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Mr President so far so good

03 Nov 2020 at 02:27hrs | Views
With my heavy heart I wish to congratulate HE President ED for a job well done following myriad of measures mitigating hyperinflation which has gone to extremes. Thank you so much HE and the finance minister Hon Mthuli Ncube for trimming ecocash to size. The black marketers made our life hard for so long before disciplinary hand wielded an axe to cutoff ecocash-tail.

Sometimes draconian is productive. Ecocash was abusing the principle of 'moral suasion' all along. It was afflicting huge damage to our economy through exacerbating market rates be they formal or parallel.  Before it was garnished Ecocash was acting like the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, all powers of the central bank was in its jurisdiction.

Should the aforementioned  malpractices go on and on unchecked the giant moblie telecoms company was turning to be the Alpha and Omega of Zimbabwe. However, the minister of finance Hon Mthuli Ncube chopped off ecocash tail for it to behave well. Against that backdrop Ecocash is crying foul taking litigation against government to maintain its lifeline but those are wrong convictions because allowing it room to manipulate our economy is a clear violation of our laws. Why is it that Ecocash couldn't emulate other players such as Onewallet and Telecash? Would anyone criticizing government over the same issue gives us an explanation satisfactorily.

As the generalities and bona fide of this country we applaud HE sir the President of Zimbabwe for capacitating all arms of government to deal with economic saboteurs like Ecocash. We are fully behind him despite those who want to paint his image for political gains. An English adage says what is good for the goose is good for the gander. That's what we are failing as a nation because an appreciation motivates someone to continue doing good.

Therefore preceding criticism at the Presidency is counter productive. No matter what they can say the President has achieved a lot under new dispensation. Reconstruction of Chirundu-Beitbridge highway which is almost halfway is a clear testimony of HE hardwork and fulfillment of his pledges prior to national elections. It shows he is living to his words.

When adjudicating the number of companies doing the good work along the major highway one would pick that the majority of them are locals.  Why the President loved locals more than giant international companies such as South Africa 's BIG FIVE.  Reminiscent of an Austrian company that won the tender under Mugabe administration one would ask why it was ejected in the process before commencement of work. The President was trying to correct those ills which were neglecting locals in favour of foreign companies.  It was neither a wise decision in the first place because the reasons why Mugabe  preferred foreigners was not convincing at all. Are they messing up? All the companies are excelling the job well.

Turning on those that criticize some of his policies whom they feel as repressive and draconian. With the peace prevailing in our country we have to acknowledge the good work being discharged by our security sector and in particular the judiciary.  To mitigate external threats it is the duty of our security forces to jealously guard our sovereignty  through enforcing policing duties and responsibilities such as arrests. During the past 3 years in power President ED faced a lot of challenges and the underlying cause being plummeting economy and rogue opposition. These two undertones elicited street riots and industrial disharmony which has somehow put to halt some major plans in his blueprint because much of effort was diverted to jettison national disorder. A good number of our armed forces were dispatched on our streets daily whenever the situation became volatile something which is very costly given the size and nature of our economy which was ruined for years but some of us chose to be blindfolded and instil further damage by prompting violent means to score political goals.

Notwithstanding the animosity accompanied by violence some sections of the media, civil society and the opposition lamented that the President is abusing state power against protesters. Is it true? One of the main duties of the government is to protect its people such that everyone's right is also preserved. But we have some people who think that their own rights are more superior than that of others. Yet we must enjoy equal rights at law.

Hence, the President is bound to enforce the functionality of government in an effort to protect the entire citizenry which is what he is doing.  As it were in the early days of Robert Gabriel Mugabe, everyone is enjoying peace and tranquility except those with hidden motives which have nothing to do with national interest. We are reaping from the President's goodwill in spite of Western imposed economic sanctions. Beneath those sanctions the government is paying all civil servants on-time, reconstruction of our main highways is on course,-PFumvudza project alongside command agriculture gained momentum and everyone is expecting good harvest come 2021 if the Heavens pours.

Perhaps that is not enough, could one put on consideration the efforts of the President on combating the global pandemic Covid 19 which has killed at least 1.2 million people across the world. Big economies are the most affected and as of now they are bracing for resurgence, the second wave which might be stronger than before because there's no cure at the moment.

Thank God Zimbabwe is almost out of danger as the number of infections are dropping daily. All credit goes to the President and his team for stamping authority to reduce an escalation. It is a palpable reflection of his affection and passion of the entire generalities whom might feel the pandemic much more than elites. But palatable accusations against the President over the same issue vilified not only himself but the people whom the incumbent serves. Openly those vexatious allegations are just a turncoat without substance because facts on the ground speaks for themselves. The President has done so far so good.

In simple terms, if the opposition wants fair treatment in the hands of the government of the day there must be a change on its tone towards the government. Too much confrontation, radicalism and counter attacks will worsen than mending relations. A change in approach and attitude is needed if the opposition has genuine concerns.

I have to mention it again that the opposition has to discharge undiluted political maturity first and start to respecting the President and his government. In return also the government should treat its opponents with respect. Such is the Zimbabwe we all want and I wish everyone has a role in defining it. Up until government opponents start to resurrect from the dark past, the future of our country will be doomed.

Source - Benny Gudo
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