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Bulawayo residents lobby stakeholders for a Commission to run Bulawayo

23 Jul 2019 at 09:30hrs | Views
Since the attempted coup on Bulawayo Town Clerk by the (tribal) Kambarami brigade there has been a renewed effort by Bulawayo civic organizations, residents associations, as well as Bulawayo's prominent elders to get rid of the chaotic MDC Councillors.

Between Thursday evening and today I have had an opportunity to discuss with different stakeholders including two Bulawayo prominent Lawyers who have a direct interest in this matter. All the stakeholders are speaking with one voice and the message is straight forward MDC Councillors have failed us and the party itself nolonger have enough words to spin their rubbish in Bulawayo.

On Thursday MRP President Mqondisi Moyo was interviewed together with MDC Bulawayo's spokesperson Sweathern Chiworodza on Studio 7 and the MDC spokesperson lied about everything including his own identity you wonder what kind of leadership is that, as if that was not enough when I was put on studio7 with MDC deputy secretary for local government Hlatshwayo, he lied as well his own was even worse.

He first claimed that Zimbabwe is a unitary state anyone is free to contest anywhere and the tribe doesn't matter, before he changed his statement when I asked him to explain the concept of Devolution of power. He went on to allege that he was hearing for the first time that most of his Shona councillors can't speak Ndebele or any Matabeleland vernacular languages.

The kind of propaganda by the MDC is so sickening, the problem with their propaganda is that it is so cheap, and too obvious such that Bulawayo have had enough of their nonsense and now want them out, MDC is worse than ZANU-PF and Chamisa is a dictator and a tribalist at par with his grandfathers Mugabe and Mnangagwa.

The Bulawayo residents have lost faith in MDC, according to a lawyer I spoke to on Friday, all Matabeleland people across the political divide are with MRP on the BCC issue, the lawyer went on to state that he was approached by residents across the political divide to deal with the BCC issue since he is viewed as a neutral person, according to the lawyer other people can only speak about Bulawayo issues as individuals for political reasons and only MRP is strategically positioned to speak as a party in defense of Bulawayo and the rest of Mthwakazi, hence the need to involve the party as a stakeholder in this matter.

Both the lawyers and Bulawayo residents associations, as well as civic society insists that they have enough evidence that MDC Councillors are corrupt dating back to the previous terms. The residents say that they will be glad if the local government Minister could fire all MDC Councillors and appoint a commission made up of sons and daughters of UMthwakazi to run the city in line with the Constitution as well as in the interest of Devolution of power.

The Bulawayo residents held a meeting on Friday where the decision was made to lobby government to fire the corrupt MDC Councillors and tomorrow a much bigger meeting have been planned at city hall for the same purposes.

Meanwhile one of the councillors told me that the Kambarami brigade is planning to mobilise it's drunkards to come and disturb tomorrow's meeting organised by residents.

Cde Mbonisi Solomon Gumbo MRP member stating Bulawayo residents views.

Source - Mbonisi Solomon Gumbo
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