Opinion / Columnist
A plot to dethrone Matanga from police exposed
27 Jun 2021 at 23:12hrs | Views

Once again social media was abuzz with Twitter messages spread by Temba Mliswa attacking the Police Commissioner-General Godwin Tandabantu Matanga. Themba is a big mouth and an attention seeker who has been captured by senior police officers at the very highest level. Mliswa has therefore boasted that he will bring evidence on how Matanga is corrupt. He is relying on Mr Guvamatanga the permanent Secretary in the ministry of finance who was giving Mutamba information about Drax which Temba is now accusing Godwin Matanga of corruption involving and is the one who was giving hopewell ma documents which Hopewell has been publishing masquerading as an investigative journalist.
The Twitts seem very basic only attacking Godwin Matanga. But looking at the Twits at large Temba is being used by a Deputy Commissioner General and some Senior assistant commissioners who are after Matanga's position.
What Temba is doing is a well calculated personal attack on Matanga with a specific aim of tarnishing Matanga's character and hoping that Matanga will be relieved of his position.
Matanga has kept silent while Temba jumps up and down like a headless chicken.
Matanga is a man of strong character he knows when a pig jumps in the puddle do not follow it there. The pig will enjoy the mud and it it's dirty and plays dirty, such is Temba Mliswa.
Matanga is blessed with a strong character. Character" is a collective term for the qualities that you have, or don't have, that set you apart from other people. When we talk about someone "having character" in a positive way, these qualities could include traits such as courage, honesty, loyalty, and integrity. Our character helps us to decide between what we think is right and what we think is wrong. Matanga has left Temba alone despite the way Temba is dragging Matanga's name in the mud.
But Temba is not doing this alone. Temba is doing by a team in the Police hierarchy who are eying Matanga's position. Some of them were the darlings in the first dispensation and can surely be called the old outfits in the Police force.
Matanga is being piloted against by those who wish to take over and these are going after Matanga and even the first family. Temba pretends to be fighting for the president yet Temba is the most divisive person out side ZANU PF. He has appointed himself as a chief whip for ZANU PF and by so doing Temba continues to be used by those who have scores to settle against some people in government. Temba has had a go at minister Ziyambi, Temba has tried it again with Tagwirei and for a long time he is after Matanga. The truth behind all this is that there is a team of officers who are friends of Temba and they are all out to get Matanga. At the same time Matanga is busy doing his job oblivious of the fact that there are Judas in his team. Matanga believes his team is doing the right thing, so she continues to defend their actions and refuses to back down, despite harsh criticism and tremendous pressure. Temba Mliswa is on the case involving two million dollars which he claims confidently that was stopped in Budapest Hungary. He further claims that it was payment for PPEs which were valued at no more than 200k. This Mliswa lies with a straight face. Two Million dollars was for performance guarantee of the contract. This had nothing to do with PPEs. Temba has lied to the people because the two million dollars has nothing to do with COVID 19. Two million refers to a different contract ehe Drax has executed the specific Performance by delivering the goods. Without any Evidence Temba avers that the amount of 2 Million was sent from treasury to pay for goods worthy 200K. This case is no longer before the courts but no payment has been done. Temba also reveals that Ass Comm ObeyLaw Moyo the Director of CID issued a letter stopping the transfer of the funds into the Drax nominated account. So ASCOM Moyo just made a decision to stop payment without evidence and teaming up with some senior officers Moyo stopped payment and this action is to be causing great problems for the whole nation. For far too long Temba Mliswa has masqueraded as a voice against corruption yet the opposite is true. Temba Mliswa has raised this issue to taint Matanga and to protect his friends. Temba should be challenged to show how Matanga has been captured by corrupt elements. To the contrary In 2020 Temba was in the forefront of defending senior police officers who were charged of corruption. So who is captured and who is neck high in corruption. Temba tried unsuccessfully to persuade the VP Chiwenga to have commissioner Douglas Jabulani nyakutsikwa released after he was arrested for conniving with City of Harare office to acquire land for a friend and relatives unprocedurally. Temba again was in the forefront requesting the release of Director of CID Chrispen Charumbira to be released after he was detained for corruption.
