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Mthwakazi women rise and take a stand for the sake of your children

16 Sep 2020 at 08:18hrs | Views
There is a lot of noise about the Zimbabwe crisis and it cannot be complete without mentioning Lindiwe Zulu an embodiment of IMBOKODO, she is doing a great job and should be commended. She understands the pain of a women, more so the pain of Mthwakazi women whose children and future generations are trodden upon by the Zimbabwean regime without mess. Mthwakazi women are called upon to answer to the call of a women's pain that cut through the womb unless they are not women enough or have been hardened by hardships inflicted by heartless Zimbabweans. Mthwakazi women, both young and old are called upon to emulate Lindiwe Zulu and the likes of Winnie Mandela, Lozikeyi and other notable women (IMBOKODO) who could not stomach their off-springs' future go to waste in their watch.

The head of the ANC's International Relations Committee has put it as is and refused to buy the story of zanu that there are no crises in Zimbabwe when all facts and evidence is there for all to see and touch, it's even evident to a blind person. There is a saying in isiZulu that say ‘akusilima sindlebe ende kwaso' meaning that regardless of a person's deformation he or she is loved and adored by his people but guess what? When it comes to Zimbabwe, they are not even ashamed to send their deaf and blind to flood the streets of South African begging in the streets, one wonders why the world listens to the Zimbabwean authorities. One may come to think that some world leaders have a hand in the cookie jar, Lindiwe Zulu understands the pain of women and cannot be swayed by lies peddled by zanu, South African leadership and SADC should support her.

The people of Mthwakazi are gratefully to South Africans at large (blood is thicker than water), if it were not for the gesture by South Africans though this may not be noticed by some Mthwakazians folks, Mthwakazians lives would be worse off and heads-up to Mzansi and hope it's Leadership will stand the test of time and provide much need LEADERSHIP to a leaderless nation.

Think of a young Mthwakazian man or woman of 19 years crossing into South Africa to better her/ his life instead of developing self for adulthood. Hillbrow and other areas where Mthwakazians struggle for a living is a time bomb, worse this young community is bearing children who are stateless persons. Let all Mthwakazi arise to defend their freedom and their land which has been begotten to them by their forebears as no-one will do it for them. Some might be afraid of death but without secured future one is already dead, their forebears defended the land with their own blood against machine guns, why not do the same for the sake of future generations to come otherwise they will spit on your graves. Mthwakazians should to take up arms if need be, defend their land against Zimbabwe.

As the Zimbabwean crisis unfold, of particular note is that the Zimbabwe government have been informed by Mthwakazi Leadership of various formations that they want to exit Zimbabwe and re-establish Mthakazi state which will be of benefit to both nations, this is primarily because Zimbabwe cannot afford to compensate Mthwakazi of the ills of Gugurahundi as each and every Mthwakazian is a victim. Should Mthwazians be forced to be ruled by Zimbabweans, Mthwakazians will never be happy and trust the Zimbabwean government and that's not good for economic development.

Contact Mtshumayeli at

Source - Mtshumayeli Makhanya
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