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Roll call for six comrades selected by Joshua Nkomo for the armed struggle who boarded a train at Luveve Railway Station

09 Mar 2021 at 12:27hrs | Views
On the 04 April 1964, after being selected by Joshua Nkomo President of the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU), the six mentioned above left for Zambia, enroute for military training in the former Soviet Union.

This year 2021, the group will be celebrating fifty seven years for that event.

Since after Independence in 1980, those of us who were still alive celebrated the day by coming together and thanking God The Almighty for the gift of life and by remembering those who had departed. May Their Souls Rests In Eternal Peace.
God willing, during this year's celebration, as the only surviving member of the group, I will make the roll call. Their responses are well known "DEPARTED"

I thank God The Almighty for the gift of life. However, of great interest to the reader is that on 04 April I crossed the border into Zambia also with, Albert Nxele. I had been into Rhodesia several times on combat operations. But on  13 January 1980, after 16 years, Nxele and myself were in the same flight coming back into Zimbabwe, with the President of ZAPU, Dr. Nkomo.
Albert Nxele died, in December 1995, and is buried at the National Heroes Acre.

Edward BHEBHE (Mzwazwa) died before Independence; Peter MADLELA died after Independence; Walter MBAMBO died after Independence and is buried at the Provincial Heroes Acre in Bulawayo Same Dumaza died after Independence and is buried at the Provincial Heroes Acre in Bulawayo.

Report Phelekezela Mphoko reporting.

Source - Report Phelekezela Mphoko
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