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The Monologue of Dialogue is deluded and self immolation

18 Jun 2019 at 14:52hrs | Views
There are what we call synonyms of Dialogue, argument, argy-bargy, colloquial, colloquy, soliloquy, confab, confabulations, give and take, palaver, parley, consultations, moving back and forth.

Political dialogue refers to a wide range of negotiations , from high level to negotiations and mediations. Zimbabwe Situation is a complex phenomenon. We have toxic politics.

Our politics is poised and fluid. We are intolerant and we can't allow divergence of views. From my political point of view any meaningful dialogue without Nelson Chamisa and Emerson Mnangagwa is not a dialogue meeting but a banquet or dinner.

The so-called POLAD, is a gathering of political leaders feasting on State coffers.

Those resources could have been re-directed to critical sectors of the economy such as health, education, agriculture and infrastructure development. The political matrix covers the 50.4% and the 44.8% matter.

Anything outside the above percentage does not exist. Where does the 0.56% come into existence leaving out the 2.6 million people? There is a political vacuum somewhere and on the pie-chat you can note that there is a political figure that is missing.

My question then hits back on the 26 member advisory council, what exactly are they doing? For me I can assure you, once Nelson and ED come to the negotiating table, within 48 hours, all political storms will come to halt and prices will be stable, exchange rate will drop.

The question lies on politics and it must be fixed. The struggle on the economy is centred on politics. Today we can borrow 1.5 billion from Afrimex Bank and within s fortnight, the money will be eroded on the market.

There is no confidence on the ground. We have to fix our politics. Reforms are necessary through a proper legal, economic and developmental framework which must address all the fundamentals through a proper National Dialogue Forum.

The other losing candidates are enjoying state money and some characters have never been to hotels and they cannot refuse such a privilege, to them it's a gesture and adventure and it gives them mileage and clout.

The whole POLAD thing lacks political clout and substance to refer it is a political dialogue.

Our issues emanate from political legitimacy, and on this it goes back to one key aspect, there is a political question which remain unanswered.

We know the right thing to do !!!
Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo - Doctor of Philosophy at Women's University of Africa - Candidate and he can be contacted at

Source - Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo
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