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Brace for the worst under Mnangagwa

25 Oct 2021 at 06:26hrs | Views
THE crushing of dissenting voices by the Zanu-PF government is just, but a tip of the iceberg compared to what is to come under the new dispensation, especially as the 2023 elections draw nearer.

While most of us ululated and heaved a sigh of relief on the coming in of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, we lost sight of the fact that a leopard does not change its spots.

It started with the killing of peaceful demonstrators on August 1, 2018, which was followed by countrywide anti-government demonstrations spearheaded by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions in January 2019, which saw the death of 24 people, as workers and citizens protested against the deteriorating economic situation following a 150% fuel price hike.

The reaction of the "mafia organisation" was more than what was expected, with the powers-that-be engaging in door-to-door visits, beating up innocent people.

We become desperate when army generals leave their barracks to meddle in civil affairs.

Police officers and soldiers reacted by going about shooting and beating demonstrators.

The Constitution has now become the proverbial white elephant and is totally disregarded by those who should enforce

Some of us, who still have a graphic recollection of the 2018 gruesome massacres, become very scared when authorities brag about not aligning the laws to the Constitution.

We also become very scared when the police are the new champions of disrupting political gatherings as what transpired at the MDC Alliance gatherings in Masvingo last week.

We become even more scared when the police "see no evil, hear not evil" when an attempt on the life of MDC Alliance leader happens right under their noses.

We become worried when Zanu-PF activists such as Tafadzwa Mugwadi dismiss an assassination attempt as stage-managed.

Even if President Emmerson Mnangagwa goes, we are likely to face a more dangerous monster coming from the rookie ambitious crop within the Zanu-PF leadership, some of them yet to taste real power. We are going to have young vampires, who will trample on our civil rights to retain power.

Signs are already there that we could experience a bloodier and more violent 2023 election than the 2008 poll.

Zanu-PF politicians have already put on boxing gloves and literally declared war on Chamisa.

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe
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