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Clueless 'ED' needs exigent help…

14 Oct 2018 at 07:45hrs | Views
It is so sad that at a time when the economy is burning Mnangagwa's, 'second in command' is fighting for his dear life in South Africa. The neighboring country which has a sound economy and well advance infrastructure has a long history of attending to ailing top government officials from different countries, the late DRC President Kabila died in South Africa nursing his injuries, while the current Zambian President often frequently visits the Southern Africa economy power house for medical checkups, while the late Morgan Tsvangirai died in Johannesburg. President Mnangagwa was also rushed to the same country after his poison fiasco that almost took his dear life while  currently Minister of International Affairs commonly known as 'General Bae' Sibusiso Moyo is also receiving treatment in South Africa. One might ask why I am giving a brief about all these gentlemen, it is important for the reader to note how Zanu Pf under Robert Mugabe and his praise and worship subordinates like the current President of the Republic destroyed the once flourishing Health System in Zimbabwe.

After being endorsed by the Apostolic Sect Mnangagwa proceeded by capturing ZEC to make sure he had to win the July presidential elections. The elections which were latter contested in the highest court in the land were a mere ceremony as it was too obvious that ED as he is known that he was going to whip out Chamisa outright. After all these had happened Zimbabwe has fallen into the 2008 economic ghost in which basic commodities and fuel prices are shooting up every hour. Without doubt Mnangagwa tried his best in bringing in new brains into his Cabinet but the damage had already been done by Mugabe. They was nowhere on earth a man like Mthuli Ncube the current Finance Minister was going to rescue Zimbabwe. The decorated finance expect must ask Gideon Gono how he also tried but failed. Zimbabwe's problems doesn't need people like Mthuli Ncube and his other four non Parliamentary Ministers. I'm not saying these guys are bad but they are in a wrong basket. All his efforts are noble financially but Zimbabweans have suffered enough and any more misery will result in more or less a civil unrest like the one which toppled former Burkina Faso President Blaise Traore who is now in exile in Abidjan, and if Mnangagwa is not clever enough he might end up in South Africa for a second time but this time around it will be a different case, he will not flee but he will be forced to go into exile before his term comes to an end.

Mnangagwa urgently needs the USA and its Western Allies to renovate the ailing Zimbabwe's economy but to do this he needs to get rid of Chiwenga and his military sons that are now running the show in government. The 'Junta Empire' as long as it continues to run business in government the economy will not get worse but soon Zimbabwe will be a failed state, stooges such as Victor Matemadanda does not even understand how Politics and Economies are governed they only know basic modules of the Liberation Struggle and such people should be kicked out of the government together with the Junta Empire.

If Mnangagwa manages to dethrone his god father Chiwenga, Zimbabwe will surely be poised for economic recovery. Let me conclude by quoting Tshinga Dube " Zimbabweans are expending too much energy on politics, instead of focusing on the economy to better the lives of our long-suffering countrymen. It is also my wish that we engage with the dynamic young man, the president of the MDC Nelson Chamisa to come on board so that we unite our people and make sure that instead of channelling our energy into politics, we also concentrate on our economy, If . . . Mnangagwa continues with his policies and gets a good someone to assist him, this country in 10 years will not be a third world country but a first world country. Instead of focusing on politics, we need to be focusing on improving our health delivery system, our education and our welfare among others. Let us give him (Mnangagwa) a chance for the next five years to create jobs for our people". In short Mnangagwa must incorporate his political rival in government, if Zimbabwe is to be resuscitated again

Knowledge Hakata is a political analyst based in Canada and the co-founder of Demos Cratos and can be contacted on or

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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