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1893 MHRRM UK Demo against Motlante Commission outside RSA

07 Dec 2018 at 15:01hrs | Views
The authentic 1893 Mthwakazi (Matebeleland) Human Rights Restoration Movement (1893 MHRRM) once again reminds the public that there shall be a demonstration against the Motlante Commission outside the RSA embassy in the UK on the 15h Dec 2018 from 10:00 am to 15:00 pm.

The demonstration is a protest against the compromised Motlante Commission for its failure to protect the victims of Matebeleland Gukurahundi Genocide who testified before it and were subsequently victimised by the sectarian Zimbabwean police and state agents for raising the issue of the Matebeleland Genocide.

Motlante's captured Commission has  kept mum about this issue and has failed to issue a statement condemning such beatings and arrests. The Commission's failure to call for the need for the Genocide Testifiers to be protected is unacceptable and is condemned in the strongest of terms possible. This seemingly captured Commission, by all accounts, intents and purposes, abdicated its duty to protect those that testified before it. It has been negligent. It must be rounded up on this.

Matebeleland citizens, friends of Matebeleland and all Human Rights Activists and Defenders are therefore invited to attend this event and register a strong complaint against the Motlante Commission via the South African UK embassy.

With dedication, unparalleled and unprecedented commitment to our people, we vigorously unleash their voice regarding the Restoration and Protection of their sacred, sacrosanct and inalienable Human Rights without fear or favour, home and away!

Our Matebele generational mandate attests to the fact that the Restoration and Protection of Matebele Human Rights and those of other subdued peoples of the world is the only game in town!

Source - Thembani Dube, 1893 MHRRM Secretary for Information and Publicity
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