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Female Judge fighting a merciless Zanu PF regime: worse than that of Ian Douglas Smith!

24 Oct 2020 at 23:24hrs | Views
Justice Erica Ndewere is alone, fighting the evil regime of Mnangagwa's Zanu, worse than that of Smith's UDI. There is not a single women's organisation fighting on her side to give her emotional assistance, so that Erica realizes she is not alone fighting a regime of Zanu PF. Previously we had three young women who were abducted by unknown secret service; the government is adamant that they abducted themselves. The young girls were abducted by third dark forces of Mnangagwa's secret service, not even the government and the army of Chiwenga know which organisation abducted the girls because it is Mnangagwa who is in charge of these notorious underground organisations who are accountable to him, reporting by the night to a thug whose criminal and murderous tactics knows no boundaries.

The women's organisations should tell us who they are representing. We have had a painful case of Chantelle Muteswa who fought for the return of her son from a rogue husband, we did not hear a word from the organisations who purport to fight for the rights of women in the country. Again we had a case of Merry Mubayiwa separating from her rogue husband who is General and Vice President of the Republic; we never heard a single word from our women's organisations. Senator Tambudzani Mohadi was nearly shot short range by a criminal, her former husband; Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, we never heard a whisper of disquiet, condemnation of the acts of naked violence against her; or at least giving solidarity to a fellow woman who is going through a nasty domestic abuse presenting itself at the glare of the social media.

We are writing about high profile cases of domestic abuse in our societies, violence that has not class or tribal boundaries but serious gender abuse that runs deep in all our patriarchal settings. In lesser mortals, violence of all forms can have barbaric faces. Let me explain one example: Yesterdays a man in Bindura allegedly gruesomely murdered his baby, smashing the baby on the floor and it died instantly. After killing the baby, he took the body, stashed it in a 20litre plastic container and covered it with pieces of cloth to conceal the killing. Reason for the killing was: this man in question quarrelled previously with the mother of the child as punishment to the mother he killed the baby.

Lat month in September there was ritual killing of a seven-year-old boy in Marondera. His body was found mutilated and some of his body parts were missing. In Masvingo three minors teamed up and killed a soldier during a fist fight with their mother by hacking him to death. The ages of the minores were 15, 12 and 10 years. In the region of Matabeleland, a woman was murdered, was accused of witchcraft by her son. Again in this region overly aged women are subjected to rape by young unemployed men who think that old women do not have HIV/AIDS infections. It is therefore safe to rape them. Old women are targeted just like young girls whose virginity is supposed to cure HIV/AIDS disease. Witch-hunt especially in rural areas of Matabeleland is common, ill elderly women with Alzheimer's or dementia become victims of medieval thinking and practices. The methods of killing them is hacking them to death by an axe in most cases.

One of the various forms of violence in our societies are gender-based violence. Shrouded in politics is the case of Justice Erica Ndewere who freed Advocate Sikhala who languished in Chikurubi Prison for political reasons. Justice Ndewere's case is more political than the rule of law she broke. Zimbabwe is a unique country: our civic society is not active until they are promised financial assistance from donor agencies. Only then can they do some work. They select insignificant cases of gender-based violence against women. A good example is when Zimbabwe's women organisation sued president Mnangagwa for gender parity months ago: this is wholly laughable. Laughable still is how they demanded answers from Chamisa: he humiliated his wife by grabbing a microphone from her at a rally in Harare. This comfortable and soft activism is not activism. We wish you could do more than what you are doing now.

From Zimbabwe Women's organizations: nothing was said about Senator's case, a serious case of domestic abuse by the highest top civil servant in the land. This is a man who went to his former wife's home intending to shoot her if he did not get those fleet of cars and some items from the home. Kembo Mohadi was in possession of an axe he used to force himself into the house. His security details were present together with the police and social media who captured the crime scene live on camera, they looked on instead, they did nothing to apprehend a senile man attempting to commit cold-blood murder while the social media was capturing the crime on camera. That scenario at Mohadi's home that day would have left Hollywood fanatics green with envy. The case of a Vice President showing off his political muscles with camera running by taking a gun to shoot his wife is barbaric no less. But here we go, in Zimbabwe everything is possible. Do Zimbabwean enjoy watching pornography of violence in our societies?

Our women's organisation said nothing in relation to gender-based abuse Senator Mohadi had to endure. This should never surprise me because knowing Zimbabwean women who are enemies of themselves, she is not able to assist another woman in distress: do we lack empathy? Instead there are situations where some Zimbabwean women laughed at the downfall of another woman, it happens daily. There is no profound solidarity among us as women. The downfall of a woman is the gossip story in Bulawayo and Harare; yet another occasion to laugh at.

On the other hand I see the genuine solidarity amongst women organizations of different nationalities and cultures here in the Diaspora. I observe the solidarity of women from Iran especially, how they organize themselves: no woman is left alone to deal with her personal issues in a foreign country: when I see this, I really become green with envy.

African women cannot emulate this global solidary of women to their own benefit. But we know how to laugh at each other more than we can to comfort each other. I can imagine how Justice Erica Ndewere is laughed at in the gossiping WhatsApp chats of Harare, gossip is a hobby known best by Zimbabwean women of all classes, it punctuates her. A Zimbabwean woman is merciless against another Zimbabwe woman at home and abroad. Do not trust a Zimbabwean woman with your personal secrets because she will destroy you with the very information you confided in her.

I would like to tell Justice Erica Ndewere that she is not alone in her fight, I will be writing Chancellor Angela Merkel today and will cc the letter to the international court of Justice in the Haig. I will write again a letter to the EU office and the United Nations offices for Gender, Terre de Femmes. I will inform them in detail about the abuse of law if a Judge executing cases according to the law and not to please the sitting Zimbabwean government is treated like a criminal. I am concerned about my fellow Zimbabwean woman Justice Erica Ndewere a legal professional who is harassed by Zimbabwean government; harassed for executing her legal duties as a Judge in a political trial against Advocate Job Sikhala. These bodies should know that some women in Zimbabwe are concerned and desperate for any kind of assistance Justice Ndewere can get.

This government of Mnangagwa is the worst government we have ever had in our history. The former white Prime Minister Ian Douglas Smith is now a saint compared to the brutality and thuggery of Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa. I pen off by warning Mnangagwa that those young men and women he trains to abduct, kill gruesomely will one day turn against him and give him the same medicine he has been giving his comrades in the party and the government for decades. How did Solomon Mujuru die? How did Itai Dzamara die or did he abduct himself? Does Mnangagwa get good sleep after those brutal killings of innocent citizens, Dzamara was innocent?

Mnangagwa should answer one question: who removed the mighty Mugabe out of power? It was his right-hand man who betrayed him, the man is Immersen Dambudzo Mnangagwa. Whoever lives by the gun will die by it. It is a question of time. Mnangagwa will be dead then for him to prove my statement right.

Source - Nomazulu Thata
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