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The day of reckoning shall come

03 Dec 2020 at 04:02hrs | Views
The political events on the ground already indicate what will happen in 2023 when political parties will bid for the occupation of the State House. While the time to prepare for such contestation is now, one of the political protagonists has chosen to major in things that will not bring votes on the table. Unfortunately for that protagonist, its rival who already enjoys the benefits of incumbency has hit the ground running regards preparation for the plebiscites.

A form four pupil who spent the whole year engaged in non-scholarly activities and never found time to study has no one to blame when he miss the mark. This is exactly what the MDC Alliance led by Nelson Chamisa is doing. They have chosen to be criticizers and not an alternative government.  The day of reckoning shall come for the MDC Alliance.
The MDC-Alliance cannot say anything positive about the ruling Government, save to discredit. They think that discrediting the government will help them grab power from the ruling party, ZANU PF.

ZANU PF is doing a lot to win the hearts of the electorate whilst the MDC-Alliance concentrate on social media that has given them a false popularity. The reality is only bared when Election Day reaches.

 Whilst they are good at criticising, the urban councils which they control are in fiascos. The councillors and the mayors are in a competition of looting the ratepayers' money at the expense of service delivery. The rural areas are fast becoming more developed than the urban areas.
As a result, ZANU PF always wins in the rural areas. It never disappoints the electorate in the rural areas. There is development in rural areas. The Rural electrification (REA) programme was introduced in the rural areas.
The ruling Government of Zimbabwe introduced REA in 2002. This programme was established with a mandate to facilitate rapid and equitable electrification of rural areas in Zimbabwe.

According to the Permanent Secretary of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Ndabaningi Mangwana, in May this year, 129 institutions have been electrified in Mudzi district in Mashonaland East.

"To date, Rural Electrification Agency (REA) has now provided electricity to 59 percent of primary schools, 70 percent of secondary schools and 85 percent of rural health centres in Mashonaland East province. 129 institutions have been electrified in Mudzi district to date," posted Mangwana.

This alone pulls votes to ZANU PF come election day. ZANU PF House of Assembly members continue to embark on developmental projects. Boreholes are now everywhere in the rural areas.

The rural people now have clean water unlike in the urban areas where the MDC led councils provide residents with visibly dirty water that has resulted in some areas being affected by some water-borne diseases. High levels of water borne infection rates are being experienced in most of the urban areas.

The MDC MPs who spend all their time on social media and in illegal land deals do not care about the lives of those who gave them that power. They are selfish and only think of themselves.

ZANU PF practises servant leadership and do what the people want. President Emmerson Mnangagwa is known for practising servant leadership.

On his inaugural day in November 2017, President Mnangagwa pledged servant leadership and to work together in unity.
"I pledge myself to be your servant. I appeal to all genuine patriotic Zimbabweans to come together, we work together. No one is more important than the other. We are all Zimbabweans. We want to grow our country. We want peace in our country," said President Mnangagwa.

One can tell from what is happening that President Mnangagwa and his administration are walking the talk. What President Mnangagwa is doing is exactly what he promised the people when he attained power.

The MDC-Alliance is doing nothing for the electorate except castigating Government efforts on social media and making empty promises which never see the light of the day.

When the Election Day comes, they lose and start to sing their usual song that the elections were rigged. Some even go to an extent of announcing fake election results in their favour so that they can unleash violence when the actual results are out.

The MDC-Alliance Vice Chairperson Tendai Biti is one of the people who are too talkative for nothing. Biti announced false election results in the 2018 Presidential elections in favour of Chamisa. How did he get to know the results? He is not a member of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). Biti`s behaviour is now known by his party members. He is also known for going to the Western countries to tarnish the image of the Government. He even went to the extent of influencing the US to extend sanctions on the country so that they can start to blame the Government for economic recession.

Last week, the know-it-all Biti presented what he called the State of the Economy Report which was completely a non-event. Biti talked about economic recession without even mentioning the sanctions which are militating against Government's effort to turn around the economy. The presentation only exposed him as hypocrisy.

The year 2023 is fast approaching yet the MDC Alliance hasn't shown seriousness in contesting in the polls. They are majoring in criticising the incumbent without doing anything to the people who voted them. All this while, ZANU PF is hard at work.

In rural areas where the Pfumvudza programme was introduced by President Mnangagwa, the ZANU PF MPs are found everywhere educating the people on how to implement Pfumvudza. Pfumvudza caters for those who cannot afford bank loans to buy their farming input and equipment. So the Government had to chip in to provide them with the inputs.
ZANU PF will continue to garner votes in the rural areas because they bring tangible projects for the electorate. In urban areas, the people have lost hope in the opposition and now know that the only party to vote for is ZANU PF.

Source - Grace Chekai
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