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President ED Mnangagwa to resign soon signals now with us

24 Dec 2018 at 15:58hrs | Views
Two month ago I wrote a piece warning president ED Mnangagwa that he may not last for six months if an inclusive government is not formed. The country is no longer having economic energy to progress. What we are now witnessing are the last kicks of a dying horse. The news that Delta Zimbabwe closes plants in Zimbabwe should be a signal that president ED Mnangagwa has dismally failed to run Zimbabwe. Therefore, this piece seeks to support the view that the days of president ED Mnangagwa are numbered if ZANU PF is not going to take a drastic action to serve his sinking ship.

You don't need a political scientist or a prophet to tell you that what we are observing are the last days of president ED Mnangagwa and his crew. It is abnormal for a country to import water, I won't be surprised if soft drinks are also going to be imported. I am afraid that Zimbabwe is going to start importing oxygen very soon. News are that Delta Zimbabwe is going to shut down because of the foreign currency shortages. President ED Mnangagwa, Mthuli Ncube and John Mangudya should take responsibility for this.

I feel for every one of us here in Zimbabwe. The Mthuli Ncube's fiscal policies have consumed the livelihoods of every one of us. A teacher is now earning US$100 and US$200 for a doctor. This is because of none other than Mthuli Ncube and John Mangudya with the backing/support of president ED Mnangagwa. These people do not have people at heart, they reduced bonus of the suffering masses in order to pay cash for MPs' vehicles and funding the expenses of a globe-trotting president. It is obvious that by the end of January 2019 the salary of a teacher will be reduced to below US$50.

Why is president ED Mnangagwa allowing hell on earth? He should feel for the people, Zimbabweans cannot continue to suffer because of 3 people. Are the ZANU PF members enjoying this kind of life and leadership? It is my prayer that president ED is going to have a deep meditation and resign before crushes Zimbabwe to ashes.

The closure of Delta Zimbabwe should be a signal to president ED and ZANU PF. The year 2018 will never be forgotten in our history just like Mthuli Ncube and John Mangudya. These two blue-eyed boys of president ED have consumed people's savings and livelihoods. I am appealing to Zimbabweans not to lose hope,  this is just a trying moment and will be history. Age and time will be our savior. Chinobururuka chinomhara

Don Chigumba is a mixed methods research specialist can be found on twitter @Donchigumba

Source - Don Chigumba
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