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Khupe an embarrassment to women

21 Sep 2020 at 06:49hrs | Views
IT is clear MDC-T leader Thokozani Khupe does not have a political compass, neither does Douglas Mwonzora have gravitas and that extra touch, worse Morgen Komichi is just a natural disaster and a time bomb.

The "major" new culture of these leaders is being appendages of Zanu-PF. They have absolutely zero integrity.

They are a species that has an insatiable appetite for leadership and are driven by monetary desires.

Their brains are muddied, pregnant and obsessed with destruction rather than building a very strong opposition party that is not prone to any kind of political manipulation.

In politics, without the people's blessings one is bound to hit a brickwall and will always struggle to stand the challenges. There is no free lunch on earth.

Khupe garnered 45 000 votes in 2018 elections and what makes her all of a sudden a leader of more than two million people? She must be shocked.

If Khupe does not open her political lenses, she risks being history and a political rogue soon.

She can't survive in this political terrain through recalling her rival's Members of Parliament and councillors. The people will make sure that they put her where she belongs.

The people are ready to humble her as much as they humbled Obert Gutu et al. This weak opposition political outfit under Khupe is doomed.

Khupe once boldly declared that she was in politics for money. People now know what they are dealing with and she should not be allowed to get away with murder.

She was very frank and the people must not expect much from such kind of leaders.

At least she was honest and brave enough to say it and she is doing it. She is just a mercenary and not a political game-changer.

She loves using whatever muscle she has at her disposal to manipulate the captured Judiciary, not knowing that the best court of public opinion are the people. Khupe cannot be classified as a role model in society because she has dismally failed the test.

She is an embarrassment to females and those aspiring for political office.

The moment a politician goes against democratic principles and disregards voters, they become an epitome of a dictator and an oppressor. She must not be given an opportunity to lead.

Constitutions are meant to benefit the citizens, not politicians. These kind of judgments which the MDC-T is using are meant to break the spirit of the people who are fighting for total emancipation in the people's struggle initiated by real democracy defenders such as Morgan Tsvangirai.

Sellouts of the struggle have been identified and will fall by the sword.

Khupe will forever be an embarrassment to the people of Zimbabwe for her blatant desire to wrest power from the people's president, Nelson Chamisa.

Source - newsday
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