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Has the President Begun?

28 Jun 2019 at 18:36hrs | Views
On 29 April 2019 I wrote an article titled 'The Gukurahundi Solution', which was published by the on line media, bulawayo24 on 30 April 2019. In that article I had highlighted the pain us victims of the Gukurahundi are still experiencing, that of the murder of our parents, relatives, neighbours and friends. I also suggested how the solution to this calamity can be arrived at. That the President can begin by arranging for a meeting with the Matebeleland Chiefs about this problem. That if he shows enough respect and remorse in the meeting, a date can be set for the actual apology where a ritual called 'ukukhumisana umlotha' can be performed. My question is has he begun the process of apologising the right way because I've been made to understand that he has met the Chiefs. I doubt because the reaction by the Chiefs shows anger and disatisfaction in the manner he is handling the problem. Which means he didnt do his homework and now the summary of the route by the Chiefs demands the hard way. An apology plus truth telling is what they want and that overules Selo Nare and the gang. It's outside their mandate, it's long and very expensive but I'm afraid it is the right way, and one that can achieve required results. In Ndebele we say 'Isono sixolelwa umasenza'; meaning that only  that person who committed the sin can get forgiveness fo committing it

I don't know what is wrong with people in Zanu-PF. It's the kind of a political party that has its members behaving like they own Zimbabwe. That being a Zimbabwean is being a member of Zanu-PF. I think Robert Mugabe authored all this. I don't know when they will stop thinking so foolishly but this has to end. Mnangagwa shoukd stop listening to Zanu-PF and listen to the nation. How can you have leaders like Obert Mpofu who refuse to answer questions in front of a judge in a court of law and goes on to threaten, publicly those that are alleging he is corrupt. At one occasion he disrespected a parliamentary commit and refused to cooperate in an investigation. I think he is hiding something. What is the President doing about such behaviours to earn our respect? How can we be confident that he can bring solutions to problems when such behaviours go unpunished?

Source - Clemen Moyo
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