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Confused Mnangagwa must spare us our hardworking doctors

27 Dec 2018 at 18:23hrs | Views
What a big joke that the junta led government has suspended our striking doctors. Does Mnangagwa and Chiwenga really think well?, these two guys might be in need of mental medical check ups. Suspending these junior doctors will automatically lead to unnecessary deaths of innocent patients at government hospitals. Surely I do not understand were these two gentlemen are taking us. Zimbabweans have suffered enough. Instead of dialogue the ED government used the Labour Court to force the doctors to go back to work. Does a court have jurisdiction to pay these striking doctors surely not. I have never seen ED being admitted at Harare Hospital rather he always use the tax payers money to fly to SA .Zimbabweans should now woke up from their sleep ,Mnangagwa and Chiwenga should rather be councillors cause they have shown us that they can't run the state.

With a bleak Xmas at hand Zanu Pf government should not even be given another week in power. This party of War Veterans only thinks of war rather than economic development. With Zanu Pf having endorsed ED for 2023 surely Zimbabweans cannot continue to watch such mad mafias continuing their daily routine of oppressing the long and overdue suffering Zimbabweans. How can a whole Congress be railroaded to endorse a failure like Dambudzo for 2023 surely we as a nation we are not going anywhere. Having spent more than a year in power the feared croc have been roaming and globetrotting  signing yet to be seen Mega Deals.

The economy continues to crumble while people are dying daily in government hospitals at the watch of a military junta government. With cheer leaders like Victor Matemadanda spearheading the ED pfee mantra which is now associated with suffering, Zimbabweans should now woke up and smell the coffee before it's too late. A nation of educated people cannot continue to watch doctors striking at the expense of innocent patients, surely it's time the opposition show us some high levels of maturity and dismantle this confused regime

Opposition please give us a signal

Knowledge Hakata is an independent political analyst and also the co-founder of Demos Cratos. He can be contacted on or

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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