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The civil servants problem

24 Jun 2019 at 11:24hrs | Views
All along I have been thinking that cevil servants understand and know how to deal with their problem. No they don't. Cevil servants don't need a bond note salary increment because it becomes the cause of inflation. Thanks to zanu pf economic calamity, they are the biggest employment in the land and their salaries control inflation. When their salaries are increased prices of commodities rise and inflation shoots up.  What they need is to negotiate for US dollar payment of their salaries.

They dont need to go on strike or make the president their patron, no. All those moves don't solve anything. That man's life is in US dollars and by being their patron, he is just making a mockery of them. Its like being given a warm hug and then injected with slow poison. They need to be serious. They need to be tough when negotiating and make sure that the people they employ to negotiate on their behalf are not zanu pf apologists because right now it looks like they are. An industrial action by cevil servants hurts the nation. It doesn't hurt the mafia style run zanu pf government, no, and therefore they don't mind cevil servants doing it. Some of the people in government don't even understand what cevil servants qualifications for the jobs they do are like, their ethics and so forth and that is why they are quick on calling them names. Afterall when sick they will fly overseas for treatment payable in US dollars and the flight will be by a hired plane paid in US dollars. Cevil servants need their salaries to be paid in US dollars like yesterday, period. It is selfish for anybody to think of that as a big ask when the president himself likes the US dollar so much and calls it 'the real money'. Why then is he paying his workers 'the unreal money'. That's not fair is it.

People don't have confidence in the fiscal system of this country and introducing a new currency is like trying to dodge a bullet coming from a machine gun whilst standing ten metres away from the shooter. It is foolish and won't solve anything. It actually recycles the problem. The morale in the cevil servants work places is bad and funny this government thinks a pat at the back will solve anything. They need to do far and far much and much better than that. Yes, Nelson Chamisa is right that there is a lot of US dollars in people in this country, including the president of course. Do people think he uses the bond note, no. He uses 'real money', real money people. What hypocrisy, yoh. Yes every country needs to have it's own currency but there are  steps we should to take first to stabilise the economy before we get there, and so far we haven't taken any. We are still in the barbaric mafia government that does not only refuse to listen to reason but beliberately does wrong things.

The proper route does not lead the president  to a press room to announce plans of introducing a new currency, no. It leads him to a negotiations room with Nelson Chamisa and the MDC Alliance, and all the other things shall be added unto him. Hallelujah.

Please pray for this poor leadership not to deliberately destroy the nation like this.

Clemen Moyo (Mr)
+263 712 708 284/778 662 090

Source - Clemen Moyo
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