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Government neglecting civil servants

28 Aug 2021 at 16:36hrs | Views
The plight of most civil servants in the country is in dire straits.

Most Zimbabwean civil servants have been wallowing in poverty and the situation on the ground speak volumes and it is  likely to worsen if the government does not quickly intervene.

The amount of pension being offered by the government to civil servants who would have served for more than 20 years is a mockery to the retired civil servants and will not even sustain a family of three for two months.

Mthuli Ncube needs to address this challenge where..the  figures have been zeroed. A protest vote is looming if the government  fails to deal with this elephant in the house.

I used to serve in the civil service and after serving for eleven years I left in 2008 when Zimbabwe  experienced one of the hyper inflationary period.

It is sad to note that those working now and are due for retirement  have their fate sealed and will wallow in poverty in the old age. There is no hope of receiving a good package after their retirement.

I can imagine when I left the civil service in 2008 when things were getting worse and now we are in 2021 meaning those who have joined the   civil service in 2008 are likely to go home with peanuts in the event that they leave employment now.

Most Zimbabwean civil servants have been wallowing in poverty and the situation on the ground speak volumes and it is  likely to worsen if the government does not quickly interven.

The amount of pension being offered by the government to civil servants who would have served for more than 20 years is a mockery to the retired civil servants and will not even sustain a family of three for two months.

Many are not even dreaming of owning a car or a decent house. Civil servants lives have become worse off and not improving  at all.

Teachers are earning  something around $US165 per month The moral is very low within the civil service and Zanu-PF government is sitting on a time bomb.

It is really disheartening that Zimbabweans are being led by a government claiming to be a liberation movement but still applying divide and rule tactics.

The situation has reached alarming proportions and needs to stop forthwith.
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Source - Leonard Koni
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