Temba again dragged the name of the president in the mud when he alleged the corrupt officers were aligned to the president which was not true. Last week Temba was parading with Rushwaya who herself has smuggling cases pending. Temba who is a strong Allie of Obeylaw Moyo who is on suspension for corruption is always seen mingling with officers and people with questionable behaviour. Director for CID Magande ,Ass comm Charumbira and other senior officers are using Temba to smear and embarrass Matanga. He is shielding those under corruption charges and he attacks Matanga in order to have him removed from the position and be placed by Matanga.
But who is Godwin Matanga l? Godwin Tandabantu Matanga is a senior Zimbabwean law enforcement officer. Matanga is the current Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He was named acting Commissioner-General after long-serving ZRP Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri retired in December 2017. On 12 February 2018 the Public Service Commission announced Matanga's appointment as the substantive Commissioner General. Since that time Matanga has been attacked left right and centre by his own team. His own deputy and his officers a scheming for his removal. This explains why in the case of Drax Temba only attacks Matanga in his Twitter.
Temba Mliswa came up with a thread which he alleges was exposing the corruption of Commissioner General Matanga. He points out the issue of Drax the issue which was blown out of proportion by Hopeless Ching'ono.
For us to understand this case let's look at who is the target in this case. The target in this case is the President of Zimbabwe and his family. Temba fights the president in a very subtle way he took the advantage that his outbursts are taken as madness yet he is delivering blows below the belt. The whole case shows some treasonous actions by some officers in the police. These are the police officers who targeted the first family through Drax. They then attacked Zimbabwe.
After the Zimbabwe government paid two million dollars for the goods which was already supplied to Natpharm, the Zimbabwean Police through Ass Commissioner Ndou working together with Deputy Commissioner General Mutamba and ASCOM Charumbira instructed Assistant Commissioner Obeylaw Moyo who was a Deputy Director CID Commercial Crimes Unit to generate a letter stoping the funds to be transferred into Drax nominated account. This was done without consulting protocol. The police officers who are very senior with ASCOM Ndou telling another government that Zimbabwean government is practicing money laundering. This shows the irresponsibility of the senior officers. Having said this they are now turning against Matanga and they have assured Mliswa that he will be given evidence against Matanga. This is because they are targeting Matanga's position. Temba is playing as the power in the mirror. With information provided by Mutamba to Temba Mliswa and to Hopeless Chin'ono the case was wrongly placed at the door steps of the president.
The Drax issue angers Temba because Temba wanted his own company he was backing and his team of officers to benefit. When he realised that the contract was awarded to Drax Temba teamed up with Chin'ono and pretended to be giving out information which would look credible.
This shook the government and led to the dismissal of the minister of health and several arrests of Natpharm officers.
After attacking Obadiah Moyo Temba and Chin'ono then changed their narrative and attacked the first family.
The narrative was now "ED must Go" Temba still had a free play in the police dealings. He then set a team against Matanga obviously being encouraged by the officers mentioned above. The reality of the matter is that Mliswa has mentioned Matanga in this case yet Matanga has no direct or indirect involvement in this case.
It is unheard of for the police force to label the whole country money launderers. Then implicate the first family in a case which has been dressed as corruption issue. Let's not be blind Matanga is being attacked for defending the president.
Temba Mliswa is a sworn enemy of Zimbabwe he now has the support of the officers who in themselves are after the position Matanga holds. Matanga is facing clear sabotage by his officers who are eyeing his position. What is happening to Matanga is a Character assassination which is perpetrated by Temba and the officers who are not happy with Matanga. Because these officers are not happy with Matanga they do not care even if their actions affect the good name of the nation and the name of the first Family. Delish Nguwaya and Obadiah Moyo are the victims of the war wedged against Matanga by his deputies. We must remember that character assassination is a deliberate and sustained effort to damage the reputation or credibility of an individual.The term could also be selectively applied to social groups and institutions. Agents of character assassinations employ a mix of open and covert methods to achieve their goals, such as raising false accusations, planting and fostering rumors, and manipulating information.
