Opinion / Columnist
Chamisa in need of urgent treatment
11 Nov 2018 at 15:28hrs | Views

The MDC T ALLIANCE leader Advocate Pastor Nelson Chamisa made some dramatic claims that he was almost kidnapped by the CIO on the Saturday November 2018 while he was on his way to Harare from a rally in Marondera. Chamisa and his entourage made poorly rehearsed videos purporting to have survived a kidnapping attempt. Without any evidence or proof Chamisa claimed that it was ZANU PF and its CIO who attempted to kidnap him. The allegations which are very serious lacked a lot of sense. They had serious holes. To all those who have followed Zimbabwean opposition politics will no doubt agree with me that Chamisa is an attention seeker. He mow strive on Fake news in order to gain relevance. After failing to unseat ZANU PF in the General elections his relevance started to be less and less needed. He has to come up with another stunt which will turn heads towards his dying persona.
The reality is Chamisa is suffering from a serious condition which is called Attention-seeking personality disorder,victim syndrome, insecurity and centre of attention behaviour. It is with no doubt that Chamisa seeks to make himself the centre of attention despite his dwindling fame.
Like most personality disorders, narcissism occurs to different degrees in different people and reveals itself in many ways.
The short-term benefits of narcism and attention seeking are outweighed by long-term unsustainability which can, and often does, lead to disaster. Chamisa the drama queen has become a moving disaster for the nation and for his own party. The tragedy is Chamisa is partnered by another drama queen Tendai Biti. Biti in an attention seeking move drove to Zambia to seek asylum. However he made sure the altercation he caused was fully captured by his aides and posted on social media.
While The need for attention is paramount to the person with narcissistic personality disorder, and he or she will do anything to obtain that attention. This need has manifested so well in Chamisa Biti and all the MDC Alliance leadership.
Chamisa and his MDC crew have been bullying the nation and provoking the Security sector in a bid to trigger an arrest. The idea is to get arrested and put the country in a bad name. In most (although not all) cases, the serial bully is Chamisa whose objective is to demonstrate to the world what a wonderful, kind, caring, compassionate person he is. Bold pronouncements, a prominent position, gushing empathy, calling many rallies all feature regularly so that they continue gracing the headlines. In each case, the relief of other people's suffering changes from an objective and instead becomes a vehicle for gaining attention for oneself. In some situations, more money is spent on dealing with the consequences of the serial bully's behaviour than is spent on the electorate.
Attention seeking of any kind have no place" in the Zimbabwe "This egregious conduct is abhorrent and childish.
The actions of Chamisa in creating scenes which are fakecan be best described as "terrorism.
"The full weight of the government must be deployed" to track down those responsible for staging such fake scenes with the aim of tarnishing the image of the country.
Everyone needs attention, like we need to eat. This is not controversial, nor is it hard to understand. But the idea must be slippery, because it will not stick. If we could keep in mind that people need attention, it would change the way we see almost everything they do, from art to crime, from romance to terrorism. But the way Chamisa seeks attention is self destructive and totally inhuman.
This alarms people, and it is a big shock that a party which intends to lead the country is spending time in dramatizing a fake kidnap. But we can't know what to make of it until we understand what people need attention for.Chamisa needs it to be relevant. His own party is tired of his stunts they have no waken up to the reality of politics. Chamisa could be a very good actor he can join Gringo and the rest. Attention is other people thinking about you, and if there were ever humans who didn't need it, they are now extinct. But going to extent of faking your own kidnap is out of this world. "Attention is one of the most valuable resources in existence for a political party. But it must go hand in hand with credibility. Credibility in politics is literally a matter of life and death. The people who didn't feel good around others, or didn't feel bad when they were separated from others, wouldn't have the motivation to do the things that are required to pass their genes down the generations.
Chamisa the great dreamer sees things and create them and acts them. The sad thing is they remain a dream.
Specifically, people have been shown to need a type of attention that psychologists call belonging. But Chamisa comes out belonging to the fictitious world of his own. After creating a meeting with Trump he dreamt of a bullet train and he dreamt being the president and had his own dream inauguration in Gwanzura Stadium. Thank God the lights could not light and the dove refused to fly. The whole thing was a fuss.
Indeed everyone has a "strong desire to form and maintain interpersonal attachments". In particular, they identified that belonging means getting positive attention from people who know you well. How does this feedback once the people realise that the dreamer is a pastor who is a chronic liar who lies with a straight face?
Everyone recognizes an attention seeker, someone who has an inflated sense of their own importance and abilities, added with a disregard for other people's. At an extreme, they are called Narcissists and now increasingly common in Chamisa and his crew. But it is really bad to be one or to be led by one?
