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Mwonzora, Chamisa scuffle (is there a Zanu-PF hand)

12 Jan 2021 at 16:23hrs | Views
There have been many accusations and counter-accusations going on since the ruling that installed Khupe as MDC T leader and which resulted in much turmoil in the opposition camp. While much or less may be true this article would try to unravel whether or not there is ZANU-PF hand in all this and if so whether it is justified.l intent to keep this article very short if l fail to please forgive me.

Let me summarize the whole drama in 2 simple dramatic examples.1 you have two enemies a bulldog and a lion and you happen to see them fighting what would you do? The best would be to help the smaller enemy (BULLDOG) to kill the bigger enemy(Lion) then you deal with the small enemy easily.2 You see a lion and its cubs fighting each other what would you do, the odds are high that you will support the young ones to kill the big one and then later you deal with the less powerful young ones. Tsvangirai did that , to those who know the events he joined hands with Mnangagwa in removing Mugabe with the view of dealing with the less powerful Mnangagwa, (those who doubt should read 2 weeks in November by Rodgers). So to watch your enemies fighting doing nothing would be very very silly in the end in history after world war 2 there was confusion in USSR(Which controlled East Germany) and during that time Germany politicians were touting and blaming each other until the squabbles in Russia were sorted and no politician would want to do the same mistake today.

My example above serves better, what started the fiasco was an internal MDC house thing and they took each other to court and by so doing they were exposing themselves to Zanu-PF manipulation as Zanu couldn't have let such opportunities go. The guy Mashavire who reported his party MDC to court was not a ZANU member so at this point no need to blame ZANU here but the moment the case goes to court obvious we know who controls the court worse more in this case in which we all knew the MDC constitution was violated clearly. From the moment the case was at court Zanu would make sure that confusion would continue to reign in these camps and that's where we are this day.l don't blame ZANU for that coz every politician should learn to take chances when the opponent is in his weak state and even opposition should learn to utilize when ZANU is having struggles if they can't then it is their weakness.

Then from another angle we have Mwonzora who had his political career doomed under the Chamisa camp, worse after showing his ambitions to contest Chamisa (remember its a taboo to contest a sitting president whether in Zanu or in small parties the pattern is the same), Mwonzora was down and out inside MDC Alliance, he was a pariah, an enemy of Chamisa cronies so his hopes to rise were shattered totally so when this Supreme Court judgement came it was his political life-giver he had nothing else to do than to seize the opportunity as he did and now whether he manages to make it as the biggest opposition or not to him the position is better than he had stayed inside MDC A. The same goes with Khupe who had gone out and formed her party which lost dismally in elections, the same with Komichi who had lost at the Congress this ruling was a saver to them and in all this l don't see the ZANU writing on the wall here, it was a group of individuals taking the opportunity to save their political careers as well as some trying to revenge Chamisa as we all know that every leader has his opposers.

As I promised to make the article short I think I should end it here this explains the details enough. However, my line of thinking is that it is very possible and without any undue influence for members of political parties to differ with their leaders without being used for example Mangoma and Biti were labelled Zanu for calling for Tsvangirai resignation back in 2014 and by then l told people that they were not Zanu and time has proved me right, the same as with Ncube, Mutambara and Gibson Sibanda in 2005 among others and Mwonzora maybe among them but as I said obviously Zanu will capitalize on such actions. As Zimbabweans I believe we should allow ourselves to differ and express our views independently without being labelled names that's the foundation for democracy.

Thanx guys for your time, I value your feedback positive or negative as long as it is put constructively, I learn a lot from your comments guys on Fb on byo24 on email and even inbox thanx guys keep it up. Note these views here are based solely on the writer's view and cannot be used as an authority and as such subject to debate, acceptance or rejection whichever case maybe.

Till next time.

Kumbirai Stein Chivhuna

Source - Kumbirai Stein Chivhuna
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