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Winning elections, fighting corruption not enough

13 Sep 2021 at 01:05hrs | Views
YES, we must expose and fight corruption. Yes, we must win elections by:

- registering to vote en masse
- voting in large (unriggable)numbers
- protecting the vote.

However, all these efforts are necessary, but not sufficient for Zimbabwe's prosperity.

Gaining political power is not enough. What are you going to do with the power? Change must have both form and substance.

Beyond winning elections and fighting corruption, six critical and foundational matters must be addressed now and not after victory.

The prosperity hexagon:

- An alternative shared national vision;
-  A corresponding national strategy (social, political, economic and  technological) — the game plan;
- Clearly articulated alternative, well-thought out and coherent national policies;
- A national implementation matrix (who, what, when, how, resources, timelines, milestones, definition of success, success markers, etc);
- A national monitoring, evaluation and feedback system; and
- Tested, ethical, competent and technocratic leaders. Yes, we must fight corruption as well as winning elections.

More importantly, we must embrace the prosperity hexagon. Indeed, all hands on deck.

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe
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