From a political perspective, leaders are hard wired to seek attention. Being a politica leader means giving and receiving attention. For survival, it can also be the difference between life and death. But to Chamisa he wants attention at all costs. He can stage his own death and stage his own resurrection and blames all on CIO.
From a biological perspective, getting attention activates our brain's reward centre. This means that when we get a lot of views, likes, & shares, our bodies are flooded with feel good dopamine and serotonin hormones. Getting attention feels good and makes us keep going back for more, especially the more vulnerable and those with low self-esteem. Chamisa's obsession with attention has reduced him to be a sick person and he needs urgent attention.
More simply, it could be caused by boredom, the need for novelty, and even being affiliative and extraverted that pushes many into the spotlight in order to satisfy the need. Chamisa has now come to an extent of leading his party on the path of dreamland. He is blind to all consequences.
Chamisa provokes the system breaks the law for his own ego. Attention seeking ability is an essential ingredient to successful leadership. Let's take social confidence, a leader must have impact with people. Without being willing to step into the limelight it takes longer to be able to connect with and persuade others to drive forward your agenda. To inspire followership, we must first appear to have self-confidence. But Chamisa creates his dream confidence which now destroys his agenda. Feeling good about ourselves, who we are, transfers into positive self-worth and the confidence to set ambitious goals and dream big. In the case of Chamisa the zeal to be remembered has made him a laughing stalk. No reasonable person takes him serious now.
Yet when taken too far, attention seekers are distracting, dominant and find it difficult to know when to be quite. The constant need for stimulation can result in a lack of follow through and a poor track record of execution, particularly for routine and repetitive tasks.
The goal is therefore to have a healthy degree of narcissism whereby you are secure in yourself but are not obsessed with your self-image. We crave attention for many reasons including to feel good, connect with people, stay alive, find acceptance, or even elevate boredom, when used in moderation it can act as strong medicine for our emotional well-being and catalyst to enable followership.
In MDC Alliance attention seeking has reduced the alliance to be a child play organization graced by political prostitutes like Job Sikhala Tendai Biti and a lot. No reasonable Zimbabwean can believe that the CIO have attempted to kidnap Chamisa and failed.
CIO do not use the cars which were used in the Chamisa Enter The dragon movie. The CIO have no arresting powers so it would have been the police doing that job. The police knows where Chamisa stays. Why would they try to kidnap him in Mabvuku. Why was Chamisa out of the car alone. Where was his security.
The country has a Mentally unstable leader of the opposition.
We have a lot of these pastor's soiling the name of God.
Zimbabwe is in trouble. We now have Pastor Chamisa, pastor Magaya Pastor Biti. God have mercy.
Vazet2000@yahoo. Co.uk
The reality is Chamisa is suffering from a serious condition which is called Attention-seeking personality disorder,victim syndrome, insecurity and centre of attention behaviour. It is with no doubt that Chamisa seeks to make himself the centre of attention despite his dwindling fame.
Like most personality disorders, narcissism occurs to different degrees in different people and reveals itself in many ways.
The short-term benefits of narcism and attention seeking are outweighed by long-term unsustainability which can, and often does, lead to disaster. Chamisa the drama queen has become a moving disaster for the nation and for his own party. The tragedy is Chamisa is partnered by another drama queen Tendai Biti. Biti in an attention seeking move drove to Zambia to seek asylum. However he made sure the altercation he caused was fully captured by his aides and posted on social media.
While The need for attention is paramount to the person with narcissistic personality disorder, and he or she will do anything to obtain that attention. This need has manifested so well in Chamisa Biti and all the MDC Alliance leadership.
Chamisa and his MDC crew have been bullying the nation and provoking the Security sector in a bid to trigger an arrest. The idea is to get arrested and put the country in a bad name. In most (although not all) cases, the serial bully is Chamisa whose objective is to demonstrate to the world what a wonderful, kind, caring, compassionate person he is. Bold pronouncements, a prominent position, gushing empathy, calling many rallies all feature regularly so that they continue gracing the headlines. In each case, the relief of other people's suffering changes from an objective and instead becomes a vehicle for gaining attention for oneself. In some situations, more money is spent on dealing with the consequences of the serial bully's behaviour than is spent on the electorate.
Attention seeking of any kind have no place" in the Zimbabwe "This egregious conduct is abhorrent and childish.
The actions of Chamisa in creating scenes which are fakecan be best described as "terrorism.
"The full weight of the government must be deployed" to track down those responsible for staging such fake scenes with the aim of tarnishing the image of the country.
