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A political crisis looming in Zimbabwe ahead of 2023 election

02 Apr 2021 at 12:05hrs | Views
The once prosperous southern African country's economy is now at its weakest point with low investment, low exports and very high debts. Corruption is ripping the country apart with little effort being done to eradicate it.

By Leonard Koni

The current state of the economic situation on the ground is the worst ever experienced in Zimbabwe since independence. A protest vote is likely to take the centre stage. Most people's hearts are bleeding over the injustices being meted on the opposition.

The main Zimbabwean opposition party has started mobilising for he 2023 election and it looks like there shall be no any kind of a dialogue between the two giant political parties Zanu PF and MDC -Alliance.

The One Million Campaign is likely to recruit more cadres The MDC Alliance is also mobilizing the citizens for a grand convergence for change under the people's agenda, reform agenda, governance agenda broad and global agenda.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa who declared himself as the listening President promised the nation a smooth freedom of speech but three years into power he is reversing the promise and considering enacting and introducing the Patriotic bill which is an attempt at silencing free speech and criticism of the President and the government.

The repealed draconian Aippa is being smuggled back under the disguise of the Patriotic bill worst than the later.

Opposition members are still being treated as enemies of the state and are subject to arbitrary arrests torture, harassment and are incarcerated left, right and centre for being the voice of the voiceless.

The sun does not go down without hearing the abuse or arrest of an opposition figure.

On Wednesday people woke up on the breaking news that Makomborero Haruzivishe has been convicted of a charge of inciting violence whilst the abductors of Tendai Muchehiwa using Impala Car Rental are known and were captured by CCTV but not arrests were made.

Makomborero Haruzivishe is now waiting for his sentence on Tuesday. This has riled anger from the main opposition which is angry on the government's selective application of the law and gross abuse of human rights.

This selective application of the law has become the order of the day under the tutelage of President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government.

One of the most politically conscious song, from Leonard Zhakata 'Mubikira' where he accurately describes the vindictiveness of this lot and touches heavily on selective application of the law sums it all.

These are the pointers of a failed state where it channels all its resources and waste tax payers' monies on hunting down political activists who are asking for good and better governance.

The government's continued ill treating of members of the opposition and deliberately ignoring top government officials who were caught red handed abusing Covid19 money and smuggling gold is really a cause of concern.

Its not a surprise that Zimbabwe is now terribly ranked at 157th out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index.

Whilst the economic growth has stalled President Emmerson Mnangagwa must focus on rebuilding the torn country which he was part and parcel since 1963.

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Source - Leonard Koni
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