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Kambarami and gang must leave Bulawayo - MLF

by MLF
23 Jul 2019 at 14:31hrs | Views
Shonas never learn! It is time wasting for the people of Mthwakazi as a whole and those of Bulawayo in particular, to be listening to trash emitted by the imposter Councillors and their puppy to ZANU-PF party called MDC that they will investigate the wrong doings levelled against Bulawayo City Council town clerk Mr C Dube.

As MLF we maintain that the so called Councillors are miss placed. They should not be in Bulawayo in the first place let alone being in Council.

Secondly, the most pertinent issue of tribalism(nationalism in our view),was not discussed. We deplore the fact that Bulawayo issues are solved in another country. We have never heard of Zimbabwe's Harare issues discussed in Lusaka, Zambia.

The gold talked about is Mthwakazi gold and Dube is Mthwakazian. He has all the right to own the gold, of course following right procedures determined by the people of Mthwakazi. If he acquired it unlawfully, we Mthwakazi people will deal with him, our way. Kambarami should be dealing with pornographic displays of his own prophet Magaya and leave us to deal with our own Dube. As Mthwakazi Liberation Front we will not rest until it dawns to these Zimbabweans that Mthwakazi is not part of Zimbabwe.

It is also high time people learn that we don't target people on tribal lines as Zimbabweans use it as their line of defence but anyone who stand on our way is any enemy regardless of their nationality. In that wake, Obert Mpofu's Gukurahundi remarks made on 22 July have made him Kambarami 2. His place in Mthwakazi is no more. He has to be forced out to Zvimba where he belongs but empty handed. We give Mthwakazi people the authority to invade his farms starting with the one in Mguza, slaughter all the cattle in there. He has to learn it the hard way that traitors are not welcome in Mthwakazi.

Vuka Mthwakazi Vuka!

Source - MLF
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