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Deepening economic and political crisis pushing Zimbabweans out of the country

07 Jan 2021 at 20:25hrs | Views
The year has started at a very sad note with Zimbabwe going for strict lockdown restrictions deliberately ignoring and not putting into consideration the 80%  informally employed people.

The government cannot afford even to give grants to the suffering majority.

Those plying their trade in South Africa were caught in between two horns of a dilemma and were stranded at the South Africa border where the immigration officers were screening them and those found without proper papers being turned away and those who met the requirements had to be re-tested for COVID-19 at the border. Some had to resort to border jumping.

Zimbabweans are facing the darkest hour. They are paying the price for not standing up to the regime.

Unfortunately the African Union and the SADC leadership has been rubber-stamping this suffering and brutality for years in the spirit of promoting camaraderieship.

People are running away from poverty and hunger which is creeping right at their doorsteps.

The deepening Zimbabwe's economic, political and leadership crisis is beyond imagination.

In the wake of humanitarian and political crisis. Covid seems second to ravage the people's lives and causing economic hardships to Zimbabweans.

Comatose President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa led state is slowly losing control of leadership and is being too militant than being engaging and consultative. It is now forcing citizens to leave the country by failing to fix the dead economy which has been thrown into a deep end.

The magnitude of Zimbabwean challenges and what we are experiencing at the border are a result of manifestation of longstanding governance crisis.

Zanu PF government is still wrapped and engulfed much into a blacket of the revolutionary struggle than development.

It is unfortunate that someone forgot to wake the party from the slumber hence the lackadaisical approach to issues of development. We have a serious crisis.

The problem with Zimbabwe is that of a compromised and incompetent government led by a clueless and reactionary team,  spending much of its time and resources on winning elections than researching on important issues affecting the country.


Facebook - Leonard Koni
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Source - Leonard Koni
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