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Hands off Highlanders, let the club flourish

17 Sep 2021 at 20:21hrs | Views
THE country's oldest clubs, Highlanders and Dynamos have secured the biggest ever sponsorship deals in local football after they signed multimillion-dollar contracts with energy dealer, Sakunda Holdings. The two Premier Soccer League giants will each get US$3 million over the next three years. The development comes at a time Bosso was struggling financially due to lack of sponsorship.

This season, the club has gone for eight months without any major financial support, leading to continuous player strikes. Some players like Bosso captain Ariel Sibanda and his deputy, Nqobizitha Masuku tried to push for exit in search of greener pastures, but the club refused to release them. The situation only eased this month when internet service provider Utande came on board on a short-term deal until January next year. Sibanda is a very lucky boy, he nearly missed this brand new car given to captains of the two clubs. Had he left Highlanders, he would be regretting big time.

Now that Bosso is financially strong, do away with those meaningless and valueless so-called partnerships with insurance companies. All these small and tiny companies wanted to use the brand Bosso for their own growth. The fact that they wanted to pay Bosso on commission, their agenda was to use its support base to grow, which is scandalous. Continuing to do business with such companies is putting the new sponsorship deal into disrepute.

As for enemies of progress and fake fans who are attacking the Sakunda sponsorship deal, bring your new sponsorship, outbid Sakunda and sign a deal worth twice the US$3 million deal put up by Sakunda. If not, shove it and zip up. Where have you been when Bosso has been pleading for money to help run its affairs? Where have you been when players went on strike after going for three months without pay? The sad thing is that some of the confused fans attacking the Sakunda sponsorship actually buy their groceries from shops owned by the elite and government officials. Some have Zupco buses and are earning from the same government they pretend to hate. Some are clueless lawyers who have never helped the club in times of need, but are busy causing confusion at the club.

Hands off Highlanders, let the club flourish and Sakunda is here to stay. It's a sponsorship deal, they are not buying the club, stop your nonsense of saying the club is gone. Why didn't it go when we were sponsored by BancABC, NetOne and other companies before? Why didn't Madzibaba take it? No one can take Highlanders, you cannot capture Bosso, but you can capture individuals at the club and the club will remain.

Highlanders was born in 1926 and for some thick-headed people to think Highlanders will be taken away from its owners, the people, is very lazy thinking. As beggars, the club should and will always accept and embrace lucrative sponsorship deals. I am fed up with mourners who have no solution to the financial problems faced by Bosso.

The Highlanders family is happy, our players are celebrating, our captain and coach are on the wheels. Now let's win everything and shine.

Thank you Sakunda Holdings

Source - newsday
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