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There is still hope for Zimbabwe

14 Oct 2020 at 16:34hrs | Views
With the current situation in Zimbabwe, where almost every aspect of pillars of the state which include the economy, social and political structures are bedridden it is of paramount importance that as a nation we should not lose Hope at any given cost. It is crystal clear that the current government which claims to have won the disputed 2018 presidential elections has failed to materialize its 2018 manifesto into reality, which has caused many Zimbabweans to start comparing the late President Robert Mugabe and the current Head of State President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Zimbabweans have suffered and the suffering will continue as the current regime is failing to dig deep into the solution box that may bring a better political, economy and social environment to our beloved country of Zimbabwe

The coming in of the Catholic Bishops to condemn brutality and corruption in Zimbabwe on its own it's a symbol of hope, when the church speaks it resembles that the winds of change are closer "The crackdown on dissent is unprecedented. Is this the Zimbabwe we want? To have a different opinion does not mean to be an enemy. It is precisely from the contrast of opinions that the light comes. Our government automatically labels anyone thinking differently as an enemy of the country: that is an abuse …"Suppression of people's anger can only serve to deepen the crisis and take the nation into deeper crisis. "The bishops said corruption in the country had reached alarming levels.

While President of the Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) Takudzwa Ngadziore (22), a student at Great Zimbabwe University, was first arrested two weeks ago and was released on bail last week following his involvement in a protest at the Harare premises of Impala Car Rental, which supplied a vehicle allegedly used by suspected state agents to abduct and torture second-year Midlands State University journalism student Tawanda Muchehiwa. Ngadziore's freedom was short-lived as he was arrested a second time and is facing a charge of participating in a gathering with the intent to promote public violence after he held a press conference near the car rental premises to speak against Muchehiwa's abduction in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's second largest city, when a regime starts to arrest 22-year-olds students it is a sign that its days are number, soon prisons will be full with political prisoners but when that time comes Zimbabweans should know that the sun is about to rise. The arrest and detention of this innocent boy resembles the coming of a new and caring government.

It was the iconic image of a woman protester that came to define Sudan's revolution, and women made up the majority of demonstrators. The rise of fearless female protestors like Joanna Mamombe is a sign that the coming revolution in Zimbabwe will be led by fearless women, the current arrests that are happening in our country is also another sign that the regime is now losing its grip on power.

A new Zimbabwe which will usher in a better economy, political space and a favorable social environment is now around the corner. I might disagree with Nelson Chamisa on many aspects but I now believe that Chamisa is a symbol of Hope in Zimbabwean politics.

knowledgehakata is a Zimbabwean contemporary politics analyst and can be contacted on

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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