Character assassination happens through character attacks. These can take many forms, such as spoken insults, speeches, pamphlets, campaign ads, cartoons, and internet memes. For some historical figures, that damage caused by character assassination endures for centuries.
Character Assassination may involve exaggeration, misleading half-truths, or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person. It is a form of defamation and can be a form of ad hominem argument.
The behaviour of Temba Mliswa is meant to tarnish the image of the first family together with the country.
Firstly it is treasonous of the police to say the nation has sent funds in a laundering way. This tarnishes the image of the country. It is a fact that Drax had supplied PPEs. The question of overcharging was raised by Temba Mliswa through Chin'ono and Mutamba Charumbira and Ndou. Obey Law Moyo did not obey the law but took sides of those who were corrupt themselves.
There has never been a dispute that the products were not delivered. Some PPEs are held at the airport in Zimbabwe.
The effects of the behaviour of the police officers and their puppet Temba has costed Zimbabwe heavily. At the moment Zimbabwe has lost investors. No one wants to deal with a country which use your products then change the price and finally refuse to pay. The country which arrests the foreign representatives over a civil case is a danger to trade. This is the label Zimbabwe has because of the actions of Temba and his team of officers.
One should ask that if this matter was genuine why was it not handled by SACU or ZAAC. Temba as we were told by his girlfriend has been planning to kill the President's son. One of the twins. This could have been just a rumour but with Temba you can not ignore this. He then has gone on to include Matanga in this case yet there is nowhere Matanga has been involved in this case. Instead Mutamba and Charumbira in cahoots with Obeylaw Moyo and Ndou have played Temba in their war to dethrone Matanga. While they do this they do not care what they do to the first family.
Reading Mliswa's Twitts will show that Temba is a lunatic on Twitter. He is simply attacking Matanga so that Mutamba gets a chance to succeed. So the reality of the matter is that Matanga is being dragged in the mud by those who want his position at all costs. The actions of the four officers is dividing the police leadership. Daggers are out against Matanga but we all know that Matanga is only being used as a step towards The president. In short there is a thick plot against president Mnangagwa.
It is the character of the president which is being torn apart by Temba Mliswa. In talking about Matanga One cannot but feel that a very grave responsibility rests upon us as a nation to defend our police force. So far as Matanga is concerned, in any act he has done, in any letter he has written, or in the matter of the card which has put him in the present position, he withdraws nothing. He has done all those things with a premeditation and a deter-mination, at all risks, and at all hazards to try to serve his nation his president and the interfaith of the Police. Whether Matanga was right or whether he was wrong, you have probably to some extent information on which you can found a judgment. Matanga's conduct in this respect has been absolutely consistent all through, and if Temba has evidence he must produce it not just attacking Matanga through the Twitter.
Temba has alleged nothing but only malice. Therefore there were no circumstances rendering Mr Matanga liable to the accusations which Temba has been putting across to the public. Temba's present Twitter was done from malice arising out of greed and corruption on the party of The Law protects free speech, but when an untrue statement causes real harm, defamation laws and constitutional protections can collide.
Defamation laws protect people whose careers, reputations, finances and/or health have been damaged by untrue, harmful statements. However, defamation law often intersects with laws protecting the freedom of speech guaranteed by the constitution of Zimbabwe.
So, just as it's important to protect people from the harms that untrue statements may cause, it's necessary to protect the right to speak freely and without fear of reprisal.
If the defendant can prove the statement he or she made was true, the defamation case ends there. People cannot be punished for speaking the truth, no matter how ugly or embarrassing it may be. Truth is always a defense to a claim of defamation. But Temba Mliswa is a virgin to the Truth. He is motivated by greed and this anger in him is so destructive.
Temba is a lose cannon and he must be controlled. His hatred against Matanga is destroying the nation. By continuing his fight against Matanga Temba is putting the name of our police force in disrepute. Once you attack the head you have attacked the whole body. So the whole police force is being attacked by Temba Milisa.
