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Four weapons of mass destruction Chamisa needs, to bury the evil system in 2023

24 Aug 2018 at 10:05hrs | Views
I'm not so sure if Nelson Chamisa would love to dine with the devil in an Inclusive Government but that is up to him and the MDC T National Standing Committee. It is unfortunate that I have wrote this article before the much anticipated ConCourt verdict but one thing for sure the young cleric knows it deep down in his heart that he is fighting a losing battle. The system does not allow someone without a liberation war credentials to lead this country. The late Morgan Tsvangirai tried his best but the system proved to be too hot for him. Some political analyst like Wilbert Mukori advised Chamisa not to participate the elections but just like in Kenya Raila Odinga did the same and that did not stop Uhuru Kenyatta of returning his position. The same comparison can be applied to Zimbabwe in which this year's elections recoded the highest number of dead wood presidential candidates in the like Brian Muteki and the evergreen Dzinemunhenzva, which means that if Chamisa had boycotted the elections, the polls would still have gone on and Mnangagwa could have joined the league of Museveni, Kenyatta, Mugabe, Kagame and Castro in which all these guys whooped in 99% at one point in time whenever the opposition boycotted the elections. So boycotting the election was totally a no go area for the young cleric. However he fought a good fight against a system not Mnangagwa.

Tighten Sanctions on Mnangagwa's government.
Without doubt this avenue will cause more harm to the public than to ED and his political demagogues, but remember this is now politics and the means justifies the ends. The sanctions will cripple the already crumbling economy and by 2023 the people of Zimbabwe should have suffered to the extent that Mnangagwa and Chiwenga will be their deadliest enemies. Mnangagwa won the elections the same way uncle Bob used to win, so in order to dethrone and destroy the systems sanctions should be imposed on Zimbabwe's economy that it won't breathe. The general populace might think that voting matters in Zimbabwe but it's actually opposite as the system is rooted to the core, it is so oppressive that if the opposition folds its hands surely Zimbabwe will just wither like Kinshasa.

Massive but peaceful demonstrations.

This theory worked in the Arab Spring and it even sent Blaise Traore former Burkina Faso president into exile in Ivory Coast. Though in Burkina Faso the uprisings became violent, Nelson Chamisa should resort to the Arab Spring type of protests. It doesn't make sense that Mugabe is gone and the one who is now in charge is even worse. Chamisa enjoys massive support in urban Zimbabwe and massive peaceful protests might be the way to go. They is no way the unemployed youth can take charge of their destiny besides using this root. Emmerson Munangagwa will never fix the economy in which he was part of the dream team that destroyed the same economy. MDC Alliance needs to embark on massive but peaceful demonstration to restore sanity and root out this evil system.

Proper political funding.
Sun Tzu once said "If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest.  If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them.  Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected". Nelson Chamisa needs adequate funding to match these culprits that are using state money. MDC Alliance failed to match Zanu Pf in terms of resources and it should make sure that it is properly funded to oil its machinery especially when it comes to the training and payments of its electoral agents. Zanu Pf have been using money to split the opposition all along hence Chamisa really needs financial backing to support all his party programs, he should take Zanu Pf head on especially in rural areas. Even all these massive protests to be fruitful the youthful leader needs meaningful funding.
Expect political thinkers.

Former President Robert Mugabe prolonged his stay in power because of expect political thinkers like Prof Jonathan Moyo who were around him especially in crafting policies. The G40 failed its mission because it failed to capture the Army, the Grace Mugabe led group had managed to capture the Police and the Intelligence as seen by the restructuring of these two organizations after the coup, however the Tyson comprised group failed to capture the army that's why it lost its game plan, If only it had managed to capture the army, ED will be in exile right now. However that's not my issue my point here is for Nelson Chamisa to assemble a well-oiled political expects who can block any rigging of elections in 2023. Chamisa needs more political animals around him than a bunch of lawyers. If the Alliance leader can get people in the caliber of Miguna Miguna, Jonathan Moyo, the late Edson Zvobgo just to name a few, I'm sure the next elections won't be rigged. MDC Alliance urgently needs expect political scientists to usher the party into its promised land in 2023.

Knowledge Hakata is expect political analyst on Election Human Rights and the cofounder of DemosCratos a political consultancy organization. He can be contacted on

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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