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Zanu-PF blames everything on sanctions

23 Oct 2020 at 08:29hrs | Views
The sanctions which were imposed by the British, the Americans and European countries on Zimbabwe were as a result of human rights abuses and the land which was taken from the white farmers.

I would like to believe that Zimbabwe was right by reclaiming its land from the white colonial masters but the way it was done still boggles my mind.

Zimbabwe was a settler colony and that alone attracted a number of white farmers who had large tracts of land whilst other countries were peasant based colonies and were not as much privileged compared to those in Zimbabwe.

The former President Mugabe embarked on the land reform after pressure from the war veterans led by the late Chenjerai Hunzvi who demanded compensation from the government.

This riled white farmers whose land was forcibly taken by Mugabe's 'fast track' land reform, resulting in Zimbabwe being slapped by economic embargoes.

In 1997 war veterans were given $50 000 in gratuities each by the late former President after embarking on a series of protests. The unbudgeted payouts which amounted to US$2000 saw Zimbabwe's dollar losing its value by 70% in a day.

Poor governance, lack of policy implementation and corruption are major factors killing the country's economy.

Mugabe came with marches against sanctions and Mnangagwa is also reading from the same script coming up with musical galas.

Zanu PF government should stop complaining about the effects of these Western imposed sanctions but should rather concentrate on improving the country's economy through regional and local investors.

The revolutionary party allocated land to thousands of its supporters and these people should be empowered and given financial support to improve on production.

Zanu PF has a tendency of shifting the blame on sanctions when it fails to plan ahead. Firstly the scourge of corruption has proved to be the stumbling block in President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government.

Mnangagwa is not sincere in fighting corruption as there is glaring evidence for everyone to see.

A very good example is that of former Minister of Health Obadiah Moyo who was involved in $US60 million tender with Drax International a company owned by Delish Nguwaya, the accused persons are scotfree and not behind bars.

Corruption is institutionalised in Zanu PF government accompanied by a catch and a release, so crying that sanctions are destroying the country will not be taken seriously.

In order for sanctions to be removed Zanu PF knows what must be done. It's unfortunate that Zanu PF government is not serious in pursuing political and economic reforms and it will be hard to receive international support.

Selective application of the law is the order of the day. Political activists are being arrested and incacerated for days on trumped up charges without getting bail.

On electoral reforms we still have a yawning gap. Opposition political groupings have no space in the public media and we still have only one state captured television channel which does not give air time to opposing voices. Since independence in 1980 Zimbabwe boasts of one TV station and the few radio stations which are all under the state machinery.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa had a golden opportunity to  attend to national reforms as he had all the support at his exposal when he replaced long time ruler Robert Gabriel Mugabe in November 2017 but politics of entitlement shattered all the dreams to revive the country's ailing economy.

On his inauguration at the giant Stadium all political movements gave him a thump up in anticipation that he was going to revive the economy and bring back Zimbabwe to its glory days.

There is a lackadaisical approach on implementing  reforms because Zanu PF knows that the moment it implements these reforms it will reform itself out of power.

So the removal of Mugabe was a mistake and Zanu PF was supposed to first remove sanctions. This sanction narrative is being used to maintain the grip on power and rulership.

The other truth is that not all African Union /Sadc members are not supporting Zimbabwe. Some have a very strong relationship with the West. A very good example is our neighbours South Africa and Botswana.


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Source - Leonard Koni
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