been no tangible development while most of the people in deep rural Manicaland are walloping in stinking poverty. In Mash West many voters in that area will always recount the violence that came prior to the runoff election of 2008, how innocent citizens were brutalized and murdered for voting for change surely ‘a leopard will never change its spots', Mnangagwa and his military cabal should be shown the original exit door from Zimbabwean politics come July 30. In the major towns Zimbabweans especially educated citizens have been reduced to the platforms such as vending while the big cows in Zanu Pf continue to squander state resources.

#Vote Wisely and Vote for Spaghetti Roads#

Knowledge Hakata is a political analyst and a co-founder of Demos Cratos. He can be contacted on

Source - Precious Kwaramba
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