This scandalous behaviour by Temba must be dealt with. Zimbabwe is losing investors because of people who always Twit negatives against Zimbabwe. Operating a police or security service within a liberal democracy does of course pose problems and occasionally dilemmas. But Temba is a cancer which must be put in its right place. Temba must leave Matanga Alone.
The Twitts seem very basic only attacking Godwin Matanga. But looking at the Twits at large Temba is being used by a Deputy Commissioner General and some Senior assistant commissioners who are after Matanga's position.
What Temba is doing is a well calculated personal attack on Matanga with a specific aim of tarnishing Matanga's character and hoping that Matanga will be relieved of his position.
Matanga has kept silent while Temba jumps up and down like a headless chicken.
Matanga is a man of strong character he knows when a pig jumps in the puddle do not follow it there. The pig will enjoy the mud and it it's dirty and plays dirty, such is Temba Mliswa.
Matanga is blessed with a strong character. Character" is a collective term for the qualities that you have, or don't have, that set you apart from other people. When we talk about someone "having character" in a positive way, these qualities could include traits such as courage, honesty, loyalty, and integrity. Our character helps us to decide between what we think is right and what we think is wrong. Matanga has left Temba alone despite the way Temba is dragging Matanga's name in the mud.
But Temba is not doing this alone. Temba is doing by a team in the Police hierarchy who are eying Matanga's position. Some of them were the darlings in the first dispensation and can surely be called the old outfits in the Police force.
Matanga is being piloted against by those who wish to take over and these are going after Matanga and even the first family. Temba pretends to be fighting for the president yet Temba is the most divisive person out side ZANU PF. He has appointed himself as a chief whip for ZANU PF and by so doing Temba continues to be used by those who have scores to settle against some people in government. Temba has had a go at minister Ziyambi, Temba has tried it again with Tagwirei and for a long time he is after Matanga. The truth behind all this is that there is a team of officers who are friends of Temba and they are all out to get Matanga. At the same time Matanga is busy doing his job oblivious of the fact that there are Judas in his team. Matanga believes his team is doing the right thing, so she continues to defend their actions and refuses to back down, despite harsh criticism and tremendous pressure. Temba Mliswa is on the case involving two million dollars which he claims confidently that was stopped in Budapest Hungary. He further claims that it was payment for PPEs which were valued at no more than 200k. This Mliswa lies with a straight face. Two Million dollars was for performance guarantee of the contract. This had nothing to do with PPEs. Temba has lied to the people because the two million dollars has nothing to do with COVID 19. Two million refers to a different contract ehe Drax has executed the specific Performance by delivering the goods. Without any Evidence Temba avers that the amount of 2 Million was sent from treasury to pay for goods worthy 200K. This case is no longer before the courts but no payment has been done. Temba also reveals that Ass Comm ObeyLaw Moyo the Director of CID issued a letter stopping the transfer of the funds into the Drax nominated account. So ASCOM Moyo just made a decision to stop payment without evidence and teaming up with some senior officers Moyo stopped payment and this action is to be causing great problems for the whole nation. For far too long Temba Mliswa has masqueraded as a voice against corruption yet the opposite is true. Temba Mliswa has raised this issue to taint Matanga and to protect his friends. Temba should be challenged to show how Matanga has been captured by corrupt elements. To the contrary In 2020 Temba was in the forefront of defending senior police officers who were charged of corruption. So who is captured and who is neck high in corruption. Temba tried unsuccessfully to persuade the VP Chiwenga to have commissioner Douglas Jabulani nyakutsikwa released after he was arrested for conniving with City of Harare office to acquire land for a friend and relatives unprocedurally. Temba again was in the forefront requesting the release of Director of CID Chrispen Charumbira to be released after he was detained for corruption.
