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We need a New Thinking Approach as a nation

02 Mar 2021 at 09:11hrs | Views
Few days ago, the Former MDC Alliance Senator, Lillian Timveous, and Blessing Chebundo, were being paraded at State House, and when I saw images circulating on internet, I said to myself, what value does the two bring to our nation?. Do we need such drama around, when more than 6 million people face starvation? More than 95 percent of the population is unemployed? I thought one-day, his Excellency, H.E E.D Mnangagwa, would parade ideas, new thoughts, new ideas, new discovery, new horizons, and I was surprised, to see one woman in yellow dress with stripes being presented to the President.

Those who saw Timveous and Chebundo at State House, might have been surprised, little did they know that " State House", is a high office, and does not deserve such drama.

We must be witnessing investors flocking to that building, and we must be witnessing potential international Organizations putting signatures of Strategic deals, which brings this country out of poverty.

That was one of the most embarrassing events, we ever had since the new dispensation.

On 17 November, 2017, there was a loud bang at Blue Roof, finally, when the former Zanu PF guerilla fighter, and First Secretary threw in the towel, and he signed his resignation, many people rejoiced in the streets, and there was joy and excitement alover, and promises were made about the second republican, or " New Dispensation".

I remember, that very day, I walked from Belvedere, to State House, where I met the former Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr Sibusiso Moyo, who was claded in Military regalia, shouted " Young Man, we have done it", and on that very day, himself and the then Defence Commander , and the current Vice President, Constantine, Guvheya, Nyikadzino, Dominic Chiwenga, were the most decorated soldiers in the country.

Patrick Chinamasa, the former Minister of Finance, the then Zanu PF secretary for Administration, promised heavens on earth, at Glamis Arena stadium in Harare. We escorted people to power, without realizing much of what it takes to be in poverty.

Shortly after the swearing in Ceremony of Emmerson Mnangagwa, of which I attended at the 50 000 seater, we were only told by Patrick Chinamasa, that the whole project belonged to Zanu PF, and he referred to it as " Chinhu Chedu", and we became the laughing stock in the world. In actual fact, Charamba, the Chief Secretary, to the Cabinet, made it clear that, " Chinhu chine vene vacho", meaning we never part of it.

I'm always surprised to see a highly profiled person, who is close to President , who calls himself , " Jamwanda", when he is a person of high stature, and calling. If Charamba knew his role, as a highly profiled person in the country, he would not make some stunning statements on twitter, calling himself " Jamwanda", what that it means, nobody knows, it is all about them, and propaganda on social media.

We have witnessed, too many ground breaking ceremonies, without tangible results, and we don't have proper Economic Recovery Strategic Thinking, to deal with current trajectory.

We need a " New Thinking Approach" , on our situation.

What do we mean, when we say , New Thinking Approach :

1. We need a proper Economic Recovery framework ( plan) , to deal with our situation

2. Political will to deal with Political challenges

3. Clear Sound Development Policy

4. New way of doing things

5. Sanity in the public sector

6. Investor's confidence

7. Redirection of expenditure to mainstream economy

8. Dealing with corruption

9. Accountability and Transparency

10. Cutting unnecessary expenditure

11. Removing Deputy Ministers

12. Clear Foreign Policy

13. Liberalizing the economy

14. Institutional reforms

15. Strategic thinking

16. Cabinet must reflect the best

17. How you deal with opposing voice must be exceptional

18. Open new waves . Since 1980, we only have one TV station. Rwanda has many, even our neighbouring Country, Zambia, has several TV stations

19. Advancement of New technologies

20. Try New Spanners

We need a New Thinking Approach around the current trajectory !!!

Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo is the Head of Zimbabwe Institute of Strategic Thinking, ZIST and he can be contacted at

Source - Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo
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