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Zanu-PF has run short of ideas

09 Sep 2021 at 11:22hrs | Views
ZUPCO and the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) collaboration is another command transport system that will further cripple the already ailing public transport system.

Transport, Communication and Infrastructural Development minister Felix Mhona has made another shocker after announcing that commuter trains will operate together with Zupco buses to ease transport problems.

Obviously, this is a command for the NRZ, as it has no capacity to run these trains.

Also, it has long complained that commuter trains were draining its coffers instead of making profit. The NRZ has said it will prioritise moving goods which bring money.

The NRZ has been facing difficulties in paying employees, buying new spares for its locomotives, some of them which are now in the scrapyard.

Most of its locomotives have been borrowed from South Africa.

And with this situation, does the government expect the NRZ to be like Peter of Siren, the man who came and helped Jesus carry the cross on his way to Golgotha? This is a heavy burden for NRZ.

Obviously, there is something fishy which the President Emmerson Mnangagwa-led government is planning, and only time will tell.

To make matters worse, some of the routes that were introduced, their rail lines were vandalised.

The government is creating problems which it will blame the West for imposing sanctions on it. But we know that good corporate governance is alien to NRZ. It is also riddled with poor management.

Mnangagwa must swallow his pride and stop the monopolisation of the transport industry and bring in private players to ease the transport crisis which the urban dwellers are facing.

The NRZ is already bleeding, hands off it.

Source - newsday
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