Temba again dragged the name of the president in the mud when he alleged the corrupt officers were aligned to the president which was not true. Last week Temba was parading with Rushwaya who herself has smuggling cases pending. Temba who is a strong Allie of Obeylaw Moyo who is on suspension for corruption is always seen mingling with officers and people with questionable behaviour. Director for CID Magande ,Ass comm Charumbira and other senior officers are using Temba to smear and embarrass Matanga. He is shielding those under corruption charges and he attacks Matanga in order to have him removed from the position and be placed by Matanga.
But who is Godwin Matanga l? Godwin Tandabantu Matanga is a senior Zimbabwean law enforcement officer. Matanga is the current Commissioner-General of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He was named acting Commissioner-General after long-serving ZRP Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri retired in December 2017. On 12 February 2018 the Public Service Commission announced Matanga's appointment as the substantive Commissioner General. Since that time Matanga has been attacked left right and centre by his own team. His own deputy and his officers a scheming for his removal. This explains why in the case of Drax Temba only attacks Matanga in his Twitter.
Temba Mliswa came up with a thread which he alleges was exposing the corruption of Commissioner General Matanga. He points out the issue of Drax the issue which was blown out of proportion by Hopeless Ching'ono.
For us to understand this case let's look at who is the target in this case. The target in this case is the President of Zimbabwe and his family. Temba fights the president in a very subtle way he took the advantage that his outbursts are taken as madness yet he is delivering blows below the belt. The whole case shows some treasonous actions by some officers in the police. These are the police officers who targeted the first family through Drax. They then attacked Zimbabwe.
After the Zimbabwe government paid two million dollars for the goods which was already supplied to Natpharm, the Zimbabwean Police through Ass Commissioner Ndou working together with Deputy Commissioner General Mutamba and ASCOM Charumbira instructed Assistant Commissioner Obeylaw Moyo who was a Deputy Director CID Commercial Crimes Unit to generate a letter stoping the funds to be transferred into Drax nominated account. This was done without consulting protocol. The police officers who are very senior with ASCOM Ndou telling another government that Zimbabwean government is practicing money laundering. This shows the irresponsibility of the senior officers. Having said this they are now turning against Matanga and they have assured Mliswa that he will be given evidence against Matanga. This is because they are targeting Matanga's position. Temba is playing as the power in the mirror. With information provided by Mutamba to Temba Mliswa and to Hopeless Chin'ono the case was wrongly placed at the door steps of the president.
The Drax issue angers Temba because Temba wanted his own company he was backing and his team of officers to benefit. When he realised that the contract was awarded to Drax Temba teamed up with Chin'ono and pretended to be giving out information which would look credible.
This shook the government and led to the dismissal of the minister of health and several arrests of Natpharm officers.
After attacking Obadiah Moyo Temba and Chin'ono then changed their narrative and attacked the first family.
The narrative was now "ED must Go" Temba still had a free play in the police dealings. He then set a team against Matanga obviously being encouraged by the officers mentioned above. The reality of the matter is that Mliswa has mentioned Matanga in this case yet Matanga has no direct or indirect involvement in this case.
Temba Mliswa is a sworn enemy of Zimbabwe he now has the support of the officers who in themselves are after the position Matanga holds. Matanga is facing clear sabotage by his officers who are eyeing his position. What is happening to Matanga is a Character assassination which is perpetrated by Temba and the officers who are not happy with Matanga. Because these officers are not happy with Matanga they do not care even if their actions affect the good name of the nation and the name of the first Family. Delish Nguwaya and Obadiah Moyo are the victims of the war wedged against Matanga by his deputies. We must remember that character assassination is a deliberate and sustained effort to damage the reputation or credibility of an individual.The term could also be selectively applied to social groups and institutions. Agents of character assassinations employ a mix of open and covert methods to achieve their goals, such as raising false accusations, planting and fostering rumors, and manipulating information.
Character assassination happens through character attacks. These can take many forms, such as spoken insults, speeches, pamphlets, campaign ads, cartoons, and internet memes. For some historical figures, that damage caused by character assassination endures for centuries.
Character Assassination may involve exaggeration, misleading half-truths, or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person. It is a form of defamation and can be a form of ad hominem argument.
