Opinion / Columnist
After Two Days - THE PROPHECY
19 Aug 2012 at 09:27hrs | Views

Tuesday 14 August 2012, I read an article in the Daily Sun newspaper (South Africa). The article was titled; Credo the Prophet has spoken - and he is very fearful - MZANSI WILL BURN! It depicts the predictions by one of Mzansi finest prophets and traditionalist, Credo Mutwa.
He said black brother will fight his own black brother and the people who set it up will sit back and watch with a smile. In addition, he said he is not very hopeful that leaders will sit together and show the children the future therefore the war cannot be avoided. He warned also that the country was not in good hands with the current leadership hence South Africans should get ready for war. He said, the recent or on-going xenophobic attacks marked the beginning of the worst yet to come.
He talked about people rioting and when they lose hope, they become violent. He said it pained him to see people living in poverty and when they go to seek help from the authorities who ignores and ill-treat them like dogs.
TWO DAYS LATER, THE MARIKANA MASACRE at Lonmin Platinum which claimed the lives of 34 black men (miners) with a score of 78 injured due to use of live rounds of ammunition by mostly black police (a few whites were involved also) officials to disperse striking mining workers.
He wrote a poem in 1963 titled, The Blood-stained Flag. Soon after, the President of the USA, John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
In 1966 he warned Hendrink Verwoed that he saw a bayonet hanging over his head. Verwoed dismissed the vision as nonsense and according to him, only blacks die by knives, not whites. Shortly afterwards, he was fatal stabbed in parliament.
He said that, since the days of Verwoed nobody has listened to his warnings.
In 1993, he said that before the dawn of South Africa democracy on 10 April 1994, a great African was going to die. Chris Hani was assassinated a year earlier, thus on the 10th of April of 1993.
In 1999, he predicted that the Thabo Mbeki would not finish his term in office. He said he could not see the whole of Mbeki's term in office. He did not say why, but maybe he would not live long to see it.
Some of his predictions include the Arab Wars in North Africa and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico ("it is not asteroid, comet, plague, …. just OIL." [OIL APOCALYPSE]).
In 1979, he is also said to have made some paintings of the planes which crashed into the New York World Trade Centre Towers, and also of the HIV virus coming to Africa (do not now from where).
He predicts that China will be the key player for the next 50 years while the US will be warmongering into other parts of the world.
On Obama, he wrote a poem about him and he views him as an actor upon the floodlit stage of life wearing a mask of an angel beneath a demon's gown. Accordingly, he says Obama pretends smiles upon the crowded hall of life holding much hope as much as bright as it is false. In a nut shell, he says Africa will gladly look to Obama, but the truth is that he is a son born to deceive.
To Egypt, he said, a terrible man will come to power in Egypt and he will replace the peace maker, Mubarak and return Egypt to extremism.
He warned of the loud noise the ultra-right wing, the Afrikaner Wee stand Bewiging (AWB) is going to make; it was silent till the death of Terre Blanche. He said disoriented blacks will help them (whites) because they (blacks) are too cowardly to act on their own.
He said prominent wealth men are going to be arrested in South Africa because of their links to drug cartels (a newly discovered corridor for drug cartels) , exposed as drug Lords and one is going to be arrested in South Africa and another in Lesotho.
Young prophet Lesilo La Masilo (taught by the legendary prophet Credo Mutwa) predicted that President Zuma won't make it as South Africa and ANC's next President after the Mangaung (Bloemfontein) Conference scheduled for December 2012. He said the current leadership will be defeated and a great come back for Julius Malema. The contest will be fierce according to him and Zuma, Mbeki and Winnie Madhikizela Mandela will play a very important role to end this debacle (contest very fierce and tribal).
Kgalema Molanthe will be the preffered leader, but there is no mention of him being the next president; only that the era of the Lion would be gone and it would be the era of the ants â€" some suggesting the ANC Youth League would rule.
Vanotii maprofita edu nen'anga about our country Zim?
Source - Justice Maphosa
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