Everyone needs attention, like we need to eat. This is not controversial, nor is it hard to understand. But the idea must be slippery, because it will not stick. If we could keep in mind that people need attention, it would change the way we see almost everything they do, from art to crime, from romance to terrorism. But the way Chamisa seeks attention is self destructive and totally inhuman.
This alarms people, and it is a big shock that a party which intends to lead the country is spending time in dramatizing a fake kidnap. But we can't know what to make of it until we understand what people need attention for.Chamisa needs it to be relevant. His own party is tired of his stunts they have no waken up to the reality of politics. Chamisa could be a very good actor he can join Gringo and the rest. Attention is other people thinking about you, and if there were ever humans who didn't need it, they are now extinct. But going to extent of faking your own kidnap is out of this world. "Attention is one of the most valuable resources in existence for a political party. But it must go hand in hand with credibility. Credibility in politics is literally a matter of life and death. The people who didn't feel good around others, or didn't feel bad when they were separated from others, wouldn't have the motivation to do the things that are required to pass their genes down the generations.
Chamisa the great dreamer sees things and create them and acts them. The sad thing is they remain a dream.
Specifically, people have been shown to need a type of attention that psychologists call belonging. But Chamisa comes out belonging to the fictitious world of his own. After creating a meeting with Trump he dreamt of a bullet train and he dreamt being the president and had his own dream inauguration in Gwanzura Stadium. Thank God the lights could not light and the dove refused to fly. The whole thing was a fuss.
Indeed everyone has a "strong desire to form and maintain interpersonal attachments". In particular, they identified that belonging means getting positive attention from people who know you well. How does this feedback once the people realise that the dreamer is a pastor who is a chronic liar who lies with a straight face?
Everyone recognizes an attention seeker, someone who has an inflated sense of their own importance and abilities, added with a disregard for other people's. At an extreme, they are called Narcissists and now increasingly common in Chamisa and his crew. But it is really bad to be one or to be led by one?
From a political perspective, leaders are hard wired to seek attention. Being a politica leader means giving and receiving attention. For survival, it can also be the difference between life and death. But to Chamisa he wants attention at all costs. He can stage his own death and stage his own resurrection and blames all on CIO.
From a biological perspective, getting attention activates our brain's reward centre. This means that when we get a lot of views, likes, & shares, our bodies are flooded with feel good dopamine and serotonin hormones. Getting attention feels good and makes us keep going back for more, especially the more vulnerable and those with low self-esteem. Chamisa's obsession with attention has reduced him to be a sick person and he needs urgent attention.
More simply, it could be caused by boredom, the need for novelty, and even being affiliative and extraverted that pushes many into the spotlight in order to satisfy the need. Chamisa has now come to an extent of leading his party on the path of dreamland. He is blind to all consequences.
Chamisa provokes the system breaks the law for his own ego. Attention seeking ability is an essential ingredient to successful leadership. Let's take social confidence, a leader must have impact with people. Without being willing to step into the limelight it takes longer to be able to connect with and persuade others to drive forward your agenda. To inspire followership, we must first appear to have self-confidence. But Chamisa creates his dream confidence which now destroys his agenda. Feeling good about ourselves, who we are, transfers into positive self-worth and the confidence to set ambitious goals and dream big. In the case of Chamisa the zeal to be remembered has made him a laughing stalk. No reasonable person takes him serious now.
Yet when taken too far, attention seekers are distracting, dominant and find it difficult to know when to be quite. The constant need for stimulation can result in a lack of follow through and a poor track record of execution, particularly for routine and repetitive tasks.
The goal is therefore to have a healthy degree of narcissism whereby you are secure in yourself but are not obsessed with your self-image. We crave attention for many reasons including to feel good, connect with people, stay alive, find acceptance, or even elevate boredom, when used in moderation it can act as strong medicine for our emotional well-being and catalyst to enable followership.
In MDC Alliance attention seeking has reduced the alliance to be a child play organization graced by political prostitutes like Job Sikhala Tendai Biti and a lot. No reasonable Zimbabwean can believe that the CIO have attempted to kidnap Chamisa and failed.
CIO do not use the cars which were used in the Chamisa Enter The dragon movie. The CIO have no arresting powers so it would have been the police doing that job. The police knows where Chamisa stays. Why would they try to kidnap him in Mabvuku. Why was Chamisa out of the car alone. Where was his security.
The country has a Mentally unstable leader of the opposition.
We have a lot of these pastor's soiling the name of God.
Zimbabwe is in trouble. We now have Pastor Chamisa, pastor Magaya Pastor Biti. God have mercy.
Vazet2000@yahoo. Co.uk
Source - Dr Masimba Mavaza
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