The behaviour of Temba Mliswa is meant to tarnish the image of the first family together with the country.
Firstly it is treasonous of the police to say the nation has sent funds in a laundering way. This tarnishes the image of the country. It is a fact that Drax had supplied PPEs. The question of overcharging was raised by Temba Mliswa through Chin'ono and Mutamba Charumbira and Ndou. Obey Law Moyo did not obey the law but took sides of those who were corrupt themselves.
There has never been a dispute that the products were not delivered. Some PPEs are held at the airport in Zimbabwe.
The effects of the behaviour of the police officers and their puppet Temba has costed Zimbabwe heavily. At the moment Zimbabwe has lost investors. No one wants to deal with a country which use your products then change the price and finally refuse to pay. The country which arrests the foreign representatives over a civil case is a danger to trade. This is the label Zimbabwe has because of the actions of Temba and his team of officers.
One should ask that if this matter was genuine why was it not handled by SACU or ZAAC. Temba as we were told by his girlfriend has been planning to kill the President's son. One of the twins. This could have been just a rumour but with Temba you can not ignore this. He then has gone on to include Matanga in this case yet there is nowhere Matanga has been involved in this case. Instead Mutamba and Charumbira in cahoots with Obeylaw Moyo and Ndou have played Temba in their war to dethrone Matanga. While they do this they do not care what they do to the first family.
Reading Mliswa's Twitts will show that Temba is a lunatic on Twitter. He is simply attacking Matanga so that Mutamba gets a chance to succeed. So the reality of the matter is that Matanga is being dragged in the mud by those who want his position at all costs. The actions of the four officers is dividing the police leadership. Daggers are out against Matanga but we all know that Matanga is only being used as a step towards The president. In short there is a thick plot against president Mnangagwa.
It is the character of the president which is being torn apart by Temba Mliswa. In talking about Matanga One cannot but feel that a very grave responsibility rests upon us as a nation to defend our police force. So far as Matanga is concerned, in any act he has done, in any letter he has written, or in the matter of the card which has put him in the present position, he withdraws nothing. He has done all those things with a premeditation and a deter-mination, at all risks, and at all hazards to try to serve his nation his president and the interfaith of the Police. Whether Matanga was right or whether he was wrong, you have probably to some extent information on which you can found a judgment. Matanga's conduct in this respect has been absolutely consistent all through, and if Temba has evidence he must produce it not just attacking Matanga through the Twitter.
Temba has alleged nothing but only malice. Therefore there were no circumstances rendering Mr Matanga liable to the accusations which Temba has been putting across to the public. Temba's present Twitter was done from malice arising out of greed and corruption on the party of The Law protects free speech, but when an untrue statement causes real harm, defamation laws and constitutional protections can collide.
Defamation laws protect people whose careers, reputations, finances and/or health have been damaged by untrue, harmful statements. However, defamation law often intersects with laws protecting the freedom of speech guaranteed by the constitution of Zimbabwe.
So, just as it's important to protect people from the harms that untrue statements may cause, it's necessary to protect the right to speak freely and without fear of reprisal.
If the defendant can prove the statement he or she made was true, the defamation case ends there. People cannot be punished for speaking the truth, no matter how ugly or embarrassing it may be. Truth is always a defense to a claim of defamation. But Temba Mliswa is a virgin to the Truth. He is motivated by greed and this anger in him is so destructive.
Temba is a lose cannon and he must be controlled. His hatred against Matanga is destroying the nation. By continuing his fight against Matanga Temba is putting the name of our police force in disrepute. Once you attack the head you have attacked the whole body. So the whole police force is being attacked by Temba Milisa.
This scandalous behaviour by Temba must be dealt with. Zimbabwe is losing investors because of people who always Twit negatives against Zimbabwe. Operating a police or security service within a liberal democracy does of course pose problems and occasionally dilemmas. But Temba is a cancer which must be put in its right place. Temba must leave Matanga Alone.
Source - Dr Masimba Mavaza
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